Mary L. Trump. For starting your new democracy advocacy project. Brava!

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You are very kind!

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Wrote this before and don't see it posted, so at the risk of repeating myself -this was not about being kind. It's about your help in lighting the way ahead. Showing up to do the work we all need to do (in whatever spheres call to us) to lift our humanity.

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I love your choice too Robin!!!

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Thank you, Carrie.

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Yes! Mary L Trump for carrying the torch and giving us pics of a cool bird and awesome cats to make us smile

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yes, definitely Mary L Trump gets my vote!!

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Thanks, Leigh.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson ♥️

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson for sure! But also Ali Velshi, for doing absofuckinglutely amazing work covering both TRMS as well as his own weekend shows the last month.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Oh, yes, Ali Velshi too! I was thinking that just last night after his final report from Ukraine. He's been amazing, awesome. brave, impressive and extremely caring while giving us clear and deep insights into the brutality perpetrated by these Russian barbarians. The perfect journalist for this terrible event, and a worthy "substitute" for Rachel.

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Not all Russians are barbarians - don't lose sight of the fact that they are the victims of Putin's fake agenda.

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This is true.

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I know. It's not the people, it's some of the soldiers and of course, Putin himself.

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And the oligarchs.

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Absolutely! Ali Velshi is deserving too. I’ve looked forward to watching him on TRMS every night! I hope they promote him!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Senator Cory Booker for his wonderful generosity of character - upholding Ketanji so beautifully.

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Completely agree with this. He SO impressed me with his generosity of truth telling

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My thoughts exactly!

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My nomination for Good Human(s) are the World Central Kitchen staff and volunteers who are working in Ukrainian cities that are being attacked by Russia.


Thank you for the pictures of your pets and your daughter's cat.

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Yes! I'm old, not wealthy, fixed income... so I decided that 2 birthday gifts were going to the World Central Kitchen in honor of the birthday kids! (My son, 50, and my granddaughter, 22, each received an email regarding their gift of a $50 donation in their honor!)

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That's fantastic.

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Great idea!

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Joe Biden for keeping his promise. Followed closely by KBJ for amazing grace under fire.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson for her grace, poise and tenacity that led her to become an associate justice on SCOTUS.

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It seems as if Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a shoo-in; however, I'd also like to mention Senator Brian Schatz for standing up and "making noise" about Sen. Hawley's (and others) disingenuousness and gaslighting. Hawaii has two gems for senators in Senator Schatz and Senator Mazie Hirono. It makes this person from Texas very jealous.

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Yes! I loved his speech. It inspired me to leave a voicemail for my Senator (who is a good guy, Alex Padilla) to encourage him and all Dems in Congress to speak up against the insanity & bullying as passionately as Sen. Schatz did.

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Senator _Padilla_ - oops

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First time I was aware of Senator Schatz and what an impression he made. I appreciate his pushback to these verbally abusive Senators. His unequivocal “this is NOT ok” I applaud him

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Sen. Chris Murphy made an impassioned speech this week, too, in support of trans kids & the cruel targeting of them through the new heinous laws. He’s another great guy. I was inspired to share my thoughts w/the gov of Alabama, who just signed that law. And I left Sen Murphy a voicemail of thanks, too! Feels good to do that.

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That was well done.

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That was great work from Sen. Schatz.

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While watching the new 60 Minutes interview with President Zelensky, I was struck by the simplicity at the core of his appeal. He tells the truth! This is what Sen. Schatz did. It’s astonishing that this is so rare in American politics today.

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I have missed GHOTW because I always kept it in the back of my mind during the week and I looked for good human acts - hard - amidst the very debilitating state of this world - all week long. It redirected my focus from ‘those GD Republican bast$rds’ … I also lobbied for its return in part because I would love to see it expanded to include people who aren’t famous, political figures, people in the press etc. Obviously I understand Justice KBJ is a tremendous human and sat through horrific hearings with tremendous grace and received her well deserved appointment to SCOTUS with pride, tradition and calm in the face of racism and hatred. But I want to nominate someone I do not even know … and you’ll just have to take my word for it because it certainly didn’t make the news.

Tomorrow is my birthday and I am feeling pretty low, physically, emotionally, soulfully. Sometime last night/this am someone tied a giant bunch of helium Bday balloons outside my door. No name. No card. Nobody around me seems to know anything about it. I just wanted to thank that person and say here, that whomever they are … they are a tremendous human of the week. just purely generous. No name. Perhaps knowing that I needed something unexpected and sparkly in my life right now. I don’t recall ever receiving a mystery gift and never a marker for my birthday (which has historically been a tremendously difficult day for me … because of trauma not because of aging … aging is great!). So thank you Good Human who somehow knew my birthday is tomorrow April 10 and left that delivery for me this weekend as a mystery I am simply meant to accept and allow into my heart. No cameras. I can’t even write a thank you note. Those small acts sometimes are the greatest ones of all. Thanks everyone, for listening. ☮️❤️🌷

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I'm sorry you're having a tough time, Joanie, but so glad that good human brought you some joy.

