At 12:00 noon EST January 20, the United States of America ceases being a constitutional republic and becomes a criminal syndicate. Other nations trust us at their peril.

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Government workers like me will make sure that doesn't happen. We have been preparing since election day to undermine Trump's second term like we did his first. Let's keep resisting to save our sacred democracy: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/resisting-project-2025-from-within-government

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THANK YOU from Canada...we get so little sense of any real resistance to this movement here it is quite terrifying and despair making. Good to know there's organizing and resistance within the ranks there within the strucutre. Thank you and keep it up!

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I am so sorry 😔 Canada and the world are being dragged into this chaos.

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Hey! How about Mexico?

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I am sorry you good folks have to witness the greatest sham our country has ever seen. Please know over half of this country DOES NOT support this criminal. My deepest apologies.

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Careful Toni - I am not sure at all over half do not support this criminal. Unless its 45 Trump 40 Harris 15 totally apathetic.

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I am speaking for a good portion of the population who refused to vote because they are so sick and tired of our "government.....and there are many (I'm sure).. Sorry if you don't agree....and it really doesn't matter.

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Many of us have been fighting this stuff since the 70s Canadian and other friends. Media does not make us known easily.

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Check out YouTube news podcasts: *Tennessee Brando, *Five Minute News, *MeidasTouch for factual news. There are other good sites too. 🇨🇦

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Thank you for your actions.

I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that such a reprehensible piece of shit is about to be our president.

Commander Crazy Pants and his Clown Posse deserve everything you and your contemporaries can throw at them. It's not hard to pick apart a joke, tracking their blunders will be late night fodder for the next 4 years.

Commander Crazy Pants is overweight and old. It's just a matter of time...Vance is young so eventually we'll get stuck with enduring Vance's Christofascism. It's going to be rough, fighting is the only voice they understand. I also think there's more good than evil.

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I also believe there are more good’uns than baddies, as my grandson says.

My motto…

I will do no harm, but

I WILL BE the resistance!

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maybe more good than evil, but the problem (thinking of a trump-admiring ex-friend) may be that there isn't more sense than stupidity - and people susceptible to being, er, egged on by (now we're getting to evil) deliberate lying media (no need to name names) and the capitulating cowardly media

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Thank you.

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May it be so!

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My mother was a dedicated government worker for 26 years. She always said she felt it was an honor. Thank you to you and all your fellow workers. You are appreciated!!!

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Thank you! I've waited long for such assurance. We can't let this overbalance bozo topple the US. Too much is at stake.

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I'm with you.

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The fools who voted for the "CONVICTED FELON" TRUMP and any other REPUBLICAN contributed to America self-destructing, which has begun!! The CURSE upon them and TRUMP, and EVERY CORPORATION, BILLIONAIE, and all the rest of the "ENEMIES of AMERICA" will pay and pay and pay! The CURSE upon them will slowly eat away and POOF they'll NEVER know what caused their lives to be destroyed!! Unfortunately, many innocent Americans will be caught up in the effects of the CURSE! Just remember I told U so!!

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Will you give please give us some specifics about THE CURSE?

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sort of part of the package - evil and stupid eventually collapse

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You are absolutely correct. The citizens of Canada are terrified.

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And deeply angry at the USA for putting the world through this again! Deeply angry. Ready to go fight on the border if necessary and I'm approaching 70. Maybe finally Canada will break free of the US stranglehold on our economy and promote our own culture as was done more in the 1970's. I hope so!

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I live in the USA (for now) and voted for Kamala. I’m also deeply angry at the morons who voted for him. I will not live in a Dictatorship, do, yes we’re ready to fight, too. I’m 66 & afraid of losing my Social Security, but we will fight for it.

Btw, Putin is behind all this. He engineered the back door on the voting machines that changed votes to Dump. He or Musk (because Dump is too dumb) engineered the bullet ballots with just his name & no one else’s on it - even in States that went for Democrats. Unfortunately, I’ve been told that the margin of “victory” was just over the automatic recount number in each of the swing states. It’s a mathematic impossibility, but there’s no way to prove it. So this abomination stands even though we all know he didn’t legitimately win.

