It's not just him though. It's both the National Archives and FBI playing nice for almost a year before bringing charges under the Espionage Act. When they asked for the documents back and he said "I don't have any", they should have right then and there referred the issue to the FBI for investigation. And, after he turned over a few via his lawyers, a search warrant should have been issued and he should have been arrested.
But, at the end, who's really to blame are all the people who just couldn't vote for a Black woman who had their best interests at heart, and THEY helped elect the most vile human to ever hold public office.
It wasn't complicity. He didn't want to do anything that might suggest that the Justice Department had any bias in the matter, although having just learned that Garland is a member of the Federalist Society, to which all the Trump Justices belong, I suspect he did have his own bias in the matter. Consequently, he did nothing. Biden's worst mistake was appointing him.
Garland was always a Republican. He is a member of the Federalist Society. Why Biden thought it was a good idea to appoint him AG to go after tRump and the other criminals was always beyond me, but here we are.
I can't tell for absolute certain if he's a member of the Federalist Society, but when I google "Is Merrick Garland a member of the Federalist Society," the first link was a favorable link about Garland from the Federalist Society, so obviously google thinks he is, and it's clear Biden should never have picked him for AG.
Biden is not a true Democrat. I didn't vote for him for that reason. And he chose Kamala Harris for his VP to get the black vote. He has a reputation of being a racist back when he was first elected to Congress about 40 years ago.
I doubt it's complicity. There's a very wise rule: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
I think he was simply an overly-cautious person. That's a great quality in a federal judge, but not so much in an Attorney General. He should have been confirmed for the Supreme Court.
Exactly! Obama wanted him to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and the stinking Republican Mitch McConnell is the sob that blocked it. McConnell belongs in jail for violating the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.
Had he filed charges in February 2020, the ensuing trial would have been over and, as per the constitution, he wouldn’t have been allowed to run again. I’m not sure even his pet scotus could have gotten around that. Ffs, the evidence had been assembled for him by the impeachment hearings.
Think back to the second impeachment for the moment when mitch mcconnell said the courts would handle it. That is where the real blame lies. Those repubs that voted against impeachment are at fault first and foremost. Yes, Merrick Garland did not hire Jack Smith soon enough. But history shows this began (and ended) with what was formerly known as the republican party (uncapitalized words for emphasis).
I think they're both equally to blame. Either could have changed the outcome, so that Trump would not be returning to the White House. Neither did, Garland by his foot dragging.
How did he "blow it" How could he fix it. He acted correctly, deliberately, perhaps too slowly, but ahd he acted faster he would have been attacked even more by the Goddamned fascists who to our shame have taken hold of this country
He left an insurrectionist and a traitor alone for 2 years. There was a narrow window to splinter his relationship with his capos. This was not business as usual. Garland showed his utter incompetence and behaved like this was not a coup. It was. Trump should have been put in jail within weeks of Jan 6. Was there evidence? Fuck yes WE ALL SAW IT ON TV. Was there a conspiracy? For fuck’s sake the signs are all there for everyone to see plain as day.
Trump should have been arrested when he locked President Biden and his wife out of the White House. He had them standing outside in the cold air. And Trump refused to answer his phone and put a stop to the riot. He called all those Q'Anon and Patriot Boys and other A-holes three days prior to do that rioting for him. He should have been arrested as soon as he reached the Capital building!
"but ahd he acted faster he would have been attacked even more by the Goddamned fascists"
SO WHAT? He's guilty! Get it over with as quickly as possible. Garland didn't and now Trump will never be convicted and pay the price for what was obvious.
When his cases started going to trial, I thought that maybe Trump's contract with Satan was coming to an end, but apparently he re-upped. One day, Trump will ride that golden escalator down to the nether regions of hell to his eternal reward. The only question is, how much damage will he wreak in the meantime.
November 26, 2024 is Trump's sentencing day over those 34 felony charges in New York. I believe the judge will sentence him. Trump is only the President Elect. He is not President yet! So everyone pray the judge locks him up. He can serve as President from his prison cell.
