Apologies! Here's the link to tonight's show:


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What is Donald capable of if he loses the election. And what is he capable of if he wins the election? Is there a difference?

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"Anything" is the answer to both.

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January 6th will look peaceful in comparrison.

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He was president then. He’s not president now and he won’t be on January 6. And the country /law enforcement is far more prepared now than it was then.

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I want to believe that is true. As the "Spook" in the movie Apocalypse Now said: "Remove His Command With Extreme Prejudice". It almost happened.

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"Terminate, with extreme prejudice."

Personally, I'd rather see him humiliated at the polls, and then donning the orange prison suit.

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Good Day. I intentionally avoided the "T" word in my comment. Times Are Dangerous these days, in regards to "Free Speach", that is. I Want Both! With Guantanamo being his Ultimate Residence. He's a Convicted Criminal, with Many other Court Cases in the future. Hopefully. AND A TRAITOR, No different from Benedict Arnold. And should actually receive the same punishment as "André who was hanged", while Arnold Escaped to Britian as a hero. 20 Years ago I knew that tRump was a POS. tRump deserves nothing less than everything that the LAW (if we actually have any LAW Anymore) can Punish Him to the Maximum with. I hope that I get My Wish. However, Your Wish would be better than what he will likely get.

Best Regards.

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Why not both?

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I believe that if the results are a landslide and completely conclusive, then nothing big will really happen. I don't know if that will come to pass. I only hope people overwhelmingly vote for the Dems in a show of strength that can't be denied by a minority of people in our country.

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If only it were so. These folks are unptedictable, violent, and crazy enough that landslides mean nothing to them. They rapidly weave conspiracies no matter how wacky to justijy violence. These people breathe and eat hate. I hope law enforcement and the National Guard eill be ready to roll just in case.

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I’m a veteran and I totally agree with you. These magarats are absolutely off their rocker and will do anything their master tells them to do. It’s the TRUMP cult and they’ve all drank the koolaid. They’re not coming back to earth one. They’re all lost.

I wish it were different, but they’re lost.

I’m hoping the indepents and the RINOS will see the “JOY” that Kamala and Walz are spreading.

I’m with HER!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Hopefully when Nesara gesara goes in affect, the military will change the rules to haters, get nothing. No med beds, no debt forgiveness, no refund on all our illegally taken taxes. That would be my rule if I was in charge, but I am not. People that are brainwashed, full of hate shouldn’t get anything.

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President Trump gave military complete control when he left. Read my 2 posts to Mary Trump.

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I don't believe that. I believe MAGA will go back to their closets and just brood. Look, don't you remember when they ran for the hills the moment a single shot was fired in the Capitol? They're not going to participate in any "insurrection" now that they know that shots will be fired. They're all a bunch of cowards who hide behind their camo gear. They're hollow.

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People thought that sbout the Nazis, too.

And they didn’t have assault rifles and armories in their closets.

MAGA attracts the looney fringe, and some of them are so brainwashed they’ll do anything.

I’m also concerned that a lot of local law enforcement groups, especially in red states, back Trump.

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There are no Brown or Black shirts working in the Biden administration. But there WILL be if Trump wins.

I'll say it again. MAGAloons are cowards. They will not put themselves in harm's way. As long as they have Fox, they won't risk their lives for Trump.

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Not to mention all the participants who are doing time in prison. Someone on Twitter (X) told me that I should try thinking for myself. I replied I do think for myself. That's why I'm not a trump supporter. It's true.

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We may not get a mob attacking like on Jan 6 but we may have a few individual maga true believers taking shots with high powered guns

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Honestly, I seriously doubt it. No one's ever taken a shot previously (except at Trump, ironically), and I doubt anyone ever will. Besides, isolated outliers are always a possibility regardless of who wins.

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Hate and ignorance is no excuse, read my post starting with Mary Trump.

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Whoch one responding to which Mary Trump post? Thank you.

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I would advise both the Capital Police, Military, and local police departments to haul out their pumper fire trucks to:

1. Block the access roads, and pavement areas.

2. Connect their fire hoses to all water supplies for these hoses and turn them on full force.

Anyone who's ever seen or gone to a "Wetdown" for new firetrucks knows exactly what I'm referring to.. These foolish people will NOT get near our Capital or Whitehouse. They'll be literally blown away and across the pavement right into law enforcement's arms.