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Agree it is a rigged job but where s the FBI and other intelligence cyber security tracking it? I’m Canadian and I reported on line to cybercrime at FBI under civil rights violations and nothing at all…sent Spoonamore articles plus now there s smart elections.com and ballot bounty.org analysis… is any law enforcement even looking at this??

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Same here

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There were also many ballots with Trump marked for President but everything else marked for Democrats, where as the reverse, Kamala as President & the rest Republican, did not occur, even though we had lots of Never Trumper Republicans who would've voted for Kamala as President but Republicans down ballot. And with such a high (record) early turnout, especially by women, who can believe the depressed vote by women for Kamala? I suspect that there was some algorithm installed that threw out every 4th or 5th ballot marked for Kamala (or changed it to Trump leaving votes the same for the remaining positions). They did talk about codes being taken from machines & used to manipulate votes. That's in addition to voter suppression, terrorism & vandalism against Democratic strongholds.

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I am inclined to agree and have also thought the same.

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Yeah a good chunk of us here are pissed off too. Too many stupid shortsighted morons here

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I am so sorry, Cathereine. Please know a greater number of us oppose his very existance. Our government has taken a drastic turn and we the people are still resisting and will continue to do so and support our Constitution.

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Absolutely girl! Fellow Canadian disgusted in this NPD. Honestly, something just isn’t right that he was voted in.

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I’m sad to learn the citizens of Canada are afraid. Vice President Kamala Harris continues to remind us:

“We shall fight and we shall win”


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We don’t scare easily we re pretty tough -15 today in the banana belt of Toronto with wind chill! We fought in two world wars long before the US did and took many major battles others were not able to Vimy Ridge and Mont Cassino in particular. So if we have to we will fight in all ways possible. We prefer to build peaceful world relationships but all things are possible under Trump even old women like me lined up on the border to stop him.

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I don't think anyone wants to invade Canada in this sub-zero weather, especially us old women. But I'll stand at the border alongside you in my fuzzy slippers.

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Yet what is Kamala doing about it? She had a chance to call for recounts or audits that would likely have shown that the published election results were false, but she passed on it. She could've declared Trump disqualified according to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which he is, & performed her moral & constitutional duty & refused to certify the election, but she passed on it. She's doing nothing that I can see to "fight" or to "win", although most likely she did get more votes than Trump & actually won. But who wants to know? Who wants to find out? Apparently not she nor Biden nor the rest of the Democrats by their (in)action. I certainly do as do many if not most American voters. If the alternative was innocuous, then I might be able to understand their wish to not "rock the boat". But he is anything but innocuous.

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Maybe you didn’t personally hold your trump voting family, friends, businesses accountable because in America BUSINESS is more important than ETHICS, PRINCIPLES & INTEGRITY. 9 out of 10 people “looked the other way” while smiling and trading with these Facists. That is on YOU ALL.

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I am with you! At 72 I will hobble to the G8 conference in Kananaskis this summer if TFG dares to stick a toe in Canada to protest!

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Except...Harris isn't fighting.

It's like Biden is telling her "set an example for the next election to show how professional and responsible we are compared to Trump so we can win next time.

What an idiot! There isn't gonna be another election. There wasn't one this time. And, there almost wasn't one the time before.

Biden is acting like this was a normal election where people voted Trump in. There were bribes. There was election interference from Russia. There were Musk's Gork chatbots misleading people. There was no election transparency to the public. There were so many statistical anomollies that needed to be investigated and weren't. The last "normal" election was when Obama got elected. Since then, we had Putin style elections, one of which failed.

And, even just forget about that for a second. The fact Trump is acting like a proxy as if Musk was elected president with Vance out of the loop, that he is publicly making plans to conquer allies through military and economic war, and he is like grampa Simpson with his finger on the nuclear button is enough justification to stop this terror frieight train.

Not to mention that you don't put practicing criminals, grifters, felons,and traitors into the presidency to run government. The framing father's were pretty clear about their intent on prohibiting that.

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Completely agree. There are so many reasons & causes to stop Trump from getting back in power, & nobody with any power is doing anything about it.

