A long awaited evisceration of trump and his foulness… thank you Kamala Harris. Thank you Mary Trump for your willingness to expose your personal life and extraordinary intelligence to alert us all to the danger that man poses to us all.
He met a woman who can't be bullied and it was his undoing. He has avoided people with strength and conviction his entire life, surrounding himself with he flabby-spined yes-men and women.
He was so out of his league had it been anyone else I'd have felt bad for him, instead it was all joy and glee!
She scraped his ass bare and then when he sat he learned Taylor Swift had thrown salt on this chair!
It's the Black women of America who are saving us from Trump. They are leading the charge to make him accountable for his trespasses. Without them, we'd probably have no hope of avoiding a fascist, authoritarian state led by a traitorous criminal thug.
He has proven that he is incompetent, and really good at pouring money in the trash. From what I understand, it's difficult to do that with a casino but he succeeded!
Kamala Harris CRUSHED Donald Trump. He was out matched in every phase and on every question. The last time a guy performed this badly in a debate he left the race. Donald, we are waiting. 🤣
For me the moment Trump's entire persona as any sort of serious man collapsed when he started shrieking about pet eating people. It was utterly strident and completely unhinged. I wouldn't doubt that Trump actually believes that crap is true.
Reminder that Kamala actively WON last night. She did not have a millisecond of weakness that predator Trump could seize on.
Trumped wanted some camera time and he basically spit insults and conspiracy theories the entire evening. He NEVER once addressed a question in its context.
Literally, as this t-shirt says: "Kamala removed stubborn orange stains" last night 👇 🤣
She crushed him when she walked over to shake hands. In doing so she made it clear that the kind of scare tactics he used on Hillary Clinton would get nowhere. with her Sometimes just being normal, acting normal is enough to do in a bully.
It was very hard to watch and listen to him (something I avoid most of the time, as I’m sure most here do). His disgusting expressions as she talked! 🤢🤮 And I was screaming “RIGHT OHNNNN, Kamala!” at everything she said.
Yes, that's what I've been saying, that he does his mugshot face. I'm sure that he thinks that it makes him look tough, but it's just plain pathetic, like the grouchy old man on your block yelling at kids to get off his lawn.
His worshipers from his cult apparently love that defiant expression. Other than a few uncomfortable grins & grimaces, mostly towards the end, he held that mugshot face almost constantly. His lack of change of expression from that maniacal look made him appear psycho.
Frankly, I was quite amused with what he said. I found myself laughing numerous times at the absurdities coming through his mouth, as appalling as they were.
His excuse for shouting out that horrible story about the Haitians was that "well, it was on TV!!" Yeah, Donald, one day you'll see on TV that you are convicted to jail for a very, very long time! :)
Carolyn such delightful metaphors, captured each delicious gotcha, from Kamala, we did savor. Mary our hearts and souls were filled the feminine strength & power of you and Kamala, stunning Uncle Clueless. Taylor, so thoughtful for your post Debate sharing you’ll be Voting for Kamala & Tim. Loved the sign off: Childless, Cat Lady! The two of you are Adorable! 🐈& Kali
OMG 🤣. The imagery is perfection!!! I can just hear him howling as he sits on that Swifty salted chair 😹. The walls are definitely going to be dripping with ketchup 😆
We have been held hostage by this putrid, weak disgusting excuse for a man. I was jumping up and down with joy, gloating, giddy and screaming throughout the debate and it started from the moment she strode over and made him shake her hand. Total glee!!! Finally, a glimpse of freedom from this demented monster.
I don't believe I've ever gotten so much pleasure out of any type of debate. I was so full of pride and pleasure I thought I might pop! And I'm sure everyone knows he thinks he won last night!😩😆
I don't know about that. He is in a delusional echo chamber. He has completely lost touch with reality. Narcissists cannot tolerate defeat, and they will do everything they can to protect themselves from getting in touch with their fragile inner core of self-loathing. And he's not your garden-variety narcissist. He clearly has worsening dementia, which further impairs his ability to see things clearly.