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You all feed off each other, and none of you know what the hell is going on. Read my posts to Mary Trump. realrosej. Spread it around.

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I sincerely hope not!!

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That prediction involves believing that you know what a whole lot of other people besides Donald are capable of doing when he loses. Have you thought much about what is going on with them?

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I’m hoping when they lose their leader who will be powerless that they will slink back into their own delusional lives! However like others have said you just never know what ignorant delusional people will do.

These groups are made up of those ignorant proud boys, KKK members and other radical ignorant individuals! I’m hoping the military will surround the White House with a show of force like we have never seen before! I just can’t see these idiots willing to take a bullet for tRump. However he would love that. He’s a very sick man.

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Read my reply to Mary Trump realrosej. See some truth

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you keep posting this without providtmg thr information one needs to read your earlier post you admonish us to read....

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Fearful response

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If you are not afraid for our country I would submit you are not alive!

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Buy that boy hamberders slathered with high fructose ketchup and let nature take its course. Heartless? Perhaps. But no one will be forcing him to eat.

He's our Nero

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GREASY 'berders...and gallons of soda all day long.

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I keep thinking his diet will be the end of him.

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I tell ya, he's not looking well these days. He actually looks pretty despondent and vulnerable. It's eating him alive.

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He’s Hitler, Putin, Stalin and all other Fascist leaders in the world

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Is there a drug that induces a coma? If so, that should be added to the ketchup and his Diet Coke. Let's make sure he doesn't get a chance to do the damage he intends to inflict on this country.

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Perhaps if somebody throws water on him he'll shrink like the Wicked Witch of the West and disappear until all that's left is a hat. In his case, his hair.

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Hmmm, might you consider that that is offensive to witches? The witch's creed: "Do what you will and harm none." Hollywood mucked it up.

See 'Witches, Midwives and Nurses' by Barbara Ehrenreich, a classic history of the male takeover of medicine and healing from hundreds of years ago, where community healing and care were completely disrupted and witches became somehow ugly and evil. Completely oddly opposite of what they actually were. Have we seen this tactic anywhere else folks? As in today?Have we seen this tactic anywhere else folks? As in today? If one doesn't like the reality you're in, assuming even knowing what reality is, you can quiet yourself down and learn.

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Movie release in1939. Fiction circa 1900 by L. Frank Baum. Wasn't just Hollywood. But it is a shared experience of evil in a Grimms-like cautionary tale overcome by water.

Baum showed us good witches as well. And he was born one hundred years before me, in 1856. All that trivia aside, when I was young, I understood that witches weren't necessarily bad. Like ordinary people, they had the capacity for being good or evil.

Being evenhanded won't hurt. Being dogmatic invites karma to run over the dogma. Love one another.

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One can hope :D

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Good question.

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We saw what he was capable of in 2016,2020 elections & this one, he will lie and say he won. The difference is a Democrat is POTUS and can run him off the stage.

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Fool me once . . .

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Thanks Mary, I'm so very proud of you and your good works, blessings 💙🇺🇸

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Ditto. Mary Trump has helped us understand her uncle instead of just being agast at his ego and destruction. She's made us all more aware of the effects of an unfortunate childhood, and the symptoms of a very needy, insecure guy who's not strong or manly at all.

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In some sense, JDVance had a similar childhood development problem. His father left, and his mother was an addict when he was very young. In Trumps case ,, he was layer mentored by a sociopathic lawyer named Roy Cohn, who taught Donald how to use the court system to cheat his vendors and con individuals out of money through his failed business ventures. Vance was mentored by wealthy venture capitalist Peter Thiel who taught Vance to use other people’s money to skim profits off of start. ups, then hollow out the companies and lay off the employees when he was done. Two peas in a pod.

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Thank you Mary! I’m really so grateful that you had the courage to stand up and inform us of the more intimate details of your uncle’s life!

One thing that concerns me is his son’s and will they try to pick up where he left off? They were probably raised just like he was and would be capable of carrying on his legacy! I should think they would want to change their name have some plastic surgery and move as far away as possible.

I’m thinking you don’t have family reunions so maybe you will never have to see him.