Istvan, are you suggesting that the main law enforcement institution in the country needs to kowtow to the objection of those who are sympathetic to the criminal?! No, that is NOT how law enforcement is supposed to work. The rule of law REQUIRES you to go after the criminal, you do NOT ask the public to first vote if they want you to go after the criminal.
Perhaps it’s possible he could have moved faster but he faced a slew of obstacles. He is a very honest, credible and knowledgeable man and I believe he would not move forward unless he was totally prepared, was as positive as he could be and fully believed he would get a conviction. I’m not sure that even if he filed charges in February of 2020 that it would have made a difference. We have all witnessed how Trump plays with the Courts as a defendant and that he files frivolous claims in response to charges for the sole purpose of prolonging the hearings. Trump’s maneuvers have shown us his total disregard and his outright disrespect for our Legal system. Any other person would have been jailed immediately for any number of the charges filed against him. No one but Trump is at fault for any of this.
No. As a Federalist Society member, he's very biased. All of the Trump and George W. Bush Justices on the Supreme Court are also Federalist Society members. Justices Sotomayor, Jackson, and Kagan are not.
An effective AG can not be intimidated by the potential political backlash for his actions. He must act in accordance with the law without fear or favoritism.
Don't fret people. Iran has put a contract on Trump's head to have him assassinated. Its retribution because Trump had Iran's top general second in command Sole somebody killed by a drone in Iraq. In politics that is a major No! No! You never assassinate any nations world leader or their replacements. Otherwise, your nation is going to get it right back. It will come home to roost.
He's not a member of the Heritage Foundation, but he IS a member of the Federalist Society. That was why Obama figured he'd be acceptable to Repubs enough to confirm him to the Supreme Court.
I don't care what he is a member of. He has a duty to uphold the Laws of the United States as Attorney General and to see to it that those laws are executed when they are broken. Garland should be dis-barred.
I have great respect for Jack Smith. He tried but the judge was not going to let him go forward with the charges. Mr. Smith was a pit bull and never once retreated even when Trump’s appointed judge continued to obstruct his path.
Truth be told, no one other than Donald Trump, his supporters in Congress and his corrupt Supreme Court appointees are responsible for the damage he continues to inflict upon our nation. It’s still hard to believe what we have witnessed since prior to 2016 when Donald Trump first got involved with politics.
It makes you wonder what he has over all of these people that they are handling him with kid gloves now despite all of the damning information against him and him having publicly trashed them previously.
For example, Mitch McConnell saying recently how awful (not exact quote) the subhuman is, then in the same sentence, says he will vote for him. Crazy making at its finest. How can anyone have anything on McConnell?! These people have no shame and commit their crimes out in the open…. I mean how can they be ashamed/scared of anything coming out since they are truly incapable of feeling shame?
I also want to know why our intelligence agencies didn't seem to realize we were missing all those top secret documents. How is it possible that my local library is better able to account for all of its books than the US intelligence community is able to keep track of our national secrets?
They did. That's how the National Archives knew he hadn't returned the documents he took with him. Every classified doc that goes to the White House is tracked.
Whether it's an original or a copy, it's all tracked. How do you think they knew he had them in the first place?
The agencies send the list of non-returned documents to the WH staff first, then they send an identical list that also includes all documents sent to the White House and to the Office of the VP.
The archives usually is pretty good at retrieving those, and in some cases, as evidenced by both Pence and Biden having docs in their possession, a few random docs do not get returned. The reason they're usually taken is they're either low classified or potentially has some classified info in them that is now declassified, and/or the doc was taken with the understanding it had been declassified, when in fact it hadn't be fully through the declass process.
You are right in part. Every Classified document is logged in and signed for at every location and by the person who receives it. There is an ongoing process in which it is handles and filed. When it is returned its logged in and filed. If not returned that is noticed as well. Such as is the case of all the stolen documents. And even if they were declassified which none of the stolen documents had been declassified, they are still filed. And filed as declassified if in fact they are. All of those documents remain serious!
a huge amount of the problem was the disinformation that was coming from right wing sources. Ordinary people on the right don't tune into sources that were touting the good that Harris would have done for them. They are flooded with right wing news sources, and are not even aware of other sources.