Oh, he knows he lost. Just like he knows he lost the 2020 race. But his narcissism prevents him from admitting it, & he will endlessly insist he won that debate despite the indisputable evidence he lost.
Of course he does, although he's so detached from reality I'm not so sure anymore. When he loses the election, it will be a repeat of 2020 with him relentlessly whining that it was "stollen". And he will again incite a MAGA uprising. President Biden needs to take that possibility seriously and pro-actively federalize the National Guard and put them on standby.
I've heard Republicans deliberately mispronounce her name. It's racist and childish to insult her that way, but she is wise in not allowing them to bait her. It's so much easier and more effective than showing the other side that you're thin skinned.
Of course he does. She's an uppity Black woman who has the effrontery to call his rallies boring and to run1 against him when he so obviously deserves to be president again (according to him.)
Our biggest dream (regarding the 2024 election, anyway) must come true this November. Powerful fascists from Musk, Murdoch & many other sadonarcissistic billionaires, to Republicans in Congress, state governments & the judiciary system, to Putin & other tyrannical pals of Trump, will do everything they can to rig this election for Trump, so we have to vote in overwhelming numbers for Harris/Waltz & other Democrats downballot.
Thank you, Mary, for again saying what so many of us feel today. Your words resonated deeply for me - " For over nine years, this country has been in thrall to a cruel and deranged man who cares only about himself. His constant war on truth and basic human decency has worn us down, demoralizing those of us who care about other people, who want a better world, and who crave a leader who exhibits empathy and understanding."
Mary's words resonated with me, as well. I've noticed changes in myself over the last nine years, and they have not been positive. I wondered a few times about different causes and thought it might be the constant presence of the menace, but I never settled on an answer. It is crystal clear to me now that my challenge is to get myself back to living my life with joy and purpose. I still feel tentative, wondering if the future holds more torture mentally or if I will step out and be confronted by his supporters. I am not by any means shut in, I am just missing too large of a part of myself. And I am a proud childless cat lady!
Dr. Bandy Lee is on YouTube, she's doing a series of addressing the issue of healing our collective health, from having to endure the nightmare of Trump for so long. She's one of the psychiatrists who tried to warn the county about Trump. She was a co-writer of the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" along with other psychiatrists and mental health professionals. It's a good book and her video talks are very helpful.
I read the book, which is fantastic. Written by psychiatrists and psychologists (I'm a psychologist). Published in 2017, and I believe that the authors appeared before a closed session with legislators to express their concerns. I'm glad to know that she is on YouTube. Another of the authors appears regularly on the David Pakman show. I believe that it is John Gartner, but don't know if I have the correct name. He speaks a lot about the signs of Trump's dementia.
I am also spending too much time following politics because of the existential threat to democracy & the environment that Trump, Republicans, Musk, Murdoch, Putin & other billionaires & fascists around the world pose. I have vowed to myself that regardless of the results, I will turn away from involvement in politics after this election.
Well, we can at least take a wee break for a while. Breathe, relax, and try to heal. But, we have to keep on top of things because the Maga cult members and fascists aren't going to just disappear, they'll surely be gearing up for the next round. Don't forget, they play the long game. 😉
forever remember his enablers, they are the ones who did this to us, they, including the media, had many many opportunities and failed each & every time 😡
That is the part keeping me up at night since 2016. The lack of meaningful guardrails once a malignant person wins the Presidency. So many amoral enablers.
Call me crazy, but today, watching DonOld interact with Harris at the 9/11 memorial, I could swear he seemed enamored of her. Maybe he liked being spanked by a strong woman. 🤷🏻♀️
He’s a sick man, riddled with mental disorders, a ragged soul trapped in a deeply empty sack of skin. I don’t think he’s capable of feeling anything but anger & hate.
Someone on his team may have warned him to not fck this up b/c of 9/11 - a bridge too far to denigrate- & maybe he listened this time after having his leathered ass handed to him last night.