Gos bless you Mary💙💙

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Don Jr. and Eric don’t seem to be much of a threat to me. They both fight hard to please their father, who cannot be pleased and for whom nothing is ever enough. They seem weak and dependent to me. I have a hard time imagining either of them having the strength of character to replace their father. Are they clones of their father? Doubtful , because Ivana seems to have been a competent mother. So while in important ways they may be psychologically and developmentally intact, they seem to be rather soulless men who have been devastated by the lack of a reasonably healthy interaction with their father.

Their world necessarily revolved around their father and they never had a chance to define themselves as individuals separate from their father and capable of having interests not related to their father.

Perhaps in their 20’s or 30’s they could have made a decision to turn away from their father but they made the fatal decision of sticking with him to hopefully gain his attention and love. trump is so focused on himself that he is unable to appreciate his sons as relatively independent men. They could’ve said, “Well, that’s him,” and gone in a different direction but they didn’t. Tragic, really.

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Mary, what do you think will happen if Don-old will get jail time on Sept 16th? Will he flip out, run to Russia? Inquiring minds want to know, lol.

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There is always good chance that Don-old will eventually either be assinated, run to Russia, or killed by loss soul infected mind killer (ex: Thomas Cooks), or heart attack, or unexpected death because he is a dual Gemini which mean everything will happen in his life become twice.

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Will jump on! Here is a link to the Harris campaign’s U Tube channel. It’s fun to watch the events live https://youtube.com/@kamalaharris?si=0Misr-aRzGobAugy

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That story about DT’s history is sad.

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It's textbook. Read her book "Too Much and Never Enough" His father, Fred Sr., was a monster.

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Trump's grandfather ran a brothel in Canada before he came to the US. It's genetic for him to be a monster. Many people have experienced poor childhoods at critical times and thru self awareness compensated and developed a soul and morals. Don old just got all the bad genes and circumstances reinforced their power.

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YES but... he could have chosen mental health help at any point of his life, rather than sex parties, grabbibg women, narcissism and havinf Kids from 3 different women- so I have no pity as he certainly could have afforded to get the help he needes.

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By the time his father was done, it was beyond his capabilities. Read Dr. Mary's book-you'll understand, and it's another way of supporting her.

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The review that got me to click that buy button for "Too Much and Never Enough" was the LA Times Review that read "The most devastating thing about Mary Trump’s portrait is her empathy for Donald Trump." I didn't need a book to tell me that Donald Trump is hateful and will do many awful things, but a book that would help me understand a bit more seemed worth reading. It was.

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Hi Mary, and thank you for your help in trying to understand your incomprehensible uncle. I'm curious about Melania and where she is during all this election season, and especially during his court appearances. It seems as though she has left him. I wouldn't blame her, but her silence is baffling. Have they separated?

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Many people assume Melania is an operative for a certain country ehem. Ironically that is a recurring rumour about Ivana.

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I don’t care. He’s corrupt and soulless. Enough said. My sympathy is for his victims…the millions who suffered from lack of Covid treatment, the children separated from their parents and placed in cages at the border, the people dying from hurricanes in Puerto Rico while he threw paper towels and intimidated their government leader to rate him as a 10. He has caused pain and suffering to droves of women. He’s driven marginalized people back into the shadows without protection. He’s a rabid monster.

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Compassion for the CHILD. Wariness and accountability for the monster.

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That wounded, desperate “inner child” runs the now adult in its physical form, unfortunately. There is No mature, “developed” adult mind in responsible control, as all his greatest fears continue to manifest in his present day life. The thin veneer continues to crumble between the these aspects of the inner self. Easily manipulated by others for their own ambitions of political power and control, this internal instability, is a vortex within, potentially explosive. Perhaps even More a Risk: A foreign power’s Ability to Trigger his hair trigger Volatility, he’s so Unstable.

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Well said.He's so awful and does so many horrible things every day that we forget all the horrible things that have gone before. Thanks for the reminder

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Hoping more people come to see what u know and what others also have recognized as his true nature; selfishness, misrepresenting info., willingly lies, adulterer, disrespect of others, especially the ones who oppose him, name calling of others (so juvenile).

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He also brought the haters OUT of the shadows.

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Actually I think they're the ones to focus on, no matter what state or state of mind or privileged status or self-aggrandized popinjay as Shakespeare would have said. The bandwagon effect is an option for people; while DJT is a reality, one does not have to add to the misery around him, to the promotion of complete divisiveness even among his own followers because it's their modus operandi, their DNA even. We need them to shut up and go home, quit polluting the political air.

