Remember the innocent victims. Choose life! Vote BLUE up and down the ballot!!

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And work your arse off to turn out the vote in the swing states! We need to take that piece of filth down by the biggest landslide in history, in both the popular vote and the electoral college. If you haven’t already done so, go here to volunteer: www.joebiden.com/training

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Volunteering and donating. Posting each day, sometimes all day. We have to prevail.

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😂 dementia Joe for the win...🤦🏼‍♂️

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You mean death dont you........what about the aborted babies, are they not innocent?

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No. They are not innocent, nor are they yet babies. They are cell groups and are prior to innocence.

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Is a chicken egg a chicken? Is an acorn an Oak tree? Recede. Do repugs vote for child care?

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You’re a counselor? That’s scary.

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I vote for child care, child education, etc. Can't answer for others.

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You vote for extortion from your fellow citizens to fund your pet projects.

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Is a bald eagle egg a bald eagle? Why is there a $50000 fine for destroying a bald eagle egg if it’s not a bald eagle?

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Appears you are splitting hairs here Jonathan. Bald eagles are rare. Bald egales were on the brink of extirpation in the U.S. in late 20th century.

Now they are more common in the eagle population.

Neverless we needn't exterminate them because they exist! Get another hobby that doesn't ruin something, you'd enjoy it more.

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A human zygote is more valuable than an eagle egg.

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You’re a twisted human being.

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No babies are harmed by an abortion. Because the abortion is of a blastocyst or embryo or fetus.

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A fetus is a baby.

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No it isn’t. A baby can live outside of the uterus and a fetus cannot.

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Giving it another name doesn’t change what it fundamentally IS. Fetus is a description of a stage of life like senior or adult are description of a stage of life. Embryo and fetus are the most vulnerable stages and are deserving of the same protections as every other stage. Abortion is just a fancy term to describe a very grisly and violent murder. Anyone enabling, facilitating or participating has blood on their hands.

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Some adults require life support to live. Are they not human? What difference does a stage of life make to whether you are deserving of protection?

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Ignorant comment since abortions are not performed on viable fetuses. In late term abortions the fetus is incapable of living except for a brief period because it has fatal flaws… usually they would need multiple surgeries, and still die. The family wanted this pregnancy to succeed and are devastated.

This is an invalid and erroneous attempt at a comparison. A patient on a ventilator (old ICU/CCU nurse here) was a living complete person who has suffered an insult to their completely developed body. They have been born and had complete independent life. A fetus is a parasite on the woman and not a person or capable of independent life. If a baby is born and has difficulties we have NICU’s where we give them the best possible care including ventilation if necessary.

You can’t get pregnant, unless you are a trans man, so butt out… this doesn’t affect your body. There have been abortions since women could get pregnant.

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It is what is Viable or isn't; live support is not living, but rather an artificial means of keeping the Brain functioning.Would "life" continue if disconnected from the machines?

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Get thee educated quickly

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Zygotes aren't babies until the second trimester and they still aren't viable, so, No it is not murder . You definitely need to view PBS series on Gestation/Birth bcz all you appear to know is how to insert, pump and ignore the possible consequences


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Why is your current stage of life anymore valuable than a zygote or embryo or fetus? Viability is irrelevant.

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Viability is the ability to live outside the womb, as an air-breathing, fully developed individual, to sustain your life.

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If that has ever happened, it's the rare, unusual exception. Babies are NOT being aborted in the U.S.

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Of course babies are innocent and need to be protected. Re: aborted fetuses, that concerns a host of medical issues, largely between the mother.

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With you 100%

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If you truly cared about innocent victims you’d oppose abortion.

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I am very alarmed, Mary, and continue to be so with every week that passes. I can barely read without my blood pressure rising.

Thank you as always for keeping us informed, as disappointing as the news may continue being. It's better to be informed than living in a state of ignorance some seem content with.

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And that state of ignorance is too widespread. There are those I know who don't have a clue about the Heritage Foundation's proposed Project 2025 and all the horrific things that we'd be facing if this demented felonious monster is reelected. The word needs to be put out there by not only Mary and other Substack writers but those who are willing to sacrifice a few bucks for more air time and full-page ads. If that info gets put out there in a wide circulation, it will lessen the chances of having to live in a MAGA fascist hell.

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I read Project 2025 and it is horrifying.

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Googled it and downloaded the PDF, and it is disgusting.