Well, I'll bet they finally notice when they actually live the real tRump & Co nightmare though. Those people never seem to notice anything or care about anything unless it affects them personally. Well, there's going to be a very large number of MAGAs who are getting ready to have a really rude awakening.
There are SO many things that could have been done to prevent the Great Prevaricator from running for office. Racism is still unfortunately running rampant in this country, although President Obama was elected twice. First and foremost, the Constitution needs to be rewritten so that anyone convicted of ANY type of criminal act is not permitted to run for the Presidency. And having hard right conservatives dominate the Supreme Court is an Achilles heel.
He was a huge part of it but you cannot lay the whole of this mess at his feet. There are far too many other moving pieces in this mess. But I do agree that his dragging his feet so that he would not look like his motives were "political" have subjected us all to an incoming administration that will be dangerous for so very many, many people.
If Mitch McConnell had found the courage to pull together the three votes needed to secure impeachment, we never would have needed to pin our hopes on Merrick Garland's involvement in the first place.
Screw Glitch McConnell. That dead-eyed chin pouch with a cruelty fetish initially CONDEMNED the orange fucker. Then he worshiped him. Then he condemned him again. Then on and, back and forth, and last I heard, he despises mango mussolini but voted for it ANYWAY.
They're being paid off, ordered to comply... All I can assume otherwise is that this country has been infested with a movement led by low-IQ, high greed and corruption for decades, intending to bring us to this point all along.
Nixon started it. gingrich and limbaugh exacerbated it. the vile slime will destroy everyone with it.
On the Take. I have said if ove and over and over again. This overthrowing of our free and fair Democracy took a lot of time, money and looking the other way. Nixon was the incubator, then came The Tea Party, etc. Many people looked the other way. I was living in DC during the last Obama Administration and was actually at the CPAC Convention. I was working as a contractor for the hotel events. I went into the bar as they got drunker and more boistrous and openly talked about where all this was headed it was clear to me than America was in trouble.
They are a bunch of Rothchild, Bildeberger, One World Order Assholes! Their stinking puppets. They are the punks that wanted that pussy-grabbing Trump whore!
Mitch McConnell cannot be mentioned in the same sentence as courage. That weak, chinless parasite is nothing more than an empty suit polluting our airspace.
And the idiots in Kentucky kept re electing him. They are virtually DEAD LAST in everything. Mitch McConnell got rich off the backs of his constituents.
How many R Senators grabbed for power instead of upholding their oath of office? We have seen that it was impossible to hold anyone accountable for that, even with our votes. We all saw what happened, and we all got the masters class on how money and power corrupt. Isn’t part of the blame on an electorate who chose not to do its homework? I know many were sucked into the rhetoric/propaganda. But who is responsible for the loss of the ability to consider both sides, and the willingness to demonize friends and family? It seems to me that everyone bears some responsibility. The question is, is it possible to fix this?
Its possible only if the electorates got together and went back and voted against Donald Trump in spite of their constitutes and districts where they were appointed to vote. Those are the people responsible for this idiot getting into the White House in the first place.
James Comey followed the law. Go read Comey's and McCabe's books. James Comey could not prosecute Hillary Clinton because according to the law you have to prove that not only did she commit the crime but you have to be able to prove "Intent" She knowingly knew that what she did was a crime. I studied law. To many Americans don't get it. James Comey is a lawyer.
Hey Bonnie Rudolph, looks like you drank the Kool aid......oh, you studied the law?? 🤣
Well, I did too, in fact I AM an attorney. I'm also a former Fed. I KNOW how the system works. How would YOU know if Comey (or ANYONE) told the truth?? You wouldn't! You have NO idea about the Federalist society, and clearly, not much else.
