My blood boiled when I heard they lowered the amount but your explanation has calmed me down. We ARE going to get him and then grab him by the ballot box! Vote blue everyone!!

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Just so the Trump cult doesn’t get too excited, the court of appeals only reduced the bond required to delay seizures to $175M & gave him another 10 days to produce it. They did not reduce the judgment amount whatsoever — at least not yet. That remains at $454M & growing daily.

Hey Donald: isn't it past your jail time?

On a T here: t.co/mtZXE00EFj

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Hahaha, thank you Jimmy Kimmel

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Yes , I love his monologues ! And Trump hates them !

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Yeah! 😁

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Yes ,the “ ballot box “ !

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Grab him by the ball…

…ot box 😉

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Vote independent instead!

I don't trust either side of the uniparty after seeing Whitney Webb's analysis: https://unlimitedhangout.com/

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If you vote independent, you’ll surely guarantee trump gets in.

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Being a registered Independent does not exclude one for voting blue. Why is no one in any media NOT calling that out? Or have I missed something?

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Seriously...what's the problem with that? Weren't we much safer? Were there any wars? Inflation? Didn't we have a secure border, not the chaos and danger we're in now? Joe couldn't stand trial for his crimes because his mind is too far gone, but he can be President? What type of sense does that make? Have you heard of Agenda 21/30 or listen to what the WEF has in mind?

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Yes. I just reported the post. Just hit the three


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If you don’t see the differences between the two parties then you must be at a place of great privilege. Most of us here understand that there is a lot to lose if Trump wins, and that it will be gone for a long time if not forever.

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If you vote independent it is a vote for tRump. Vote BLUE because our very Democracy depends on it.

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I suggest you reconsider voting Independent. That's like voting for Trump.

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Sources must always be checkout, even and especially when they confirm our bias. I check sources from Media bias/fact check: Unlimited Hangout = Bias and Credibility

CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore,…


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Today was a good day for the good guys. Time to stop reacting to headlines…they are usually wrong.

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Thanks for this. If I'm understanding correctly, they lowered the bond, but if he loses his appeal, he's on the hook for the original amount, plus the interest. So maybe one step back but hopefully eight leaps forward when he loses his appeal.

I'm so sick of this person. I can't wait for him to just go the eff away. I don't care how it happens. I'm just TIRED.

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TIRED describes my state of mind exactly. I am off to write postcards. Advantage is that I can do even tho my brain and soul are tired. And I can write and sip wine at the same time!

Hang in there. We all will get through these trying times.

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Speaking of postcards heard Simon Wiesenthal used sending thousands of postcards to win support for his efforts to track down Nazis. It worked. Perhaps postcards to senior citizens telling them about Donald's plans for Social Security might get their attention and their vote.

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Yes ! I am one of them!! I’m 67 years old and can’t afford to lose a dime of my income!!!!

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I am a year older and feel the same. I worked really hard from the time I was 12 years old (true) to the time I was 66. I am entitled to social security and Medicare because I PAID INTO THE SYSTEM for, checks notes and does arithmetic in head, FIFTY FOUR YEARS! The government made a contract with us all and I do not want them weaseling out of it because Reagan and his cronies all the way up to trump and his cronies decided to give the morbidly rich tax cuts. Trickle down economics my ass!

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YES, excellent point...this was also done in 1936 apparently to educate folks about the New Deal which was under attack and people didn't understand why it was so important; the Dems used small fact cards, different colors for different topics I think -- I'm improvising here a bit -- maybe 3-4 points -- Heather Cox Richardson wrote about it -- and cards were distributed by Democratic WOMEN -- EVERYWHERE - cafes, park benches, libraries, public transit, buses, train stations, tack to phone poles, phone booths (do they exist?) -- who knows what could happen?

We could break down the 2025 evil manifesto and make sure people know about all the horror waiting in the wings...