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yeah, let's show how proper WE are...as if the MAGA mad dogs are impressed (they just smell weakness)

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Fear is the root of evil. Be angry, insulted and determined but don’t let that devil make you afraid. We HAVE TO find new ways to undermine the evil. Fight the lies in new, creative ways. Bypass his simplistic rants . Flood the American media with intelligent and eloquent dismissal of his ignorant view of the world and its history .

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All talk & no substance that I can see.

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So are the majority of citizens in the United States.

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The citizens of the United States never rose up. White citizens never organized and protested four years of Trump‘s corruption and Muslim bands and his impeachments and on and on and there was never any show by the people to hold him accountable. And I’m talking protests in the street. I went to 7 protest late and there weren’t enough people there to even get the media to show up. The women’s march was the only large protest and that was in 2017. I’m ashamed of Democrats who are so privileged they think all they have to do is show up every four years and vote. Well you FAFO.

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Yes, what we Canadians are mad at is Americans absolved themselves of the responsibility to prevent things like this in their culture.

Canada has done a lot more in the last month to fight Trump than you guys ever did since 2016.

And, going home and drinking isn't doing something about it.

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I'm sorry. Tellina. You are wrong. White citizens were organized. Wrote a ton of postcards, knocked on doors, all trying to get Kamala elected. Also, I showed up to many Women's Protests all through his miserable first term. We showed up in NY and the Hudson Valley by the thousands. White, black, brown, men, women, teenagers, children. We were out there constantly. I voted for Kamala. I also worked the polls. Both times, Republicans showed up often voting only for Trump -- they proudly let all of us know. Their ballots were constantly spit back out of our voting machines to make sure they were fine with only having Trump on them-- mostly on both the Repub and Conservative lines. Most never voted down ballot. But many young people wrote in Jill Stein, (write-in votes are slotted by the machine into a separate drawer, in NYS, and have to be pulled out by hand at the end of the night.) I guess they were "punishing" the democrats, as one told me. Well, they punished everybody, including themselves.

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Thank you for writing “postcards” as if it is 1972 but you missed my point. A WOMEN’S MARCH is not a WHITE MEN MARCH no matter how many white men show up! And knocking on doors is not “rising up.“ I don’t think you know how to fight. And that is what comfortable white people don’t understand. And now we are FAFO. I am not dismissing your efforts to get Harris elected but this election called for a more scorched earth approach.

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I are one...and duly terrified...bad enough the stealth (well, open) eroding of our values (like universal health) by US agents influencing premiers and voters, but wholesale takeover? absurd idea, but everything about trump is absurd, culminating (currently) with his being voted prez A SECOND TIME!!!!!!!! So we'd better take this seriously

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7-Jan-2025: This afternoon's DJT Rant seems to have revealed that DJT 2.0 will be about Revenge, and Destruction... Seizing Greenland, and the Panama Canal will Alienate NATO,

if not outright cause it to Crumble, and taking the Panama Canal will alienate Latin America further... Much of the Good Work of the Post WW2 World Based Order will be undone...

Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, and Merrick Garland failed in their Duty to Uphold the 'Rule-Of-Law'... DJT is not Immortal, but he will leave much Carnage as his Legacy..

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It seems unlikely to me that he would actually attempt to seize Greenland; not so sure about the Panama Canal. I do fear that he will withdraw us from NATO out of ignorance, stupidity (two different things), and his unending, sociopathic attempt to convince himself he's powerful.

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And of course these things are all items on Putin’s wishlist. It’s unbelievable that the MAGAts wouldn’t vote for Kamala because they’ve been told she’s a “commie”, but voting for the puppet of Putin, a legit Communist, is fine. Incredible stupidity.

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Putin has never been a communist idealogically. "Commie" is just a put-down with a long history. There is no difference between Putin's belief that he has the right to "take back" other countries, and Donnie's belief that he has the same right, and both believe they have the right to steal from their own people. I am not sure that any political system could withstand a Putin-Trump-Musk-Fox News-conspiracy.

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I hope You are Right about Greenland.... However DJT did try to Overturn the 2020 Election... If DJT actually orders the U.S. Military to seize Greenland, it could tear apart the Military...

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Yet they can refuse illicit commands like invading another NATO country (Denmark).