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I am British and P2025 scares me. Is anyone able to help this young lady with her work, please? Thank you.

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You already lived through your “ maga fascist hell” seems you all came out the other side mentally retarded but alive.

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I support what you're proposing


also feel it's important to remember a sizeable percentage of the ignorant group are ignorant by choice. Despite having access to the same resources and information that I do, for example, less than a week ago I spoke to a 30-something healthcare professional who does not know who Samuel Alito is and had no idea what a "Project 2025" is. I chalk it up to her having a busy life but my point is that if she wanted to, she could read and listen to the same stuff I'm reading and listening to but she chooses not to.

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But others, including Gazans, and many in our country are living through one hell of another under neoliberalism too? What’s the solution? A corporate state that has complete political and economic control? That writes its own laws and legislation? It was estimated quite a while ago that 70% of Americans are disenfranchised. As a life long democrat voter, I believe this is what creates the rise of the fascism you mention. There are piles of good books on the subject. Why do Democrats not read or consider these things?

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Oh, I know and agree! My blood pressure doesn't like my reading all this terrible news either. I have to get up and spend time going for walks and doing things around the house, to lower my BP. I can only hope that the "cult of trump" will somehow get the news from other places than their trump leaning sites, or social media. I want them to be educated about what trump will do if he makes it into WH again. Project 2025.

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Me too Jean, my blood boils at how this orange pumpkin has conned so many people.

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I agree, Jean, Nancy, and Livi.

I have learned that a news "vacation" does not help, either.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Thanks Mary for keeping us updated. 💙

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Talking to a wall gets frustrating after awhile, though.

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Some of them know, or at least have heard. They show up in sizeable numbers in the Comment threads to sites I visit. They consume the same video clips, etc. and then knock themselves out posting Replies to sensible Comments, filling the thread with their rage, grievance, insult, conspiracy, and plain 'ole stupid.

They don't "get" the news because they don't want to get it.

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Wha5 you said is true. You can always tell who they are though, they always insult and name call

( projecting) and show their recycled and altered video clips. They’re pathetic. It’s best to ignore their comments, if you reply they just recycle their ignorance and hate.

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We get “the news”...it’s just that it’s lied so much the last few years that we don’t believe it anymore.

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Yet you' ll willingly believe the lies of the orange puke..

Isn't that ingenious?

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Tell me about the lies…Russian collusion was a hoax and the laptop was disgustingly REAL and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Biden’s are criminals.

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She does a stellar job on that front.Bravely speaking truth to power.

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I feel the same way. Not only does my pressure rise but my stomach turns. It’s unbelievable that our wonderful Country is being attacked by a mad man and citizens follow him blindly.

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Mad citizens following a mad man.

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Correct. It is a sad state of affairs. What can we do so that doesn't happen??! I am 70 y.o. I am not leaving my country I've lived in all my life because of trump the nut case. I don't want him taking over my country, our country.

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I’m 75yr old and can’t go anywhere and prefer to stay and vote and pray that these evil creeps don’t win.

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He wants to de-fund school vaccinations against polio and smallpox.

When George Washington commanded the Continental Army, he ordered his men to get vaccinated -- or else.

It helped save that army.

In the 1930s, when polio hit a kid on my father's block of Payson Avenue, terrified mothers kept their kids out of the street and puttied up their windows.

This country ignores history and worships stupidity.

And let's not forget the Bloated Yam's views on murderous gunplay.

He's for it. Why shouldn't he?

He's got Secret Service protection.....

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Back in 1951 my mom and I both got polio. My case was very mild, luckily, but my mom was in an iron lung in LA County General Hospital for over a year. My grandmother and uncle took us to see our mom for visits once a month (which was all that we were allowed) and we had to talk to our mom looking at her reflection of her face in a small ractangular mirror as the iron lung was much too high for us to be able to see her. I was 5 years old back then.

Why ANYone would want to chance that horrible disease happening again is beyond me!

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Polio was never and is still not something to sneeze at.

Jonas Salk had the opportunity to make vast royalties off of his vaccine. He refused. He said "It belongs to the world."

I popped the Sabin vaccine twice -- once as an infant, once when I went in the Navy. The first time, our pediatrician said to my mother, "That's it. He'll never get polio."

They were amazed.

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Over my 38 years teaching I knew 2 teachers confined to wheelchairs. I always felt guilty that I was spared thanks to the vaccines.