Some of what we can look forward to:

Cut Social Security, Medicare, Implement a Nat'l Abortion Ban, cut Obama Care, no pre-existing conditions protection, millions more homeless b/c no health insurance, weaponize the gov't, eliminate the Dept of Ed, Homeland Security, De-fund the DOJ, weaponize the gov't, Retaliate against opponents, discriminate against marginalized people especially the LGBTQ community, re-institute the Muslim Ban, destroy the planet -- no climate change funding or research, destabilize the world, enable Russian aggression, increase chance of using tactical nuclear weapons or worse -- and this is just a start.

Let's see what we can create and distribute??:-)

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This is an awesome idea. I’m a graphic designer and I would love to make little cards to leave places like public transportation et cetera.

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Terrific. Thank you. How can we who support this idea get started? I'll do my best but at 85 have limited energy and funds. But as I said will do all I can. After reading Project 2025 I believe this is the most important election of the history of our country.

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I'm with you. You sound like a very sharp person. Would you be willing to lead this effort?

I read that Alito and Thomas are using an ancient law called Comstock Law to prevent birth control pills from being sold by mail.

The Project 2025 is using ancient laws as well to implement their plans.

How can we connect privately to start this effort?

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Hello Maureen -- yes, I am just thinking about how to go about this. NW Pixel Chick is a graphic designer! Maybe we can all connect -- I'm not too concerned about privacy as I am everywhere -- my email address is: jeanneschapp@sbcglobal.net -- maybe put "Little Cards" in the subject line? Thanks for your interest too!

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Wow! That is a really good idea!

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Thanks. Perhaps folks on here can take different states and find seniors names and addresses and tell them Trumps plans. Or better yet wherever we live we could send to the seniors there. I live in Calif but it's a blue state so perhaps I could take a red state that's wavering. Let's talk some more about this and how to fund it as it won't be cheap for those of us on a limited budget.


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Responding to myself!

I checked on line about postcard writing for the Democrats and found a lot of groups already set up and well organized that we could join. If we want to focus on specific issues like Social Security and Project 2025 we will need to find groups agreeable to that campaign.

Here are some groups:




www.volunteerblue.org. A primer on postcard writing.


There are more but this gives us some starting points.

I'm excited to find a way to help save the world from Donald Trump.

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Yes, yes and yes! We Senior on Social Security, because Congress took bribes from Insurance Companies, and passed obscene laws with Pre-existing Condition Clauses, that allowed them to raise our coverage to stratospheric monthly amounts, if already covered. Leading to Dire financial Crises: premiums that went from modest 2 digit average. To more than our mortgages! Unable to afford insurance coverage, forced to sell our homes, liquidate our retirement savings, investments and adding insult to injury-pay Pre-mature Withdrawal Penalties. Being a self-employed person, corporate provided coverage not possible. Finding work, when seriously ill & mature, for insurance coverage, is near to impossible.

Try taking sick leave, as a new employee. If you can even find a job after successful self-employment. Assumptions are you’ll leave once you acquire enough new clients. Don’t dare take sick leave, you’re fired. Draining your retirement and saving leaves you dependent on Social Security. As an early widow at 42, now living on late husband’s ‘89 SocSecurity is barely surviving.

Yet Members of Congress were Rewarded by the Industry for their favorable Legislation Collaboration-with Utra-Premium Insurance Congressional Members Only Coverage-with No Exclusions Ever, for Life. Even after they no longer serve in Congress. For themselves and their Entire Families. Hmmm, what wrong with this picture?

And now one party the irresponsible one, is doing their utmost to destroy Social Security, mislabeling it “entitlement” a projection if there ever has been. They are arrogantly, corruptly wanting to get their Greedy mitts on the funds we the people have paid into all our working lives. When self-employed, portion is doubled- as you pay as employer + employee parts.

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Gah!! I am unhappy to post that I heard a Trump sound bite very recently "I will not cut any SS/Medicare except waste & fraud". But he is a serial liar...

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All of SS is waste according to the rotting corpse formerly animated by Donald Trump.

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Great idea !