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From Greenland’s point of view, what do you do when a ‘friendly’ nation’ with the world’s most powerful military says ‘we’re taking control of your country’. That’s pretty frightening, and the same goes for Canada.

I’d be surprised if Donny knows where Panama actually is. Is this just a shakedown to get out of a tax bill he owes Panama?

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I have heard that the Greenlanders would like Independence... The Canadians, as well as a Good Portion of the World now, believe that the USA has gone Insane... Panama, they definitely don't want to be a USA Colony again... Tax Bill? DJT has never has had the Money that he claims to have...

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Traitor is still trying to convince his cult he won the 2016 election and is the legitimate president and is now vindicated.

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That would be the 2020 Election, however I get your point...

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He's still lying about Russian influence in 2016.

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He will do precisely what his funders instruct him to do. He will get the tax welfare for corporations extended, benefiting his own pocketbook, and that's it. Several have noted Greenland's ice melting is going to expose minerals Musk is going to need for his EV batteries, and control of the Canal means no fees to use it. The despot has no horse in any of those races, as long as he stays out of jail and keeps his own coffers lined.

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Agreed, but even for someone who has no bottom to how low will he go, it’s hard to imagine he would start a war that would involve a NATO ally. That doesn’t mean he won’t try to get it anyway.

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It is so obvious he is beholding to Putin. So, yeah, he will.

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Th truth and well said. I cannot wrap my head around the horror that has occurred and only gets more frightening by the day. God help us all.

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An international syndicate headed by Putin (or maybe Xi)

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Indeed. It's a sorrowful moment as well as hellaciously dangerous time for the entire globe.

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I appreciate you and your writing. But to the bitter end I will never understand how this one deeply flawed human has been able to get away with so much

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I doubt that you will "never understand". I think you underestimate yourself. I suggest that your apparent inability to understand is actually a reflection of your sense, caring, compassion, rationality and, (perhaps misguided), faith in a nation having a population and government who hold true to certain principles and morality. The result being that you can't 'get your head around', (if you'll excuse the colloquialism), how such a banal and even obscene sequence of events could have come to what it has.

Humanity is and always has been deeply flawed. There have been and always will be those who will see themselves as 'superior' to all others and deserving of privilege despite, in fact, neither belief being even remotely close to the truth.

It is true of Netanyahu, of Putin, of Kim jong un, of religious leaders, and of many others throughout history.

It would be some little comfort to know that, sooner or later, such individuals would be held to account and have to atone, (as if that were really possible), for the harm and pain and destruction that they have caused and continue to cause. Unfortunately, for the majority, such will never be the case. Indeed, quite the opposite will be the fact for many of them for once dead, there will be many who suddenly find only worth in their deeds and create tributes, memorials and valedictions to them - for, of course, we mustn't speak ill of the dead - regardless of their callous disregard for others and their committing atrocities of all kinds with impunity.

As sad and even irrational as it is - there will be more such as is Trump.

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Oh great! My opinion is certainly more than enough.

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"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" against not only outside enemies, but internal ones as well. Too many have not been paying attention.

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U know why--TRUMP is WHITE!! VPOTUS Harris lost b/c she is a "BLACK WOMAN!!

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My belief is Trump and his red army cheated. They “played” and dishonored our democracy. He baited a multi billionaire (Elon Musk) to buy the election. Nothing fair or democratic about it😞

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trump definitely cheated. That's who he IS !! He can't win legitimately and he's a pathetic pathological liar.

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Or Musk baited the despot.

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I highly doubt that is why she lost. If you heard her yesterday, the vote count was total about 800 thousand. Yet more than 150 million Americans voted in the 2024 general election. Something still does not add up, and I do not think it was anything about the color of anyone's skin.

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Something’s off with the numbers. How could the vote count be 800 thousand and total voted be 150 million? Is there a typo somewhere?


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According to the registry, there were 150 million votes, according to Kamala in her speech, there were 800 thousand votes total counted, I think she was talking about the electoral votes, I am not sure, but the numbers still do not add up.

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Yes. And yes, it was also about the color of her skin, and her gender. Yep. All that.