And he's a demented, deluded sociopath. I'm no psychologist but it seems obviously apparent that he also has an inferiority complex and its related defense mechanism, a superiority complex. The following extracts from Wikipedia under ‘Inferiority Complex’: “Additionally, inferiority complexes show small, negative relationships with conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion, but are positively related to Machiavellianism and narcissism.” and Machiavellianism: “[It] is the name of a personality trait construct characterized by interpersonal manipulation, indifference to morality, lack of empathy, and a calculated focus on self-interest.”) describe him to a ‘t’.
Please excuse my language but he's s**t, a s**t and thick as s**t. What made Kamala's dismantling all the more satisfying was that he's frequently referred to her as a “very low IQ person”. So in his eyes he's been humiliated by a low IQ person which must make him an incredibly low IQ person. Hoist by his own petard 😂.
BTW, I'm seeing a lot of Schadenfreude around Trump's defeat. It's generally viewed as a negative emotion, although it's a little misunderstood. Literally translated it means ‘damage joy’; my dictionary defined it as ‘malicious joy; gloating’ but it also accurately defines slapstick humour. However, this is entirely the enjoyment/taking pleasure/satisfaction in another's embarrassment/pain/humiliation and is so thoroughly deserved. Malicious, apart from being an apt description of his character, is also the only type of ‘joy’ he's capable of. At long last he's on the receiving end, getting a generous dose of his own medicine. There's no point in arguing with him, he's impervious to reason, but mock him, laugh at him and pity him, that he can't bear, it eats him up from the inside and gnaws at his self-image. Oh, yes, and calling him weird. What a great call from Tim Walz, finally finding a label that hasn't slid off the Teflon Tramp, one that's stuck to him and his abhorrent, sorry excuse for a human being. Yet more evidence of his stupidity, choosing him as his running mate. It puts him in a real quandary: he would love to replace him with RFK Jr, (yet another despicable moron and addlepate¹. The Kennedys must be spinning in their graves) but that would be tantamount to admitting he's fallible, that he made a mistake and in his mind that would be a sign of weakness when it actually takes courage and humility. Both those are qualities he lacks in abundance, so no surprise there either.
¹ sorry, I just discovered this delicious word a couple of days ago when I was searching the thesaurus for synonyms for idiot. A few years ago some friends and I decided to create a scale of stupidity: fool, twit, idiot, imbecile, cretin, moron. A six-point scale is quite pleasing in many ways but I'm considering expanding it to eight or ten points.
I saw somewhere that he did a thumbs up with a big smile at that one, too, just like at Arlington. Disgusting. It shows how much he cared about the "hundreds of friends" he said he lost on 9/11
Yes. Debates weren’t for those cult folks. They are for the “undecideds” & independents - which how tf is anyone undecided at this point?? This election is about democracy, not the candidates. It’s Harris or never voting again. But don’t get me going on the f’ing undecideds… lol
Many in Trump’s family will be voting for Kalama! Melania may be one? The last thing she wants to do is move with him back to the White House! Also, she frowns on the Judge sentencing Donald to “house arrest.”
You are so right about this; it further proves his stupidity. It would be impossible for him, to seduce her into compliance. He had better stick to seducing the most handsome man in the world, who he sees reflected in the mirror every morning - as he lovingly applies his orange makeup.
He sees something the rest of us do not see. I really love when he talks about his "beautiful body" and "beautiful hair". He does, after all, live in an alternate reality.
Did you see the reply from Musk to Taylor Swift's endorsement of Harris, signed "Childless Cat Lady" with a picture of her & her cat? He said he would come & make her a child. That set off an angry response from Swift's boyfriend threatening to twist Musk into a pretzel if he tried anything with her.
A long awaited evisceration of trump and his foulness… thank you Kamala Harris. Thank you Mary Trump for your willingness to expose your personal life and extraordinary intelligence to alert us all to the danger that man poses to us all.
He met a woman who can't be bullied and it was his undoing. He has avoided people with strength and conviction his entire life, surrounding himself with he flabby-spined yes-men and women.
He was so out of his league had it been anyone else I'd have felt bad for him, instead it was all joy and glee!