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Before he dies. I truly hope that something happens that will shock a majority of his cult into knowing he despises them and nevertheless willing to use them, fleece them all while considering them disgusting but useful chattel - but ultimately completely disposable and replaceable. Let’s hope he lives long enough suffer ignominious ridicule and learns way more about prison life than he ever imagined. But I don’t want him to suffer too long - his supporters should be disabused of their imagining he has anything special about him other than being an over-the-hill malignant narcissistic sociopath —a dumbed-down version his heroes: Hitler, IL Duce & Little Rocket Man.

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Yay! Another "postcarder" here! (and phonebanks, textbanks, canvassing)

During TFG's reign of terror I often suggested to my friends that his main strategy was to kill off large #s of Democrats/Americans through mental stress and exhaustion.

As a long time (also exhausted) activist my slogan has been: Taking Action is the Antidote to Despair. (Maybe I should put it on a t-shirt?)

But for the next months my personal mantra seems to be "Take A Breath... and Take Action". Maybe I should modify to Take a Sip of wine and Take Action?!

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Well I blame the stress of the Trump years for my diagnosis of breast cancer. Fortunately caught early and doing well (Ladies get your mammograms!). However, thanks to SARS-CoV-2 aka Covid, a fair number of MAGAs died off. It is true! More deaths/100,000 in red states than blue. Gee, I guess those vaccines, masking, and hand washing actually helped prevent illness and death. Who knew?!!

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I'm not medically trained, but I do not doubt that at all! I'm glad to hear that you're doing well.

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Thank you!

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Thanks for your comments and good luck to you -- I had a similar diagnosis -- early detection too...thank goodness, but yes women, get your mammograms! -- and don't forget to take a break and breathe! (I make art, do yoga and go for walks!)

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Oooh! I do the same! I do fiber art and Kripalu yoga. What about you? I am blessed to have several walking routes just outside my door. I have 6 months and change left on tamoxifen. I am counting down.

Thanks for the good wishes. Right back at you!

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Thank you!

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Please tell me where who to contact to help with these same things !!! I di Anything!

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Depending on where you are, try your local democratic club, or a local/state candidates ' campaigns if they need volunteers.

There are lots of online/remote options, eg to write to voters in red States, here's some to try. In most cases you can look by state, sometimes candidate, sometimes type of activity.

www.Activate America.vote

www.votefwd.org (Vote Forward)

www mobilize.us

www markersfordemocracy.org

And get some friends together to write postcards or letters - folks want to do something, and not all are in the political loop like you may be. Maybe this is all they can do, or if it's the first step into activism maybe they will do more as the election gets closer.

Remind them that Action is the Antidote to Despair!

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I am writing for Commit to Democracy.


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Thank you! The more the merrier!

A political friend compiled a list of such resources to share, I will make sure this is added if not already there.

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I am plugged in to Sister District (chapters all over the country), Indivisible, Swing Left -- activities for groups accessible on www.mobilize.us -- also working for State Legislative candidates (Sister District & States Project ) is super important b/c so many of these draconian laws are passed at the state level. North Carolina needs some focus & help and they have a really strong Democratic chair, Anderson Clayton. Also, join Simon Rosenberg's substack if not already, Hopium Chronicles, and also Jessica Craven -- she has action items to do every day. Whew! There is so much out there -- good to pick what makes sense for you and not get overwhelmed! Good Luck!

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Wonderful information - thank you for posting it.

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YES to all! You and I are on same wavelength!

I'm already overwhelmed! But trying to remember to pace myself - I think I just finally recovered from 2020 burnout!

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breathe, sip, action. Rinse. Repeat.

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Love the postcards! Can you please advise on how to get involved thank you in advance for any info.

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Yes , together ! 💙

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My fondest wish is for his death. When that happens, we'll no longer have to think about him. Of course, I won't quibble if he goes to prison first. But just think: when he's dead, he will cease influencing Earthly affairs, and we will cease hearing about him.

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I don't wish for his death; that would be too good for him. I'd rather see him have an extremely painful, terminal and slow debilitating disease like pancreatic cancer.