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It was mostly about her gender. The color of her skin had nothing to do with it, Obama is black and he won his election.

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Respectfully - The white supremacist backlash we have been experiencing is in direct response to President Obama being in the White House. Sexism, surely was primary in VP Harris' loss, but racism was definitely in play.

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Is that why Hillary lost to? The fact is, ConOld does not like the black people, and most of the white supremacist group is in jail from J6. ConOld has some power over the GOP, that is why we will never know the real vote count.

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Yes, one of the political parties is well known as being racist as well as it’s known to be extremely misogynistic by I won’t mention names or in this case colors 😜

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Why not call out by name what we can all see. Call out the behavior! Challenge it!

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Obviously the US is full of cowards but I’m not one of them. I showed up and I made noise. My conscious is clear.

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Racism, disinformation, low information/literacy, MISOGYNY.

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Omg I feel you so much!!!

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We the people.

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And then there’s Judge Cannon, the Devil in a robe~

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Loose Cannon should face Bar Association sanctions for her obvious corruption. Perhaps the orange cheeto dust on her lips serves as a deferment.

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Disgusting to compromise an education as she has!!

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It’s not an impressive education. She had little to no experience and her husband was a bar manager.

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Sorry dear. She’s about to go on the Supreme Court.

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or a pathetic puppet in a robe

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All these lies - lie upon lie upon lie - is so wearying. Even Donald Trump looks weary. Another four years? The country is already benumbed and be-dumbed.

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My guess is that he will crumble completely in fewer than four years. With luck, it will even be before the mid-terms, which I hope will mitigate significantly his destruction of this country. He can barely get through a speech these days, and he's clearly suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's and deteriorating. The question is, will the billionaires order him pushed out via the 25th Amendment, or will they leave him there so he can play Charlie McCarthy to their collective Edgar Bergen? Even if they push him out, Vance would likely do the same...speak from Musk's lap.

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I'm sorry, but they've talking about how he's been rapidly deteriorating mentally since early in his first term. In a sense he may be gradually deteriorating, but I think it's not really dementia, but the gradual aggravation of the depravity he's exhibited most of his life.

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He has a disease called narcissism. He is the epitome of it. And the people voted for him. My god.

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Right on, Jill. Teflon Don — a toxic stew of malignant narcissism and lifelong affluenza!

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I call him a sadonarcissist since he exhibits strong signs of both sadism & narcissism.

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And note, he is being propped up by people who should know better. Does anyone actually care about this faltering guy? Biden may walk with faltering steps, but his mind is still sharp. Trump can - maybe - dress himself.

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he seemed to have no trouble getting thru speech and questions yesterday - all insane of course but that's not new...christ, reinvigorated by his victory (and prospective conquests)

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Trump only wants to Play president long enough to get his van diction and revenge done. Then he will resign and JD Vance will pardon him.

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It will show up when he doesn’t get his way and throws his McDonald’s meal against the White House walls.

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Caught by auto-correct, maybe? Not sure what you're saying before revenge.

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He has been their puppet front man all along. If Vance doesn't play, they will get rid of him.

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I'm assuming you aren't suggesting they'd outright put a hit on him, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to get rid of a veep. Also, he seems to be every bit as bad as the devil, so the question isn't likely to come up.

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No. I was not suggesting they would put a hit on him. I think they could push him out, as they can, and have, pushed out anyone else who doesn't play their game.

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Hard to know how low these people might actually go.

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I am disappointed beyond words that criminal Trump was never held accountable for his crimes.

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He is a parasite.

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While Donnie deserves jail time for this and any number of other crimes, we have to face the fact that that will never happen. (Unless of course we decide as a country to act like so many others and actually punish corruption - see France, Sarkozy; Brazil, Bolsonaro.) So, branding him with a Scarlet F is the best we can do. The humiliation will be delicious. And if he goes after Merchan with a malicious prosecution, the whole body of the evidence will emerge making it even worse for him. (Same if he goes after Jack Smith - does he really want Smith's report read into evidence for the defense???)

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I like the way you think, Peter. I'm not sure trump is smart enough to realize that things like Jack Smith's report would be read into evidence. Branding him as a felon may