She scraped his ass bare and then when he sat he learned Taylor Swift had thrown salt on this chair!
What a delightful evening it was!
What makes me smile even more is that she is a Black woman, the kind of person he most fears.
He had a very bad night. It was marvelous
It's the Black women of America who are saving us from Trump. They are leading the charge to make him accountable for his trespasses. Without them, we'd probably have no hope of avoiding a fascist, authoritarian state led by a traitorous criminal thug.
I absolutely agree with you. I love the strength I've seen in so many Black women.
For Sure!! Amen🛐
He’s a good example of what he fears the most incompetent person on the job is like pouring money into the trash…
He has proven that he is incompetent, and really good at pouring money in the trash. From what I understand, it's difficult to do that with a casino but he succeeded!
best time i’ve had in a long time! go Kamala!
Kamala Harris CRUSHED Donald Trump. He was out matched in every phase and on every question. The last time a guy performed this badly in a debate he left the race. Donald, we are waiting. 🤣
For me the moment Trump's entire persona as any sort of serious man collapsed when he started shrieking about pet eating people. It was utterly strident and completely unhinged. I wouldn't doubt that Trump actually believes that crap is true.
Reminder that Kamala actively WON last night. She did not have a millisecond of weakness that predator Trump could seize on.
Trumped wanted some camera time and he basically spit insults and conspiracy theories the entire evening. He NEVER once addressed a question in its context.
Literally, as this t-shirt says: "Kamala removed stubborn orange stains" last night 👇 🤣
She crushed him when she walked over to shake hands. In doing so she made it clear that the kind of scare tactics he used on Hillary Clinton would get nowhere. with her Sometimes just being normal, acting normal is enough to do in a bully.
It was very hard to watch and listen to him (something I avoid most of the time, as I’m sure most here do). His disgusting expressions as she talked! 🤢🤮 And I was screaming “RIGHT OHNNNN, Kamala!” at everything she said.
He had on the "mugshot face," most of the time until he woke up when she said how boring his rallies are.
Yes, that's what I've been saying, that he does his mugshot face. I'm sure that he thinks that it makes him look tough, but it's just plain pathetic, like the grouchy old man on your block yelling at kids to get off his lawn.
His worshipers from his cult apparently love that defiant expression. Other than a few uncomfortable grins & grimaces, mostly towards the end, he held that mugshot face almost constantly. His lack of change of expression from that maniacal look made him appear psycho.
I think he looks like a petulant child pouting in the corner with that look on his face. It looks anything but tough to me.
I didn’t remember that face. Thank you.
Frankly, I was quite amused with what he said. I found myself laughing numerous times at the absurdities coming through his mouth, as appalling as they were.
Ordered that shirt, will be wearing when I vote early in Georgia!
His excuse for shouting out that horrible story about the Haitians was that "well, it was on TV!!" Yeah, Donald, one day you'll see on TV that you are convicted to jail for a very, very long time! :)
Now, that is exactly what a kindergarten bully would say.
Carolyn such delightful metaphors, captured each delicious gotcha, from Kamala, we did savor. Mary our hearts and souls were filled the feminine strength & power of you and Kamala, stunning Uncle Clueless. Taylor, so thoughtful for your post Debate sharing you’ll be Voting for Kamala & Tim. Loved the sign off: Childless, Cat Lady! The two of you are Adorable! 🐈& Kali
Ditto 😺
OMG 🤣. The imagery is perfection!!! I can just hear him howling as he sits on that Swifty salted chair 😹. The walls are definitely going to be dripping with ketchup 😆
The Swift endorsement was like sprinkles on my schadenfreude icecream!
We have been held hostage by this putrid, weak disgusting excuse for a man. I was jumping up and down with joy, gloating, giddy and screaming throughout the debate and it started from the moment she strode over and made him shake her hand. Total glee!!! Finally, a glimpse of freedom from this demented monster.