James Comey told the truth and did his job. And so did Andrew McCabe. Trump hated both men because they turned evidence on him that was authentic. Is Mueller also a member of the Federalist Society? If so this Federalist Society is filled with a bunch of corrupt boots licking One World Order Puppets!
Yes, Merrick Garland was delinquent; a gentleman but delinquent. And a Jew! All blame there. And of course, he was the only lawyer in the nation; so all blame on him.
Kind of like Donald John Drumph's grandfather's changing his name from Frederic Drumph to Fred Trump because it sounded less German. Unfortunately, Drumph's Nazi blood came right through the generations, poisoning all the male line to Donald John and now to his older sons, Junior and Eric. Both look like vampires, and then we have the pale, skinny Barron.👹
Actually, I believe the name was Drumpf. The orange sadist's father, and then the o.s. himself, always claimed that their name was Scandinavian, until the truth finally leaked out. Yes, their "Nazi blood" was surely passed down, and has been/is/will be poisoning the blood of our people.
There is one resort but it would take all of the American people to do it. Write letters to the UN and claim that our government no longer works for the people or for the rule of Democracy. The UN has a duty to send in their troops and remove everyone from office and reset the button for our people. They damn near did it in Holland!
💯 % again! You are on roll. 😊. I couldn’t remember the Russian collusion guy’s name. But maybe we should add Comey to the list. Those are the 3 coward men that caused this mess.
I think we can lay much more blame on Mitch McConnell. After all, he had multiple chances to stop Trump and didn't. He also packed the Supreme court with far right "Justices". I think he is the most evil person this country has ever seen. He knew exactly what he was doing, and did it anyway. This is why I keep as far away from the Senate office buildings as I can. If I were to see him in person, it would end badly for both of us.
There is one person to blame and it’s Merrick Garland
It's not just him though. It's both the National Archives and FBI playing nice for almost a year before bringing charges under the Espionage Act. When they asked for the documents back and he said "I don't have any", they should have right then and there referred the issue to the FBI for investigation. And, after he turned over a few via his lawyers, a search warrant should have been issued and he should have been arrested.
But, at the end, who's really to blame are all the people who just couldn't vote for a Black woman who had their best interests at heart, and THEY helped elect the most vile human to ever hold public office.
As the AG he had the power to fix it. He blew it.
Did he blow it due to WEAKNESS or COMPLICITY. We will never know.
It wasn't complicity. He didn't want to do anything that might suggest that the Justice Department had any bias in the matter, although having just learned that Garland is a member of the Federalist Society, to which all the Trump Justices belong, I suspect he did have his own bias in the matter. Consequently, he did nothing. Biden's worst mistake was appointing him.
Complicity, they got to him.
Garland was always a Republican. He is a member of the Federalist Society. Why Biden thought it was a good idea to appoint him AG to go after tRump and the other criminals was always beyond me, but here we are.
I can't tell for absolute certain if he's a member of the Federalist Society, but when I google "Is Merrick Garland a member of the Federalist Society," the first link was a favorable link about Garland from the Federalist Society, so obviously google thinks he is, and it's clear Biden should never have picked him for AG.
Trump is not leaving any Democrats in the government..not one
Biden is not a true Democrat. I didn't vote for him for that reason. And he chose Kamala Harris for his VP to get the black vote. He has a reputation of being a racist back when he was first elected to Congress about 40 years ago.
Put together a plan for a small garden. And will get a couple of chickens for eggs. And whatever I think of.
I doubt it's complicity. There's a very wise rule: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
I think he was simply an overly-cautious person. That's a great quality in a federal judge, but not so much in an Attorney General. He should have been confirmed for the Supreme Court.
Exactly! Obama wanted him to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court and the stinking Republican Mitch McConnell is the sob that blocked it. McConnell belongs in jail for violating the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.
Obama shouldn't have been trying to get a member of the Federalist Society on the Court. Any more than Biden should have appointed him as AG.
Had he filed charges in February 2020, the ensuing trial would have been over and, as per the constitution, he wouldn’t have been allowed to run again. I’m not sure even his pet scotus could have gotten around that. Ffs, the evidence had been assembled for him by the impeachment hearings.