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I'm with you on this! It's unfortunate that death will turn him into a martyr, but at least I want him to suffer for as long as possible.

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I'll take anything at this point

Lightning strike

Anything Coronary or stroke related but death must be guaranteed and quickly




A "Trip" down the stairs it worked for Ivana ... Just ask Donald


A Glass of water to end the fucking "Witch Hunt" because he is an evil pussalina witch if I ever saw one

A n y t h i n g

as long as he is



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I think it should be a stroke - strong enough where he is unable to communicate his BS, but mild enough that he’s totally aware that he can’t do it.

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And can said mild stroke take place where he's imprisoned, and be mild enough NOT to be considered for going home!

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Where are those deranged gunmen hanging out these days in Palm Beach? Can we crowd-fund it?

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I'll donate!

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Evil pussalina Witch. I can't! 🤣🤣🤣

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Well, I do have a friend who's in a coven -- in 2016 I asked couldn't they do some ritual to rid us of that man. Alas she responded they don't do 'black" magic. Gee, what's the point of being a witch if you can't use it to save a country?!

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I don't think it will turn him into a martyr. Those people who like him may look upon him that way after death, but I think most people will be happy to see him go.

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I don't think death will turn him into a martyr, unless someone kills him. Everyone dies.

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That's actually what I had meant to say but misspoke - assassination, not just death. Agree with you - most people would rejoice!

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And preferably embarrassing! I want him to develop a syphilitic gumma in one of his paunchy orange cheeks. Unfortunately he has access to antibiotics nowadays so it's very unlikely that he (still, if ever) has syphilis, but it would be soooo fitting!!

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Fat chance of him getting a terminal disease or a deadly virus! .. it seems even a virus has some form of self respect!!

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I just want him gone from this world. Once he's gone, he will no longer iinfluence earthly affairs and we can forget about him, and think about helping each other, and bettering our country, instead. He is a pernicious influence.

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Or perhaps, a massive stroke like Joe Kennedy, father of President suffered perhaps,, Robert Gillis? Old Joe was a nasty guy, ties to mafia bosses and known to have made his vast wealth during the Prohibition, importing spirits. He was left a drooling, quadriplegic, pushed around in a wheel chair, aware of everything, forced to endure the eventual crumbling of his ill-gotten gains.

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Hate to tell you but people die fairly quickly with pancreatic cancer. 3-4 months after diagnosis. I worked in the medical field for 42 years. Most people start to feel bad and sometimes are gone in a few weeks! I’ve taken care of people who we thought were just a little sickly and died before we even got them diagnosed. In those cases it was found on autopsy.

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That's so sad!

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How about burning in hell? Forever!

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My friend Marc (age 66, fit & with no prior ailments) died of pancreatic cancer in Vancouver, Canada - - only 8 months after he was diagnosed in British Columbia and began treatment.

But if we're hexing, Susan, I'd say an inoperable brain tumor or Lewy body dementia.

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And perhaps set a longevity record for not dying without remission?

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David!!! It's your "Make a wish" friend who days dreams he gets pummeled by a bus and is reduced to chop meat road kill!!!!👋😂😜

May AG Alvin Bragg and The judge make all our dreams and wishes come true!!!

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That’s my wish as well. I felt horrible at first however in 2019 is when my family stop speaking. They believed everything he spews. I couldn’t take it anymore. His lies and all the Covid and he hated on Fauci along with his sickos in GOP & Base it was disgusting. My BLOOD P becomes out of control. I didn’t even realize it. All I wish was for DJT TO DIE. I felt bad at first but I seen what was happening all around. his lies about Covid so many people dying. Then Jan 6 was my breaking point I knew he would get out of it. I wanted him to Die still do. It seems like bad guys r living Good ones die. What he put Americans through he should be charged with Treason. You know that he gave or sold CLASSIFIED DOC OUT 9 Folders Doc missing!