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and having a convicted felon for potus would validate and normalize all convicted felons. This place will look like Biff's world in back to the Future II .

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Someone described him as “an ignorant bully and a black hole of narcissism from which no light can ever escape.”

He is imploding. The mental health crisis and defense is not far away.

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He is dissembling before our very eyes. Narcissicists are the most dangerous when their lies and false realities are exposed in a way they can't explain away. They lash out in increasingly unhinged ways in an attempt to regain the narrative they have told themselves. The crowd size is just a visual indicator that Kamala is more popular than him that he can't deny and its driving him crazy. If the media wasn't so corrupt it would report on these obvious signs of his decline everywhere, but sadly it is and so they keep pretending Trump is normal and not the most unfit, mentally unwell petson to ever run for higher office. People can see hes cooked with their own eyes though and no amount of media whitewashing can undo these disasterous oublic appearences hes recently had and the polls are reflecting that.

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So eloquently and succinctly stated. Spot on, sir !🤗

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The med/mudd/ia billionaire owners have been intimidating their

reporters for quite a long time into following or not questioning very much The Republican bent of politics since Reagan or more. Talk about a cult. Now they're hiring ones that aren't even wet behind the ears and don't really know much about what they're reporting on. They are way too often a media-image thing that has greatly taken over people's minds and perceptions for the last two generations; often we are seeing people hired for their looks - an old office trick when the male boss is looking for a cute blonde secretary to fondle. Just a thought. We’ve come to a point of people speaking in newsspeak jargon that is so crowding our minds and thoughts, handy phrases that express strong emotions, yet not speaking plainly. So welcoming to have Kamala and Tim doing exactly that and which we are all capable of and so relieved by, not?

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Interesting. Recently read an outstanding artice in the Wall St Journal by Salvadore Rodriguez concerning ads for hard drugs on Meta, Facebook and social media platforms. Many kids are buying sh*t such as cocaine, xanax and just anout everything and the murderers lace it with fentanyl. Young kids are duing. The point is Zuckerberg recently testifies before a Congressional Committee , blah, blah. Briefly theteafter these ads were pulled. Once again 400 ads for drugs were found on social media. My point? I sent an email to him and received a reply, "Salvador Rodriguez is no longer with The Wall St Journal."

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Like saying he will sue the NY Times for their story about his helicopter crash. Their story did not match his version of reality.



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"Asked if Mr. Trump might have confused the two California politicians because they are both Black, Mr. Brown said, “I wouldn’t want to conclude that he can’t tell Black people apart, because I’d hate for him to think that I’m Beyoncé.”

And then he burst out laughing"

Loved this end to the article.

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Also crowd size for him may be equal to penis size or his degree of masculine power.

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Actually, hasn’t “the media” been reporting by on him? I think they have been. Articles appear regularly about his decline.

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Trump is obsessed with crowd size, always has been. It's core to his self-image as an entertainer. His followers have absorbed this message. They don't WANT his opponent to have big crowds! That would be bad and can't possibly be real!

He's claiming Harris' crowd size is fake to generate a faux conspiracy to waste time, because he can't talk about real, important issues, because his policies are broadly unpopular.

Trump is being publicly humiliated and the crowd numbers don’t lie!

Today I wore this VOTE removes stubborn orange stains shirt [ I got it from here: libtees-2.creator-spring.com/listing/vote24 ] to the grocery store, not knowing what to expect. As I walked in, a woman about my age locked eyes and gave me a small smile and the slightest tip of her head. I gave her a tiny wave and a smile. We may not all be wearing shirts, but we’re out here. We could have more than a campaign on our hands — we could be seeing a movement and a new coalition unfolding before our eyes!

We’re NOT going back.

We’re going FORWARD.

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I have a “Nasty Woman” tee shirt from Hillary’s time as the (BEST) candidate in 2016. I think it’s time to start wearing it again. 😁

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I'm just glad it's crowd size he's obsessed with and not something more personal!

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Just hope he goes emotionally nuclear and breaks down before 11/6! Um…The nuclear codes…

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Let's mock DON-OLD. He's a tired old man.

I'm working on this T shirt design. Think it's almost ready.


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I've done the same. Thank you.

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And if he does, who do you think they will toss into the ring next?