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My English teacher in high school had polio as a child and her legs were swollen and stiff. Yet she walked with two canes and got around well.

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My Uncle had polio as a boy. He was never able to have kids. The polio made him sterile. That's what my mom told me, anyway.

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So did I. First in elementary school & then in high school.

Imagine, if it were not mandatory to get vaccines before entering school?

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Remember, they really are trying to kill off the population. Ignorance of vaccines is their way to do it gradually.

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That's just awful.

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Mumps can do that also to pre- puberty boys, hence the vaccination.

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Jun 21
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Armies need more troops to fill the ranks.

With recruiting down, you can fill the gaps through conscription. But if there’s nobody to conscript, you have a problem.

The Germans ran into that very issue in two World Wars, when they combed out 16-year-olds in the War to End All Wars and sent them to the trenches.

In the war that came after that, the Nazis sent 12-year-old Hitler Youth into battle, armed with the world’s first disposable anti-tank weapon, the one-shot Panzerfaust rocket launcher, to stop British and American Sherman tanks and Soviet T-34s.

They actually fought with some ferocity: Goebbels would do “heroic” propaganda broadcasts about some kid who had destroyed five Shermans with his Panzerfausts.

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My mom also had polio, it bent her spine into a humpback. She had been Homecoming Queen when she was in college. She was still very beautiful as an adult, but her spine caused her pain for the rest of her life....a short 42 years. The vaccine that could have saved her wasn't available at the time, but she was happy and relieved that her 5 children were protected.

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This anti-vax nonsense has to stop.It is purely wicked to promote it.But who knows more about science and medicine than the exam cheating,grade hiding coward?

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That’s some privilege talking....if you had vax injured kids I guarantee you’d be singing from a different songbook.

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Mitch McConnell still has a Polio limp, maybe that's why he such a mound of feces .

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Oh my gosh. What a childhood memory to carry! Sorry that happened to your family. I know, I find it incomprehensible. RFK Jr. is anti-vax too and that totally scares and angers me. We are going backward in society in America. These nutso politicians are so stupid, what ARE they thinking. Oh yea, they aren't. It must have to do with money and greed somehow.

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Yet he, his siblings and his kids all got the required vaccinations to begin school and their follow- up vaccines, also.

Maybe that worm is still traveling through his brain.

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I remember a girl at a girl scout camping event who had to sleep in an iron lung. Yes, it came with her. I later had an opportunity to get into an iron lung, and experience what it was like. I had heard that polio victims would fight the iron lung, and found myself amazed that they would even be able to fight it - because it was easy to turn the volume up so far that it would be impossible to fight. I know I encountered other kids who had polio. I am very grateful that my parents didn't hesitate to get us vaccinated.

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So sorry for you and your Mom. We had a child one block away that was in an iron king from polio and they would take him by ambulance for treatments frequently. My Mom was terrified. We were vaccinated against everything.

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I'm old enough to remember "Polio ponds", and how when the first polio vaccine was available, everyone in our town was able to line up in last name order at the local junior high school and get the vaccine. There was a very long line.

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Gary, that anti-vaccine insanity is beyond comprehension. It proves the short memories people have and that history is not taught well enough for people to understand just how bad polio and the other diseases were. I remember how horrible having measles was and I was 3 years old. I also remember mumps and chicken pox; the pain and itching respectively were horrible and lasted what seemed like forever. I was lucky that I did not get any of the negative aspects of those diseases like deafness, severe fever, death. What I don't understand is that people who know better, like RFK,Jr. are pumping out the BS (OK, RFK,Jr. may not really know because of the brain worm and other physical and mental problems). I expect Trump's ignorance because that is who Trump is, but doctors should know better or have their licenses revoked. It's too bad survivors of those diseases do not do ads that could show what happened to them and how having vaccines would have saved them the hardships. It might get some empathy going.

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Ruth, I have had hearing loss since age 5. I had no idea that it could have been caused by mumps or chicken pox. I had chicken pox, too, and have carried that virus all my life. I am grateful that you mentioned hearing loss was a side effect of mumps and/or chicken pox. As for getting some empathy going, good luck with that, with the people who need to find some. I doubt that they are interested.

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I did a little research and found out that it's mumps that's the culprit here, in addition to having two smoking parents (secondhand smoke is another cause).