I don't believe I've ever gotten so much pleasure out of any type of debate. I was so full of pride and pleasure I thought I might pop! And I'm sure everyone knows he thinks he won last night!😩😆
He knows he lost. Deep down, he knows. Bullies always know when they’ve been beaten.
I don't know about that. He is in a delusional echo chamber. He has completely lost touch with reality. Narcissists cannot tolerate defeat, and they will do everything they can to protect themselves from getting in touch with their fragile inner core of self-loathing. And he's not your garden-variety narcissist. He clearly has worsening dementia, which further impairs his ability to see things clearly.
Oh, he knows he lost. Just like he knows he lost the 2020 race. But his narcissism prevents him from admitting it, & he will endlessly insist he won that debate despite the indisputable evidence he lost.
Of course he does, although he's so detached from reality I'm not so sure anymore. When he loses the election, it will be a repeat of 2020 with him relentlessly whining that it was "stollen". And he will again incite a MAGA uprising. President Biden needs to take that possibility seriously and pro-actively federalize the National Guard and put them on standby.
I hope he has to spend time in jail for 34 felonies in NY. Right through January 6th 2025 would be perfect!
Now he has no excuse for mispronouncing her name.
I've heard Republicans deliberately mispronounce her name. It's racist and childish to insult her that way, but she is wise in not allowing them to bait her. It's so much easier and more effective than showing the other side that you're thin skinned.
Oh, he did mispronounce it after the debate (I was watching Brian Tyler Cohen showing bits of Trumputin’s talk on Fox).
Of course, he did! But now we know without a doubt it's intentional.
Of course he does. She's an uppity Black woman who has the effrontery to call his rallies boring and to run1 against him when he so obviously deserves to be president again (according to him.)
Couldn't have said it better! My thanks to the two of them also!
dreams can come true, occasionally.
Our biggest dream (regarding the 2024 election, anyway) must come true this November. Powerful fascists from Musk, Murdoch & many other sadonarcissistic billionaires, to Republicans in Congress, state governments & the judiciary system, to Putin & other tyrannical pals of Trump, will do everything they can to rig this election for Trump, so we have to vote in overwhelming numbers for Harris/Waltz & other Democrats downballot.
They need to go in such a major way! I’m a Republican who will be voting for Kamala Harris. I just wrote an article on that very topic. I think you would really enjoy. It’s only a seven minute read if you find the time. Here is the link. https://open.substack.com/pub/donovanwashere/p/why-its-time-to-stop-hitting-snooze?r=13lrsx&utm_medium=ios
Thank you for both of the articles; fascinating and helpful to understand the big picture.
Thanks! I did enjoy it.
Thank you, Mary, for again saying what so many of us feel today. Your words resonated deeply for me - " For over nine years, this country has been in thrall to a cruel and deranged man who cares only about himself. His constant war on truth and basic human decency has worn us down, demoralizing those of us who care about other people, who want a better world, and who crave a leader who exhibits empathy and understanding."
Yes. Have been ANGRY for
Feel as though I can finally breathe a little.
Wasn't sure if I wanted to see DUM DUM at all, but it was a pleasure to see Kamala as warrior for us all. 🗽🇺🇲🇺🇦
Mary's words resonated with me, as well. I've noticed changes in myself over the last nine years, and they have not been positive. I wondered a few times about different causes and thought it might be the constant presence of the menace, but I never settled on an answer. It is crystal clear to me now that my challenge is to get myself back to living my life with joy and purpose. I still feel tentative, wondering if the future holds more torture mentally or if I will step out and be confronted by his supporters. I am not by any means shut in, I am just missing too large of a part of myself. And I am a proud childless cat lady!
Dr. Bandy Lee is on YouTube, she's doing a series of addressing the issue of healing our collective health, from having to endure the nightmare of Trump for so long. She's one of the psychiatrists who tried to warn the county about Trump. She was a co-writer of the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" along with other psychiatrists and mental health professionals. It's a good book and her video talks are very helpful.
