“it is always projection with these people”. Ain’t that the truth.

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It sure is but rarely anything they spew these days has anything to do with the truth. It's all the usual deflect, distract, disrupt BS and their endless call for the grift.

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Who ever first said about Republicans that "Every Accusation is a Confession" was more correct than they could have ever imagined.

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The refukkkans in control of South Carolina and the south-eastern tier of states, continue to prove it's money and power that is their true god, by their actions.😩😡🤬

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Precisely correct Terry. i've been saying this for years about theses buffoons; that they are the 'pop' - the 'projection old party' (and worse). As sure as i'm living, near anything that comes from their mouths most resembles "the faithless lover" personas; you know and likely have experienced this concept wherein a desired companion begins accusing you of cheating, etc., when in fact the concept never even entered your mind; Why ? You know why.

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The hypocrisy is strong in the one. 🙄

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Let's see her drag that scarlet A shirt back out again! That was hilarious the first time.

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She obviously never read the book. Stupid is and Stupid does.

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I doubt she's read anything at all.

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She was reading her "speech" today. Wonder who wrote it for her ?

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yes, I noticed that too... I used to think she was OK, man was I mistaken!

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True that!

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And...time to think of expanding new t- shirt slogans. Humor is a good messaging tool.

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It's like they throw out a banana peel for themselves to slip on!

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Lol... where's the lol and double like button ?

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The best method in my view Jan; it's self therapeutic too !!

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Nancy Mace is another corrupt, disgraceful GOPer. It’s a shorter list for the sane ones, this is truly despicable. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that these are our elected officials.

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...and paid with taxpayers money.

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Yes but what about the people who vote for them?

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Mary, I am at the poorest financial point in my life at 67 years old. I do see some light on the horizon tho and when it comes, I will become a paid subscriber. Thank you for all you do in the meantime! ♥️

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amen same me a 73 year old bankrupt Methodist Minister's son, who very much appreciates the compelling information you Mary have so far brought to light!

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Although I did subscribe with Mary, there are so many additional subscriptions that I want. The combined sum would be too much $$$. I much prefer this medium because MSM is not credible. Sad what has happened to print media. The only truthful TV are comedy shows.

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“The privilege of absurdity; to which no living creature is subject, but man only.”

---Thomas Hobbes

This is absurd. Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Leave him alone. Thank you Mary for bringing this insanity and hypocrisy to light for all of us.

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Oh damn do I love that quotation !

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Thank you. Me too!

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I’m sorry, Mary, that u have had to pay a high price for exposing the butt wipes in r government! But, I hope u cn keep on going. I’m sure there is much more to reveal! Thank you!!!

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Ditto Mary. There is far, far more to be revealed - I know this as fact. I'm also deeply touched and grateful that kind Mary invited me in to what I've come to see as therapeutic - for - her 'reveals' , from trauma's and her doing the work to stand herself upright rather than beat down. I have sort of come to admire her, in fact, which was not my initial reaction when I first glanced in here, at this substack.

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Gawd, those GOPs are a disgusting bunch!!

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It's always gaslighting and that is no surprise since it is the tRump's favorite defense strategy. BTW, as a paid subscriber, I would encourage all of you who are not and who believe in Mary's work and supporting it to go ahead and subscribe asap. What Mary is doing is time consuming and dangerous. She's not someone with a lot of free time. She's a clinician with a practice who teaches. And, as I know, we don't get paid that much. So, if you believe in keeping us out of an autocracy being pushed on us by a narcissist with an extremely low sense of self, which makes him dangerous, please help her. We are fighting for our country, our reputation, and our freedom. It's easy to lose if we are not vigilant.

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As soon as my financial improve, I will become a paid subscriber.

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Indeed, the country is at a dangerous crossroad to the other side of democracy. Look both ways before crossing! Stay alert, watch out and talk with others.

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Read an interesting comment last week about all the low class women auditioning for VP. Trump will never choose you or a POC or a loudmouth. He does not want to be upstaged by some female with no class or the loudmouths like Gym or Scalise. That's you Nancy, Margie, Elise, Kristi, Kari. He wants a bland white male like Pence who won't take any of the spotlight. Think Mike Johnson or any of the other MAGA milquetoasts that don't crave attention and will stand behind him and genuflect.

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Bobbi you are 100% correct... Mike Johnson is a very good guess.

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You are right about him not wanting anyone for VP who will take attention away from him.

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Insightful analysis. They are like paper towels. They are wasting their time.

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Get her hypocritical ass!! While you're at it, hammer home the fact that there are Republicans on that committee who have been in contempt of Congress for over 600 days.

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Keep digging up the facts on those hypocrites who have very short memories! Shake the truth out of them!

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She was hideous in her comments and lack of respect. Another abhorrent woman to add to the MAGA collection.

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At least their Phyllis Schafly had a sense of decorum about her....circa 1980~~

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I have a question and an observation. Why is it that the American fascist party women legislators are so nasty? They rather remind me of the movie Alien where they are the alien. What's with that? Someone please explain.

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Bless. Her. Heart.

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not just what and how she said it but the whole time she was talking and chewing on a huge wad of gum - she's a low-class, adulteress pig.

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I do enjoy a good barnyard comparison!

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Wait a minute isn't her darling leader the King of ignoring subpoenas???? Certainly dragging his shoe lifted feet.

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He didn’t refuse. He wants it to be in public, not hidden in a dark room where we can’t see their contortions.

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