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I’m sorry, but other people who have endured much greater slights and hardships, including physical, emotional, and sexual cruelty, have grown up to be productive members of society. Your uncle CHOOSES to be a malignant narcissist and a boil on the ass of this country. He should not get one speck of sympathy for having an absent mother or a cruel father. Many who have grown up under worse circumstances have risen above them.

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People don’t choose to be narcissists. It comes from neglecting or overpraising by parents and sometimes has a genetic component. Narcissists don’t think there’s anything wrong with them, so therapy doesn’t work. Cognitive decline makes it worse.

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In it's most extreme form. I dated someone who was diagnosed with NPD, but didn't grow up with the extreme neglect. He didn't think there was anything wrong with him for a long time, but he experienced some huge changes and would have lost things, certainly me but more than that, if he didn't change. The therapy was court ordered, but I think he took it pretty seriously. He ultimately didn't change enough for our relationship to work.

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Both my parents were narcissists. We moved internationally every 2 to 3 years. My oldest sister is a pathological liar, and my other sister is borderline. I had no relationship with any of them for 20 years. I reconnected with my mother 15 years before she died. Although “reconnected” isn’t accurate as that would imply she had the ability to connect. I haven’t seen my oldest sister in more than 40 years. The other one I’ve had on again, off again relationship with and it’s off permanently now. Do I have narcissistic tendencies being raised by two? I’ve also been in therapy for decades. You are exactly correct, Claire.

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Did your parents choose to be narcissists and did your sisters choose to have mental illnesses? It must have been awful for you growing up, and it’s great that you’re working in therapy. I don’t quite get your point.

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I’m not “working in therapy.” I’ve literally been in therapy most of my adult life. I’ve had serious financial problems over my lifetime from paying for therapy when I couldn’t afford it. I came very close to being homeless several times.

No, none of them “chose” to be what they were/are. My parents were damaged people. My father was a sociologist who didn’t believe in psychotherapy. Do I blame them? No. Not anymore. They did the best they could with what they had. Despite the damage they left for me.

My sisters had and have more choices. Neither have chosen to get help; the middle one is extremely cruel and she chooses to stay that way. They’re better at denial than me. I’d be dead if I hadn’t sought help early. I never had an actual choice.

My point is the point of the comment I was responding to: Millions of people experience all levels of abuse and go on to abuse themselves more than others. I have no patience or empathy for the people in this world who do horrific damage because of what happened to them. The worst dictators of the world were all abused as children.

I broke the cycle. I also chose not to have children.

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As a child I was abused by my parents, and as an adult I had psychotherapy for a couple of years. The therapist told me that most abused children become abusers of their own children, but a minority become vegetarians or pacifists (using those terms symbolically). Fortunately, I was one of the latter. I never hit or verbally abused my child (and I have not eaten meat for decades). The therapist could not explain why an abused child becomes a vegetarian or pacifist rather than an abuser. I suppose that the factors are too complex to explain. In any case, I don't take credit for how I turned out; I just consider myself lucky.

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Because it is likely as a boy cild on some level you told yourself "I will never, ever be like (him, her, them$ and your decision to be a vegetsrian only you know why but it to is a very strong rejection of all of the the violence. It is an assertion of your spirit and your promise to yourself, to never, ever to be like them.

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For some people it is wanting to be kind to all sentient beings because we experienced unkindness. But for others, having experienced unkindness leaves them with a desire to get even by inflicting it on others.

Any reason for maintaining a meatless diet, in whole or in part, is great, because it spares some animals from suffering and death. Kindness is only one reason; concern for the environment (methane emissions) or for the conditions of slaughterhouse workers are others. For me, it's animal rights. Kindness is great, but we don't have a duty to be kind, whereas we have a duty to respect others' rights. To torture a sentient being, of any species, for his or her (not "its") entire life (which is what confinement in factory farms does) and then to slaughter him or her is wrong. One has no duty to love animals or be kind to them, but one has a duty to respect their rights. Likewise with humans.

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Mary was saying that she had empathy for Donald as a child growing up with neglectful parents. She has no empathy for the malignant narcissist he became as a result. Having read a lot about malignant narcissism when I was researching it for an issue with someone in my life, it’s different than the narcissism we see on social media because it’s evil, and people don’t grow out of it. They don’t think there’s anything wrong with them.

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Actually, I don't know if she's said she has *no* empathy.