What’s up with that? Then SJ takes his damn immunity case, Doc case isn’t going anywhere she to scared of the loser to stand up to him. We stand one chance to get rid of her if Smith can do it. But listening to Judge Luttig stated it would be highly unlikely to get her dismissed. Darn it

Plus did anyone seen his crazy golf win! He can possibly be that good with a swing like his. It’s crazy. Does everyone just stroke his damn Ego? People should tell him the truth? What does that maniac have? Yes money but come on he’s as dumb as a rock.

Plus how does his lawyers get away with talking to Judges like they do?

This egotistical malignant narcissistic little man needs to be put in his place. This is embarrassing as a Country because you know the world is laughing at him. We as a COUNTRY THAT VOTED HIM INTO WHITE HOUSE too. Now there a chance that RUSSIA WILL INTERFERE IN 2024 ELECTION BECAUSE PUTIN ALREADY CAME OUT AND SAID HE WOULD. SURE PUTIN LIES LIKE DJT. I LIVE IN CA. IAM DOING WHAT I CAN TO DONATE TO BIDEN. I WORRIED ABT AZ.

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Sadly, the fault lies with Homo sapiens having a predilection for authoritarian rule - it made some sense when the bravest and most intelligent were in charge during pre technological ages. Even now, a majority of humans on earth are living under authoritarian rule. Egalitarian society is hard work and requires the support from the majority of those who could reasonably expect due to benefit from leveraging those born to less fortunate circumstances. Indeed America is no where close to a true democratic society. But the malevolent strongman model that half the world population is subjected to is objectively bad for all but the tiniest slice of humanity. Today’s republicans prove that even with universal education that rational self interest can easily be overridden by the latent cult instincts built into the human psyche of a large proportion of population. The idea of egalitarianism unfortunately creates the possibility of a self-inflicted disadvantage of being unable to prevent the rise of a cult leader who, despite being overwhelmingly narcissistic, malevolently sociopathic and simultaneously devoid of any redeeming traits touched off fervent loyalty from -40% of the extant population proves that we are going to have make •some• changes going forward - should we survive this catastrophic shift in the susceptible 40+% to falling in thrall to an idiot sociopath wannabe dictator.

The electoral college could have been a safety net if the geographic advantage went toward more intelligent and/or benevolent voters. Instead, it is the mechanism by which descend toward a literal idiocracy (now a must-watch movie btw). We have allowed the Supreme Court not only be stolen by the Republican Party but to be populated by literal criminals and who enjoy the patronage of the uber-wealthy. Its seems as though the religious basis of anti-woman/pro-zygote take which appears to drive Alito and Thomas especially, are at odds with their elitist leanings (toward the wealthy).

It makes some sense if you assume they would like to keep the poor and the liberal saddled with overpopulation that can be exploited by the donor class - while pleasing the religious fundamentalist class whom they can also exploit both as laborers and voters.

These were just some extemporaneous thoughts as to what could explain the death wish for the ideals of liberty and justice for all. Recall that “under God” was not inserted in the Pledge of Allegiance until 1954! (& In 2017, we added Q-Anon to our political equation.)

We need to start enforcing laws that protect democracy and intellectualism- amazingly, the plutocrats + fanatical religious + disaffected + racially predjudiced is distinct minority empowered by the inequity exemplified by absurd the power given to empty states compared to the populated states in electing the Senate and the Presidency along with the filibuster and the blatant abuse of power by McConnell in blocking Garland by a “rule” that only lasted for a couple of months to substitute unqualified Coney Barret for Garland - and thereby caused the sentimental mistake of Merrick Garland becoming our overly-cautious Attorney General when we needed an aggressive or at least moderately proactive AG to clean up the mess incited by the debacle that was the criminal Trump administration (despite the efforts of those cabinet members who tried temper him.)

November is a make or break election that could be disastrous for humankind on planet Earth.

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Your statement is exactly how it is. I do believe had we had AG that tackled Trump administration we would be going in a different direction. Biden must win in 2024 of course DJT will say it was stolen.