I read the book, which is fantastic. Written by psychiatrists and psychologists (I'm a psychologist). Published in 2017, and I believe that the authors appeared before a closed session with legislators to express their concerns. I'm glad to know that she is on YouTube. Another of the authors appears regularly on the David Pakman show. I believe that it is John Gartner, but don't know if I have the correct name. He speaks a lot about the signs of Trump's dementia.
Yes it is John Gartner. He and a fellow doctor are on YouTube, Fridays they drop.new shows.," Shrinking Trump "
It's a good start. We still have a ways to go.
Would t it be fun if all the oilygarchs neicies were as honest as Mary...
I am also spending too much time following politics because of the existential threat to democracy & the environment that Trump, Republicans, Musk, Murdoch, Putin & other billionaires & fascists around the world pose. I have vowed to myself that regardless of the results, I will turn away from involvement in politics after this election.
Well, we can at least take a wee break for a while. Breathe, relax, and try to heal. But, we have to keep on top of things because the Maga cult members and fascists aren't going to just disappear, they'll surely be gearing up for the next round. Don't forget, they play the long game. 😉
forever remember his enablers, they are the ones who did this to us, they, including the media, had many many opportunities and failed each & every time 😡
That is the part keeping me up at night since 2016. The lack of meaningful guardrails once a malignant person wins the Presidency. So many amoral enablers.
Don't forget Mary had to put up with this Narcissist her entire life along with her Grandfather. Congratulations to Mary's vindication!
Thank you for standing up to your monster of an uncle Mary. What bravery both you & our future Madam President show us!🫶🏼🇺🇸💙🌊💙🇺🇸
Call me crazy, but today, watching DonOld interact with Harris at the 9/11 memorial, I could swear he seemed enamored of her. Maybe he liked being spanked by a strong woman. 🤷🏻♀️
trump fears Kamala now which is a sociopath's version of "respect."
That’s it.
I also think he’s dying to grab her and rape her. Coupled with the fear.
It's not productive to perpetuate & trigger people with the sick thoughts in his head.
He’s a sick man, riddled with mental disorders, a ragged soul trapped in a deeply empty sack of skin. I don’t think he’s capable of feeling anything but anger & hate.
Someone on his team may have warned him to not fck this up b/c of 9/11 - a bridge too far to denigrate- & maybe he listened this time after having his leathered ass handed to him last night.
empty sack of skin--priceless.
I like the term "waste of human skin."
He’s not sick. He’s a world class asshole.
He’s both.
He is sick too... suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
he’s sick AND a world class asshole both!!!
They’re not mutually exclusive.
And he's a demented, deluded sociopath. I'm no psychologist but it seems obviously apparent that he also has an inferiority complex and its related defense mechanism, a superiority complex. The following extracts from Wikipedia under ‘Inferiority Complex’: “Additionally, inferiority complexes show small, negative relationships with conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion, but are positively related to Machiavellianism and narcissism.” and Machiavellianism: “[It] is the name of a personality trait construct characterized by interpersonal manipulation, indifference to morality, lack of empathy, and a calculated focus on self-interest.”) describe him to a ‘t’.
Please excuse my language but he's s**t, a s**t and thick as s**t. What made Kamala's dismantling all the more satisfying was that he's frequently referred to her as a “very low IQ person”. So in his eyes he's been humiliated by a low IQ person which must make him an incredibly low IQ person. Hoist by his own petard 😂.
BTW, I'm seeing a lot of Schadenfreude around Trump's defeat. It's generally viewed as a negative emotion, although it's a little misunderstood. Literally translated it means ‘damage joy’; my dictionary defined it as ‘malicious joy; gloating’ but it also accurately defines slapstick humour. However, this is entirely the enjoyment/taking pleasure/satisfaction in another's embarrassment/pain/humiliation and is so thoroughly deserved. Malicious, apart from being an apt description of his character, is also the only type of ‘joy’ he's capable of. At long last he's on the receiving end, getting a generous dose of his own medicine. There's no point in arguing with him, he's impervious to reason, but mock him, laugh at him and pity him, that he can't bear, it eats him up from the inside and gnaws at his self-image. Oh, yes, and calling him weird. What a great call from Tim Walz, finally finding a label that hasn't slid off the Teflon Tramp, one that's stuck to him and his abhorrent, sorry excuse for a human being. Yet more evidence of his stupidity, choosing him as his running mate. It puts him in a real quandary: he would love to replace him with RFK Jr, (yet another despicable moron and addlepate¹. The Kennedys must be spinning in their graves) but that would be tantamount to admitting he's fallible, that he made a mistake and in his mind that would be a sign of weakness when it actually takes courage and humility. Both those are qualities he lacks in abundance, so no surprise there either.