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A vaccine injury will turn that deluded opinion completely on its head. I hope you don’t have to experience it but it would most certainly focus your attention on the risks associated with it.

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And, Kiwiwriter, don't expect any of this to make any sense. It is totally about what makes Republicans feel "comfortable." If it were one of their kids killed in a mass shooting, one wonders if the justice would go for bump stocks. The criteria for saying they are legal, that they are not enough like machine guns is insane, just like the justice who wrote the ruling for the set of SC cons. They make it up as they go along and their clerks help out, finding all the ridiculous cases they can get their justice to cite, even when it is stupid and makes no sense. I blame them too for going along with the BS, the rulings that will do enormous harm to people in this nation. Shameful!

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These clowns don't care.

They live in mansions, ride around in limousines and private jets, vacation in the Caribbean, Palm Springs, are members at every important golf course in the world, and other places that are secured from dealing with ordinary folk.

They have never ridden a subway train, never set foot in a public school (nor their children), only interact with blacks and Latinos when they are subservient, all have wives AND mistresses, retirements secured, and VIP seating at everything from MLB games to GOP conventions in hand.

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Kiwiwriter, how do we reach people to let them know that what Republicans in charge are doing is a scam for the sole purpose of getting and maintaining power and bamboozling the Republican voters, keeping them perpetually angry, fearful, resentful, and hating all the people they are supposed to hate. None of those things are an acceptable part of "christianity" but those people have changed "christianity" to suit the negativity they are being encouraged to hold onto, at least until election day. republican leadership has created a cult for their Baby Donnie and the people have swallowed the fraud whole, needing to believe in Trump as their savior, a fool who has no clue or desire to save anyone but himself and enough people to serve him as lackies, not even equals, only valuable for their loyalty to him (he has no loyalty to anyone), particularly his cult that he can use to get more power he does not deserve and will abuse as he has done his whole life). What is going on that people would willingly give up their ability to think clearly for a lying cheating fraud? Who knows, certainly not the people who have chosen this route.

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Most of these people are unreachable.

“Don’t confuse me with facts, I’ve already made up my mind.”

You can’t change the mind of an anti-vaxxer, or a Flat-Earther, or someone who seriously believes that Jesus has picked the Bloated Yam to be His representative on Earth.

These are folks whose minds CANNOT be changed.

Best you can do is reach the undecided and wavering, and get the Democratic vote out.

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Of course!

My wife dreamed it up.

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Ruth, I am pretty sure the current incarnation of "christianity" will not change after the election - it's been in vogue for quite a while.

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Susan, well, among white evangelicals and Catholics, christianity has been morphing into an ignoring of Jesus's message and command to love and care for one another to loving only those we like and tell you are worthy of love. Both groups are already pretty racist and definitely misogynistic, but now they almost claim it proudly, the reason I left the Catholic church as a teen was that I saw the way women in the church were treated, as handmaids, keeping the church running, but having no power whatsoever. The Southern Baptists have just confirmed their misogyny as well as their homo/transphobia at their recent convention. Those groups are powerful in the Republican Party and want their flavor of christianity to be what everyone in this nation follows, so they will make rules/laws to force it, despite the foundational principle of separation of church and state which was set from the very beginning.

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Ruth, that is exactly why I hate being labeled as a Christian - I'm afraid people will think I'm like current evangelicals and others of their ilk. My church helped me through a very difficult period in my life, then it reverted to form, and nothing I tried after was anything I would want to really be apart of. I have come to see that other religions have very positive aspects, and I think diversity suits our country better than having everyone under the thumb of somebody who doesn't care about why our country was founded. I find it sickening. I won't be giving up my beliefs any time soon, but I will keep them to myself and behave in such a manner as is fitting for them (as in the teachings of Jesus).

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You described the Democrat elite perfectly.

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Weren't machine guns banned because of the extensive mob killings in the 30s?

A bump stock turns a rifle into a " Gattling gun", so what is the BS Thomas is spewing? All it takes is 1 finger pressure and the rifle will fire until the bullets are gone; why is a SCOTUS necessary anyway?