I think you meant February of 2021. In February 2020 Barr was still AG I think.
Think back to the second impeachment for the moment when mitch mcconnell said the courts would handle it. That is where the real blame lies. Those repubs that voted against impeachment are at fault first and foremost. Yes, Merrick Garland did not hire Jack Smith soon enough. But history shows this began (and ended) with what was formerly known as the republican party (uncapitalized words for emphasis).
I think they're both equally to blame. Either could have changed the outcome, so that Trump would not be returning to the White House. Neither did, Garland by his foot dragging.
How did he "blow it" How could he fix it. He acted correctly, deliberately, perhaps too slowly, but ahd he acted faster he would have been attacked even more by the Goddamned fascists who to our shame have taken hold of this country
He left an insurrectionist and a traitor alone for 2 years. There was a narrow window to splinter his relationship with his capos. This was not business as usual. Garland showed his utter incompetence and behaved like this was not a coup. It was. Trump should have been put in jail within weeks of Jan 6. Was there evidence? Fuck yes WE ALL SAW IT ON TV. Was there a conspiracy? For fuck’s sake the signs are all there for everyone to see plain as day.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
I don’t disagree but voters knew Trump was a convicted felon and was judged a sexual assaulter/rapist in a court of law and they didn’t care.
Trump should have been arrested when he locked President Biden and his wife out of the White House. He had them standing outside in the cold air. And Trump refused to answer his phone and put a stop to the riot. He called all those Q'Anon and Patriot Boys and other A-holes three days prior to do that rioting for him. He should have been arrested as soon as he reached the Capital building!
"but ahd he acted faster he would have been attacked even more by the Goddamned fascists"
SO WHAT? He's guilty! Get it over with as quickly as possible. Garland didn't and now Trump will never be convicted and pay the price for what was obvious.
Teflon Don wiggles free again.
When his cases started going to trial, I thought that maybe Trump's contract with Satan was coming to an end, but apparently he re-upped. One day, Trump will ride that golden escalator down to the nether regions of hell to his eternal reward. The only question is, how much damage will he wreak in the meantime.
November 26, 2024 is Trump's sentencing day over those 34 felony charges in New York. I believe the judge will sentence him. Trump is only the President Elect. He is not President yet! So everyone pray the judge locks him up. He can serve as President from his prison cell.
He has been awful.He helped Trump and team a lot with his inaction.
Istvan, are you suggesting that the main law enforcement institution in the country needs to kowtow to the objection of those who are sympathetic to the criminal?! No, that is NOT how law enforcement is supposed to work. The rule of law REQUIRES you to go after the criminal, you do NOT ask the public to first vote if they want you to go after the criminal.
Perhaps it’s possible he could have moved faster but he faced a slew of obstacles. He is a very honest, credible and knowledgeable man and I believe he would not move forward unless he was totally prepared, was as positive as he could be and fully believed he would get a conviction. I’m not sure that even if he filed charges in February of 2020 that it would have made a difference. We have all witnessed how Trump plays with the Courts as a defendant and that he files frivolous claims in response to charges for the sole purpose of prolonging the hearings. Trump’s maneuvers have shown us his total disregard and his outright disrespect for our Legal system. Any other person would have been jailed immediately for any number of the charges filed against him. No one but Trump is at fault for any of this.
He'd have been better as a judge, with his head in the footnotes of footnotes.
No. As a Federalist Society member, he's very biased. All of the Trump and George W. Bush Justices on the Supreme Court are also Federalist Society members. Justices Sotomayor, Jackson, and Kagan are not.
An effective AG can not be intimidated by the potential political backlash for his actions. He must act in accordance with the law without fear or favoritism.
Don't fret people. Iran has put a contract on Trump's head to have him assassinated. Its retribution because Trump had Iran's top general second in command Sole somebody killed by a drone in Iraq. In politics that is a major No! No! You never assassinate any nations world leader or their replacements. Otherwise, your nation is going to get it right back. It will come home to roost.