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Happy Birthday! You deserve it ❤️🎂🎉

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That’s incredible! Happy birthday!! 🎉

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Such a heart warming and thoughtful surprise. Happy Birthday, Joanie.

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Thank you so much, all you kind, caring people. I truly appreciate it. ☮️

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Happy Birthday! 🎂You could write a thank you note on your door. Maybe whoever left the balloons will see it & grab it. It can't hurt.

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Happy birthday! Clearly, you mean very much to someone and I hope their gesture helps you feel better!

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Happy Birthday wishing you many happy returns of the day 🎊🎂🎉

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How lovely. This is inspiring

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Happy, happy birthday. Sending you lots of love.

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Happy birthday, Dr. Tool! 🌷🌸💐🌸🌷

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I choose soon-to-be United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson for every reason under the sun.

Also, if this is allowed, I'd like to recognize the late, great Eric Boehlert for his inherent goodness and determination to expose the truth at every turn. I'm never, ever going to get over his sudden and tragic death at such a young age.

P.S. Thanks for the pet update. Doja is a gorgeous kitten.

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I was devastated to hear of Eric Boehlert's death. Press Run was a much-needed check on the media and he was the only person doing that.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I second Carrie’s nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson. Her introduction to the American people as soon-to-be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court last Friday was such a wonderfully joyous occasion. Thank you, Carrie, as well, for remembering Eric Boehlert.

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Jimmy Kimmel for making a joke out of MTG, and then slapping her down.

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And she call the cops on him!

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She calls the cops on her neighbors.

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Thank you for sharing the fluffy & feathered companions.

Good humans, I think the children of Poland & Italy that welcome other, scared and scarred children into their schools and lives.

Maybe, just maybe, children will be the ones that save us all.

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If this can be confirmed I vote for this young boy.

As tweeted by Oksana Ostapchuk@O_Ostapchuk with a photo of the boy and retweeted by Melanie Coburn@melanietc:

“Oleksandr Hutsal, 14, saved the lives of his parents, 3 (sic) younder singings and 30 more people serving a month long Russian siege of #Bucha. Every day the boy sneaked through Russian (sic) position to find food, (sic) water&wood and (sic) bring them back to the basement “

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I would like to acknowledge Ali Velshi, who has spent five weeks reporting in Ukraine. His care and compassion for the Ukrainian people has shown through in each segment. He is a lovely and loving man as well as a consummate journalist.

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Cory Booker....for his impassioned speeches in the Senate -- what an incredible pleasure to hear about joy, love and common sense in today's Senate! What a beautiful, refreshing contrast to LIndsey Graham, Josh Hawley and the other idiots who shouldn't be in the Senate to begin with because they are so STUPID! (I like to say about Lindsey Graham that he goes whichever way the wind blows on any given day.) And I'd like to add that I love pictures of Sebastian and the cats! Short story: I once adopted a black cat from a shelter who had been born there and was still there 3 years later, who had never been socialized. I named her Peekaboo. She ended up absolutely in love with me, her first and only "person." She lived to the age of 18. So it's never too late to adopt a cat, no matter how long they've been at a shelter, or how old they are.

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Thanks for this. We should always adopt older pets if possible.

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Jamie Raskin

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His,"Putin-Trump Axis," comment this week in the House, is a Great Message that should be said over and over again in 2022!...

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Senator Cory Booker. For holding up a mirror to America without killing the joy of moment.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

In remembrance: Eric Boehlert.

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Deb Haaland. For being able and endeavoring to use her status as the 1st Native American (Pueblo) Cabinet member - to ensure the demographic with the worse persecution (genocide) in America is actually able to start reclaiming their indigenous and promised lands.

I know this goes against the mold right now, with the new Justice (1st black woman ever) making it to the historical top as she has. However, with more and more tribes finally being able to call in payment in broken promises, and reclaim their own lands under her watch, along with the very fair hand of President Biden's support, I think it can no longer be overlooked. This woman is thee Boon that all 1st nations people have needed forever.

From the mighty horse tribesmen themselves, the Nez Perce, to the tribe we ALL should be lifting as high as the pilgrims in history classes - thee Wampanaug tribe, all are finally reclaiming THEIR lands. It is no mere coincidence the timing. Deb Haaland is to be lifted up. She shows us all what true friendship, loyalty, and professionalism is.

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Deb Harland is an extraordinary person doing amazing and long-overdue work.

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You’re spot on. She’s my nomination also.

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Thank you! And thanks to all who might agree.

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Welcome, Doja! While all the nominees are more than deserving of Good Human of the Week, I nominate Mary Trump, whose tireless efforts to fight for our democracy is awe inspiring. Thank you for all you do to rally us to fight the good fight and to keep us informed.