You can have some empathy for a person and *really, really* not want them to every have a position of power. You can have some empathy for a person and be angry if they commit crimes and the public gives them a pass and makes excuses for them, especially if the crimes include the digital rape and continuing public denial and slander of someone you respect. You can have some empathy for a person but be very angry at the things they say and do, especially when they have cheated you and your family out of significant amounts of money, especially your disabled nephew who truly needs it.

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Working on your issues is what I meant to say in order to get to a better place. I’ve also had narcissists in my life, and I’ve done a lot of hard work in therapy as a result, and it’s certainly been worth it.

I was responding to Claire’s statement that people choose to be narcissists, with which I don’t agree. I have no empathy or excuses for them either for the emotional damage they do.

I admire your resolve in sticking with therapy despite the adversities in your life and for breaking the cycle.

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It's pretty clear to me through a whole lot of my own history that giving your narcissism room to roam is a default position of a lazy character. I link this very clearly with the horrendous use of social media which not only invites but promotes the image thing which is basically narcissistic. I really value the discussions going on here.

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Agree 💯.

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That was really well put. I like the phrase "giving narcissism room to roam". It's something to look out for. Are we giving narcissism or narcissists room to roam in our personal lives, our social media feed, or anywhere without identifying it, naming it, and making a decision about what we want to do about it.

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I understand and thank you. I don’t think they choose to be, either. Not sure whether they would be able to be helped in therapy. Probably not, because first they would have to admit there’s a problem.

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No one is saying that he deserves a break, but his narcissism prevents him from admitting that he has done anything wrong. It wasn’t a choice, it’s in his psyche.

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The part of that I would agree on is that the abuse began in his second year of life and that can cement the whole thing in. However, I don't know how much people take in the surroundings, culture, status, of any person but in the anthropology world that really does count. Trump had the great misfortune in a way of growing up inside of riches that he took for granted because that's all he knew; I have a portion of my own family to refer to here whose names I won't

add. The masking muffling protecting effect of this kind of wealth can and does literally create a bunker effect where everything is assumed to be proper the way it is already and there is no real room for needing to contemplate other ways of life when one is sewn inside the one you've got, so everything has to be categorized to have its proper place in the proper way of a proper life. How utterly boring.

I'd call it the king and his court effect. So equality is really not intimately allowed. It's the court I'm looking at.

And how damaging putting power in the hands of people like that.

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Many things weren't a choice, but he's had choices. He's made a lot of bad ones.

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Nobody chooses anything. We all act from our desires, and we can't choose what we desire. If, despite a desire to do something wrong, we overcome that desire and do the right thing, then that means that our desire to do the right thing was stronger than our desire to do something wrong. But whichever we desire more -- to do something wrong or to do the right thing -- is not within our control. Therefore, we do not deserve blame or credit.

This is not to say that we should not be punished when we do something wrong. We should be punished because the threat of punishment (such as facing prison time) may affect the strength of our desires. If we fear punishment, then the strength of our desire to do something wrong may be reduced.

Similarly, if we are blamed for our misconduct, or see others blamed for their misconduct, it may reduce the strength or our desire to engage in it, and, if we are praised for our good conduct, or see others praised for their good conduct, it may increase the strength of our desire to engage in it. Therefore, although we do not deserve blame or praise, we should receive it anyway.

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"Where there is truth, there is success."

Jewish saying.

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Hear, hear!

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However, the Heritage Foundation and the scores of people who would make it big if he gets elected are a huge worry. Truth, decency just are not enough to triumph. Let everyone know about Project 2025. There are people at work to destroy democracy and are using this insecure pseudo-celebrity to do it. I also want to point out that the press are unbelievably weak in covering Trump--never calling him out for all his lies and nastiness. Unlike with other pols. Why? He had a "reality" (not really) show and convinced a lot of people he was a business genius. It's a long time now, guys, let's get off that bandwagon and tell your audiences he's a sham ans a danger and TAKE HIM TO TASK.

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Npr just listed over 160 lies from his press conference.

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ALL reality shows are ‘not really reality’. That’s why I avoid them.

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The thing that never ceases to amaze me is how someone so pitifully maladjusted can manage to attract ~80 million people to vote for him? Not once not twice but now possibly three times? Where does his abnormal psychology end and the populace’s begin?

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I think many are changing their mind!

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4 people I know told me they wouldn’t vote for Trump again, but that was before Kamala. They are all very racist, so I’m not sure I can believe them.

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