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Harlem, you lay out good questions. The first one is probably true that the gang wars of the 1930 was the push. People wouldn't be getting bump stocks if it were not to let them fire super fast. No one anywhere except maybe in the military needs a gun that fires like that. The Supreme Court could have saved a lot of lives, but those cons just cant get past the 2nd amendment. It is the only one they like, except maybe the right to remain silent in the 5th amendment. The rest of the Constitution seems up for grabs. They love claiming originalism, but that is a joke since no one can really know what the "founders" intended. The SC conservatives (cons) use originalism to cover for the fact that they are ruling based on their own beliefs and probably the donors' wishes (even though none of them should have donors, but at least a significant number of the 6 do.

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You can’t tell what original intent was from the text? You should get a refund on your public education if that’s the case. They still taught reading comprehension when I went.

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No that’s not how a bump stop works but thanks for coming out.

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Okay, do just how does it work?

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Basically it just enables you to pull the trigger faster....but the shooter gives up accuracy in exchange for this increased speed.

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The number one way to prevent your kids from being killed in the gun free zone you so fondly call “school” is to homeschool.

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Jonathan, nonsense! Homeschooling works for some families, but most families, not, plus being in school with other kids with a variety of children is a way for children to learn to understand and appreciate human diversity. The way to help keep kids safe is to have better gun management regulations: ban bumpstocks and ghost guns, ban semi-automatic weapons (if a person wants to use one, join the military), have better more complete background checks for purchasing guns, and no impulse buying at "gun shows," and have more counselors available for troubled kids and their families. I guess for some, homeschooling seems easier to do, but homes are where a lot of kids die from guns, have accidents of all kinds and sometimes even have abusive parents. If we really cared about our kids in this society, we would do a full range of things to help make our society safer, more caring and prosperous for families other than just the very rich. We would spend more time teaching social-emotional education to help people learn to manage their emotions more effectively. In short, there is no "one way" to keep our kids safe. Spending time with them, letting them try things on their own to learn independence, encouraging education's benefits, and providing meaningful recreational and learning activities for young people would also help. I think all of these are worth our efforts for our precious kids, not isolating them at home with parents who are already overworked and stressed.

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Locked in a classroom with 25 other kids of the same age and maturity level isn’t “diversity”...🤦🏼‍♂️. More kids die in school shootings than home gun accidents. The idea they are safer at school is just preposterous. Home schooling isn’t for the very rich. I’m no where’s near the top 50% and I make it work because it’s best for my kids. It’s a hardship financially but having sane children who know what gender they is well worth the cost.

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Exactly.Unlike those he intends to set his mob on.

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Really? The only mobs I’ve seen are the BLM/antifa lunatics burning and looting because some criminal died in police custody.

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My mother had polio as a child. Fortunately she had a mild case, but she still had back problems for the rest of her life.

When the University of South Florida opened in 1960, it had been designed without access barriers - buildings were built on slightly raised ground, so there were no steps at the ground floor doorways. Buildings with two stories all had elevators. For the first five years or so, there were a lot of students who had had polio and were left with mobility issues. They were in wheelchairs, on crutches or wore leg braces. USF allowed them to attend college.

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Jun 19
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Smallpox is not eradicated worldwide.

We no longer live in a Natural World, it has been polluted from the Stratosphere to the Ocean's floor, by the machinations of We Homosapiens.

God still manages Natural Selection via the Gene pools during Zygotes growth & development , by Fetal maldevelopments.

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Jun 23
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Saying #2 & 3 as Tangents.

I don't recall exactly where I read it, but I believe there were several occurrences of Smallpox out breaks in 2014, somewhere in Africa; about the same period of time there was a huge Measles resurgence.

I have to go to Wikipedia History to give Creedence. Give me a day or 2 to get back to, John. 👋

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Did you know Clarence Thomas is a gun expert. He learned all about them in Walmart parking lots.

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Peter, don't you just love the way the SC cons claim to be originalists while they forget that 18th century guns shot one ball at a time, could never have used bump stocks, and were not permitted to be carried freely in towns and cities without a specific purpose, like going to the green to drill with the militia or to go out into the country to hunt. Duels were illegal in most places. It proves just how ignorant of our history these supposedly well-educated (or at least expensively-educated) Republican justices are and that they like the rest of the Republican Party lie through their teeth while claiming they hold some kind of magical originalist truths (OK, they are not truths, just made-up nonsense that lets them get away with Republican talking points and put it into law, something no Supreme Court should be able to do).

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"Corporations are people too!"

Jeez, give us a break, SCOTUS.

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“Persons”...are NOT people.

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That’s the same technology the military had back then too.

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The people had the same arms as the state.

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