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Thank you, Caroline--that's very generous.

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Tossing something different into the mix. I am not a Mitt Romney fan but I admit he modeled Good Human behavior for Senate Republicans by following up his vote for Judge Jackson by sticking around to applaud the vote while his fellow party members walked out. This isn't quite worthy of your award, but let's at least nod in his direction. And Doja is magnificent. Nemo's little tucked-under feets are adorbs.

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What's remarkable is that it shouldn't be remarkable--but is. Romney put the other Republicans' disgraceful behavior in the spotlight and reminded us that for them there is no bottom.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Mary, your critters are all delightful. Thanks for the uplifting photos!

It hasn't been all that long; Justice KBJ, of course 🎉

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson for allowing her ancestors to walk with her thru the hearings.

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It was awesome to watch President Biden walk out of the White House flanked by 2 women of color. I nominate Joe Biden for nominating Ketanji Brown Jackson. aka Justice Jackson.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

It was wonderful to see, as was everything about that great day. He not only kept his promise, but chose the judge I was praying for, someone who could have gone straight from law school into a white-shoe firm, but instead chose the path of a public defender. I wish I could vote twice.

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It was quite a sight.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Wow, so many great candidates. Good to feel the good in the world. Of course Judge Jackson is up high on the list. So is Ali Velshi, a heart centered, very smart guy who did exceptional work with exceptional empathy for 5 weeks. But I keep coming back to the Amazing work of World Central Kitchen whose incredible work is reaching deeper into Ukraine despite the conditions. Chef Jose Andres and his beautiful team are my winners.

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Ketanji Brown Jackson

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson. Her remarks at yesterday’s White House event were moving and inspiring. I look forward to hearing more from her. As an aside: her husband, Dr. Jackson, saved my half-brother’s life 15 years ago.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I think all the people who are opening their homes to refugees deserve good human recognition. There are also a number of countries who are working behind the scenes to secure weapons for the Ukrainian forces to fight the Russians on a more equal basis.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Love seeing the animals! And what a sweet face Doja has.

For good human of the week Judge Jackson is obvious for the grace she has shown and her now long opportunity to change the world. The one that most resonated was Sen. Brian Schatz and his straight up calling out Hawley’s ongoing seditious behavior. Elected Democrats must stand up like the Senator did this week and show the world they have what it takes to save democracy. So I nominate Brian Schatz for good human of the week.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Jamie Raskin working on Select Committee with great passion despite Cason’s suicide, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse working passionately against Supreme Court Corruption, scientists who held a civil disobedience protest against oil and coal with planet in a extreme state of disaster. Sultan Collins, Mitt Romney, Murkosky who all voted for nominee for Supreme Court, alone among republicans

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Cory Booker.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Of course katanji brown jackson , and all who supported her

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Justice KBJ. And thanks so much for the pet pics and for restarting good human of the week (excluding the heroic President Zelenskyy and the brave Ukranians) ❤️

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Thank you Mary for posting the pets! So good to see them all

And Doja is precious in her pink house.

My vote goes to Deb Haaland. Our Native American sisters & brothers have been treated like dirt since white people got here. Spent 4 yrs in Albuquerque in mid 50’s. My dad took us to the Zuni Res every year for their festival & I was fascinated by their faces, costumes, dance, jewelry. We were taught they were our elders & we gave them the respect that title deserves bc that’s how we were raised.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

World Central Kitchens. They are very good humans.

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Love your pets! I would add the organizer of the new worker’s union at Staten Island, is it? Must have been quite an effort, against the odds, marvelous.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

He is mighty impressive.

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Thank you. And that win in Staten Island--one of the reddest of places in New York--was quite something.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump


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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I agree and enjoy reading every single reason!!

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Ketanji Brown Jackson. A true pioneer.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Adding Cory Booker for his passionate defense of Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Jackson against the vile smears of Republicans.

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I think the new Justice Jackson is deserving. She was cool and calm during the awful senate hearing and now she’s made history, and confirmed by a bi-partisan vote with the only three seemingly sane republicans in the Senate.

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AND Ali Velshi!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and her amazing family

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Apr 11, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Brian Schatz of Hawaii


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I vote for Ali Velshi too. The man has been working 7 days a week, to get the story out of the horrors in Ukraine. He is so compassionate and has done a great job getting the truth out. He is amazing in his reporting. I hope he is appreciated by his network!

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Love your animals. KBJ but also thr boy who fed his family. And all those who played and sang the Ukrainian anthem

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I'm going yo make my note short. I nominate Ketanje Brown Jackson & Jose Andres of WCK.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Senator Chris Murphy for standing up in Congress and defending trans kids....

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As with so many already, I have to agree that Ketanji Brown Jackson is someone we can all learn from with her grace and poise through all the ridiculous attacks.

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I’m voting for new Supreme Court Justice Jackson!

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. she has shown compassion, courage and love to the entire Ukraine people.

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