¹ sorry, I just discovered this delicious word a couple of days ago when I was searching the thesaurus for synonyms for idiot. A few years ago some friends and I decided to create a scale of stupidity: fool, twit, idiot, imbecile, cretin, moron. A six-point scale is quite pleasing in many ways but I'm considering expanding it to eight or ten points.
Can we help you 😊? How about CREEP.
I think hes both
He's deranged, depraved, perverted, sadonarcissistic -- all strong indications of major mental illness.
I saw somewhere that he did a thumbs up with a big smile at that one, too, just like at Arlington. Disgusting. It shows how much he cared about the "hundreds of friends" he said he lost on 9/11
empty words always without emotion.
110% in Trump’s life is more important if he can have a picture taken?
I hadn't thought about that, but I'm sure it's an ego booster for him.
Yeah, hundreds of friends, but on the actual 9/11 he responded by mentioning how tall one of HIS buildings were. I’ll never forget that.
I'd forgotten that. Thanks for the reminder, Carol.
"...trapped in a...". RIGHT.
He needs a dog to bolster his rotted ego and s cat to teach him some manners. Or maybe a cheetah.
No pets/companion animals for him! He’d hurt them, emotionally if not physically.
Unfortunately, and as we all know, he’ll still get the votes of his huge cult.
Yes. Debates weren’t for those cult folks. They are for the “undecideds” & independents - which how tf is anyone undecided at this point?? This election is about democracy, not the candidates. It’s Harris or never voting again. But don’t get me going on the f’ing undecideds… lol
Doubt it.
Only 2nd time he has ever been down there in 23 years.
I think he is going to vote for her.
Many in Trump’s family will be voting for Kalama! Melania may be one? The last thing she wants to do is move with him back to the White House! Also, she frowns on the Judge sentencing Donald to “house arrest.”
Nah, Melania hates Don the Con, but she's in on the con.
Their marriage is a “business deal” and contract!
Melania has gotten what she wants thru her attorney!
If she appears, payment made! She gets paid!
Only towards seducing her into compliance. The Predator never stops
You are so right about this; it further proves his stupidity. It would be impossible for him, to seduce her into compliance. He had better stick to seducing the most handsome man in the world, who he sees reflected in the mirror every morning - as he lovingly applies his orange makeup.
i find it hard to believe that he can bear to view himself in a mirror.
He sees something the rest of us do not see. I really love when he talks about his "beautiful body" and "beautiful hair". He does, after all, live in an alternate reality.
I find it hard to believe he can find a mirror. it’s probably AI anyway.
True. It is all so confusing for his little orange brain.
She wouldn't give him a second look. She has a wonderful husband that's crazy about her and her him
Did you see the reply from Musk to Taylor Swift's endorsement of Harris, signed "Childless Cat Lady" with a picture of her & her cat? He said he would come & make her a child. That set off an angry response from Swift's boyfriend threatening to twist Musk into a pretzel if he tried anything with her.
Love that response! Those vile men are disgusting and thrown on the dustheap of history.
He behaves (somewhat) better toward beautiful women than homely or even average women. I know men like that and it's a disgusting character trait.
He touches the women who work for him. Look up Hicks, he touches her in the small of her back and shoulders.
It is disgusting and disturbing.
Ivanka too. Creepy.
It's weird!
I doubt if even a strong woman would want to spank those full diapers,
I think someone should start hawking Donny Diapers with his picture on them. He would hate that.