This man is a snake he played with the Mafia, Russia who knows who else. However we must either enlarge Supreme Court or impeach Alito, and gross Thomas. These billionaires they’re playing with are deep racist towards poor, middle class peoples rights to chose. I feel those two were the easiest to Corrupt? These men along with Leo Leonard want 40s & 50s back.

They must be stop. Leonard is being investigated by DC AG. Leonard non profits are what being investigated All Red State AG have threaten DC, AG even Death threats. This is the NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY THREATEN HARM TO ONES DOING THEIR JOBS & THEIR FAMILIES.


He will destroy America if he’s in WH again. Taking us out of NATO will give Putin a signal to attack due to Trumps IGNORANCE.

I DO PRAY I AM WRONG. I’ve watched families no longer speak to each other like mine because he’s Racist, liar & womanizer. Oh don’t forget the ugly lies about COVID AND INJECTING BLEACH DOING OTHER THING TO TRY.


I remember when he was mixed up with Mafia No different than Joe Kennedy he wasn’t as stupid as DJT is. I THINK RUSSIA USES DJT WITH MISSING DOC? I WILL ALWAYS FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT THAT.




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I’ve always said that it’s way past time for his health to do democracy a solid. My preference would be that it does so after he is behind bars for while but at this point, I’m so freaking exhausted I’ll take anything.

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Mar 26
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Me too , I long for the day we don’t hear his name !

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Yes, you're correct. If he loses the appeal, he must pay the original fine, plus the interest that is continuing to accrue daily. And even if he prevails on appeal, he won't get the $175 million back.

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Oh my goodness you said it all!!!

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And wearing the thinking of the public down and out is their game. Keep your head down, pay attention and keep on keeping on

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You and me both.

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Excellent analysis. Thank you.

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Envisioning a prison cell with him in it…

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Actually, I’m picturing him wearing nothing but a wooden barrel held up by suspenders, like those shown in editorial cartoons from the Great Depression, signaling someone is so broke they don’t have clothes. Perhaps standing on the sidewalk in front of Trump Tower or 40 Wall Street as the name is removed…

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I prefer picturing his coffin being lowered into the ground at Bedminster. I'm sure this is also Melania's wish for Don POORleone.

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In your imagination, is he breathing or not?

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Dear Robert, I picture djt SILENT. Wouldn't that be heavenly?

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Yes! He's in a 50 ft muddy hole at gitmo. No radio, TV, no wifi/phone. No McDonald's. A piece of bread and bottle of water thrown in every couple days.

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NOT !!!

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Check both the coffin and the hole for secret documents before shoveling any dirt back!

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Gotta do the due diligence at Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey!

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We need to exhume Ivana's coffin to see why it was so heavy, since all it was supposed to have was an urn with her ashes in it. I'm assuming a ton of gold bars.

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Kind of odd the way Ivana Trump's death was quite sudden, attributed to a fall on the stairs, just as she was about to testify in djt's court case. Also, as a long-time skier, Ivana's striking gracefulness, sense of balance, and athletic poise were unmistakable. Hmmmm.

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Schadenfreude deluxe!!!

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Oh you know she’s in it for the money. But if she does get out so there just might not be enough. His whole family seems underhand boys at least. Not Barron I have a feeling Barron is the smartest out of all of them. Because of what Adam Kissinger said that DJT HAD SERIOUS BODY ODOR HIS WIFE WONT STAND TO CLOSE MUCH LESS KISS HIM SHE LOOKS LIKE IT KILLS HER TO KISS THE FAT BLOB. YUK NO DAMN AMOUNT OF MONEY WOULD WIRK FOR ME. HES DISGUSTING. GUESS SHES ONLY THINKING MONEY SO SHE SHOULD HELP THE COUNTRY ALONG!!

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😂😂😂I'd pay to see that!!

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I am now a paid subscriber here. Thanks to you! 😜

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She's worth it. And so is Jo Jo from Jerz.

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I agree 100%! I love her Substack.

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I would too!

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Jo Jo

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No Jo is amazing also! In a very different way.

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