Tubby doesn’t even live in Alabama how is it he can be their senator?

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The Maga publican cult is like a reflection, red flag warning in reference to what Hamas and the insane atrocity they committed with a sociopathic numbness of Donald's alternate reality machine gun lying. The agenda is the on the same crazy train track, one, shorter train" less people" 1000 miles down the road, their train station outside of a border, the other "Maga cult" train a million times longer, "millions of people" within our country, no border to cross, same country, states, neighborhoods, streets, jobs, stores, maybe next door. They had a trial run "Jan.6th", they think they have to take "their country back" the stew of hatred is simmering, being stirred, the Maga publican political/ social cult train covered their first mile on Jan.6th and became the Maga publican political/social/ domestic terrorist cult. The train has left the station on tracks within the borders of America, millions on board, big money backers, a promise they made in 1865,"the south shall rise again" and that country they want back, and will "fight like hell" to get it back. If that train is allowed to continue down the track 500 more miles what this crazy train brings will be far more horrible than the civil war 2023 Israel is in right now. The Maga cult is setting the stage right now, in our face, when the rockets & bullets fire here it will be from inside the iron doom!

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Hi! What time are cocktails tonight?

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Direct to Mary:

I purchased a ticket to the event tomorrow at Cooper. I am late making this request but I’m a singer/songwriter and I have composed a few songs about the tomorrow’s subject and I have made my request known to perform. but it’s unlikely to be read at this late date. I live in Connecticut. For anyone interested, I can direct them to my YouTube channel for review. My email is bkatz321@gmail.com and my cell contact is 860-956-2844

Either way, I will be there more. Looking forward to it.

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Rep. Ron Paul was R-LA. His son Rand is R-KY.

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I’d like to blame Louisiana, but he’s fromTexas. His ignorant son is from Kentucky.

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Ron Paul repped Texas, not Louisiana.

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The Fault for all of the distortions of reality that infect this nation, from the ignorance and its closest cousin, Stupidity, to the many erroneous and superstitious decisions of half its population, lies in the incompetent educational system that Americans are presently stuck with. The very idea for Americans to feel that their youths becoming lawyers is far more important to them than the functioning of the sciences should be an obvious malfunction of their decisions, but it is not. The nation has been living a lie for many years beginning with the end of WW2, so that today there are hundreds of incompetent and foolish people trying to operate a very scientific system that Sociology is best at. It is no wonder to me at all that failure is just around the corner. American Democracy is bought and paid for every time 200 or 400 million dollars is spent to educate a very indecisive or ignorant population. Again, it is not the fault of people. The fault lies in the system by which people are educated.

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I've been wondering for years now why the Democrats haven't turned the "America First" slogan back on the GOP. It's really easy to do.

First, with EVERY response from EVERY Dem, when asked or commenting about EVERY instance of obstruction, should say something along the lines of, "...this is what my Republican colleagues consider 'America First'?" Or, "...that's not putting 'America First', is it? Gaslight the GOP for a change!

Which reminds me of a line I've been using for ages, a variation of, "...as its turned out, the original Big Lie is 'America First."

If some middling marketing and communications dope like me can message this effectively, why can't the Dems?

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Because as the antiwar Sixties groups found out, "America—Change It or Lose It" doesn't resonate nearly as well as "America—Love It or Leave It!"

This isn't new by any means—SF writer/social critic Harlan Ellison wrote about it and "The Common Man", by which he meant the ignorant bigots who watch Fox News, or its equivalents back when he was writing in the 1960-1970s like Joe Pyne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Pyne ) and former Los Angeles Police Chief Tom Reddin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Reddin), and they've never been far from the surface. They're no longer a majority, but they're a large enough minority, and well-funded thanks to the Multimillionaires and Billionaires who want to keep America ignorant and fantasizing about getting a seat at the Big Boys' Table, to keep rotting out this country from within.

Also, there are a large number of Democrats who benefit from the same unequal system—not just obstructionist Republicans in all but name like Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema (who's a Corporate Right-leaning "Independent" now), but our supposed champions like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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Republicans, who claim to be “America First”, are actually Me First, Russia Second, and somewhere down the line is America - but only their Americans, not all of us.

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Tuberville, Paul, Vance, Cruz, Graham, Johnson, Blackburn, Manchin, Sinema, Scott; right there is 10% of the US Senate. 10% that doesn't belong in America, let alone the Senate. And I haven't even gotten to the House yet! Man, are we in trouble.

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Politics is a strange bird. We often seek logical reasons why our side is popular or not. But that’s only one part of the equation. In my opinion, we need to ask ourselves what is it that pushes people away from ideas that are expressed. Only then should we rethink ideas and yes, make adjustments and compromises. The art of politics is the ability to compromise.

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Great piece! Thank you!

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Mary again thank you for all the on-point information you put out. I’m so appreciative of your comments and FACTS! Keep it up, wish more republicans would open their eyes and take there hands out of their pockets! Marie

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He thinks he is getting away with all his criming

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I believe Rand Paul is not LA but KY. They have sent us a double dose of vile senators. There's got to be a word for when two of two Senators are so anti progressive/humane/character-less. The Germans always have wonderful terms which capture the levity and emotional complexity of these types of situations.

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I did not look up the info re R Paul's state, so please by all means wise readers correct me if necessary!

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Mary, thank you again. We here in Alabama and Mississippi who have walked away from the toxicity within the town hall spaces of our racist and misguided forefathers are striving to Be better and to Do better. Pray that we persevere and pass on a better legacy to our children and theirs. #bhmbluedot

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The current Palestinian attacks on Isreal are at the urging of their masters in Tehran. The Iranians are doing so at the urging of THEIR masters in the Kremlin. This is Vlad The Impaler's way of trying to take the pressure off his troops in Ukraine.

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Another source I find reasonable, and fair is Haartz.com an English written Israeli newspaper.

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