McCarthy fucked around and found out. He’s officially getting out of Congress. Here’s how turning into Donald’s lapdog destroyed his career. Read on👇
The Exit
In 2016, Donald promised Republicans that they would be tired of winning. Today, Kevin McCarthy finally admitted he is tired of losing.
Just two months after being Speaker – second in line to the presidency – not only will he not run for Speaker again (even after it took him 15 tries to get the job in the first place, before unceremoniously losing it), but McCarthy says he’s ending his entire political career.
But what led to this downfall?
The Day Kevin Was Principled
For a brief moment, Kevin McCarthy had a modicum of a backbone. Becoming Speaker was always his goal, so maybe he wanted to look like a leader when he boldly declared just two days after the Capitol attack that, Donald “bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters. He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding."
FINALLY a Republican who tells the truth! Would this be a sign he was now ready to lead, and ditch the despicable monster who took over his party?
Kevin’s Quick Fall From Momentary Grace
McCarthy almost assuredly sealed his own fate with ONE decision:
He visited Mar-a-Lago less than three weeks after his bold statement calling Donald to account—to kiss the ring of his master.
It was disgusting. McCarthy posed with Donald, destroying whatever credibility or legitimacy he might have had. Take a look at this photo—in that moment, Donald knew he owned Kevin, and Kevin knew he was owned.
The entire pathetic saga was extraordinary to behold.

Why that January visit ended Kevin’s career
McCarthy told the world that Donald was to blame for January 6. Consider what that means: People lost their lives.
If it were truly Donald’s fault, and it was, Kevin should have consistently condemned him for being the traitor he was. Instead, Kevin’s Mar-a-Lago visit sent an important message, not only to Donald, but more importantly to the entire Republican caucus: McCarthy is a sucker; a rube; a pushover; a sycophant—who will do ANYTHING to be near power.
From that moment on, McCarthy could never command their respect.
Beginning of the End
Matt Gaetz and his handful of extreme MAGAts essentially blackmailed McCarthy into giving in to their demands setting up an impossible situation for him, limiting his ability to govern his caucus and giving the fringe element extraordinary power. At any time, if he failed to pay their ransom, just one member could call for a vote to remove him.
Kevin got his “Speaker” placard. For a while. But soon, Gaetz would play his hand—the hand McCarthy had dealt him—and Kevin’s short-lived, disgraceful run as Speaker came to an ignoble end.
And soon, he’ll be out of Congress. You know, like this guy:
Why He Quit
There’s a strange connection between Kevin McCarthy and George Santos. Both men were willing to abandon their morals (such as they were) for power.
Santos went the extra mile to emulate Donald’s penchant for self-aggrandizement and exaggeration. In his way, he nearly matched it.
In the end, there was no path for either of them. Kevin McCarthy knew that he had no power, no respect.. everything he so dearly wanted. So, he’s out.
But I will say this: I’m glad the story ended this way. Both McCarthy and Santos flew too close to the bright orange sun, and they were burned for it.
They both deserve this fate. They both deserve to lose their political careers.
Ultimately, if you have no principles, you will lose everything.
Donald’s turn. Let’s go. 🍿
Thank you for reading this far!
I am going to be honest with you—it takes a toll on me to call out my own family’s despicable, anti-American, and potentially criminal activity. But I cannot stand by and watch Donald destroy our Democracy.
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– Mary
I'm very glad to see both Santos and McCarthy gone, and the Senate needs to kick Bob Menendez out too. I think McCarthy has gotten an offer to be a pundit somewhere; he'll be terrible at it. He also saw the writing on the wall. If Trump is re-elected McCarthy will be screwed and if Biden is re-elected McCarthy will be screwed so best to jump ship now (rats and all that). It also means the House majority will be down from 4 - 2 members which is a good thing. The Trump trials are quickly getting to the FAFO stage and that should be interesting. Both Trump and Mike Johnson are showing their authoritarian true colors and sounding like idiots. We should all enjoy the holidays as 2024 will be a long, exhausting ride but I think democracy will prevail.
Good for us. Anyone else find it amusing that he resigned the day after Liz Cheney's book came out.