He’s a member of the Heritage Foundation.
FALSE. I am furious by Garland's inexcusable passivity, but let's don't start spreading lies because we are furious with him.
He's not a member of the Heritage Foundation, but he IS a member of the Federalist Society. That was why Obama figured he'd be acceptable to Repubs enough to confirm him to the Supreme Court.
I don't care what he is a member of. He has a duty to uphold the Laws of the United States as Attorney General and to see to it that those laws are executed when they are broken. Garland should be dis-barred.
"Have doubts? Verify." As you, yourself, wrote.
NO link to Merrick Garland and republicans heritage foundation.
He was not a member of the Heritage Foundation. It was not known before because he was never a member of the Heritage Foundation. Only you got played.
😂😂✋🏼 It’s possible it’s all under the control of the Pizza Pedophiles. We were all schnookered
And you believe that just because someone said it? You sound like a Trojan Horse MAGA.
If Garland is connected to The Federalist Society it will explain why he sat on his hands all these months. I would like verification.
They had so many tools at their disposal and did not use them. Oh! They made an effort when it was too late for Jack Smith to do all he needed to.
I have great respect for Jack Smith. He tried but the judge was not going to let him go forward with the charges. Mr. Smith was a pit bull and never once retreated even when Trump’s appointed judge continued to obstruct his path.
Truth be told, no one other than Donald Trump, his supporters in Congress and his corrupt Supreme Court appointees are responsible for the damage he continues to inflict upon our nation. It’s still hard to believe what we have witnessed since prior to 2016 when Donald Trump first got involved with politics.
Jack Smith did everything in his power to save our nation.
The voters are responsible. The fact that they were duped is on them.
How much money was wasted on this fool’s errand?
It makes you wonder what he has over all of these people that they are handling him with kid gloves now despite all of the damning information against him and him having publicly trashed them previously.
For example, Mitch McConnell saying recently how awful (not exact quote) the subhuman is, then in the same sentence, says he will vote for him. Crazy making at its finest. How can anyone have anything on McConnell?! These people have no shame and commit their crimes out in the open…. I mean how can they be ashamed/scared of anything coming out since they are truly incapable of feeling shame?
True. Makes you wonder....
I also want to know why our intelligence agencies didn't seem to realize we were missing all those top secret documents. How is it possible that my local library is better able to account for all of its books than the US intelligence community is able to keep track of our national secrets?
They did. That's how the National Archives knew he hadn't returned the documents he took with him. Every classified doc that goes to the White House is tracked.
Whether it's an original or a copy, it's all tracked. How do you think they knew he had them in the first place?
The agencies send the list of non-returned documents to the WH staff first, then they send an identical list that also includes all documents sent to the White House and to the Office of the VP.
The archives usually is pretty good at retrieving those, and in some cases, as evidenced by both Pence and Biden having docs in their possession, a few random docs do not get returned. The reason they're usually taken is they're either low classified or potentially has some classified info in them that is now declassified, and/or the doc was taken with the understanding it had been declassified, when in fact it hadn't be fully through the declass process.
You are right in part. Every Classified document is logged in and signed for at every location and by the person who receives it. There is an ongoing process in which it is handles and filed. When it is returned its logged in and filed. If not returned that is noticed as well. Such as is the case of all the stolen documents. And even if they were declassified which none of the stolen documents had been declassified, they are still filed. And filed as declassified if in fact they are. All of those documents remain serious!
I know I'm right, I spent 16 years in the Intelligence field. I've even couriered docs to the WH and back.
Amen to that
a huge amount of the problem was the disinformation that was coming from right wing sources. Ordinary people on the right don't tune into sources that were touting the good that Harris would have done for them. They are flooded with right wing news sources, and are not even aware of other sources.
Well, I'll bet they finally notice when they actually live the real tRump & Co nightmare though. Those people never seem to notice anything or care about anything unless it affects them personally. Well, there's going to be a very large number of MAGAs who are getting ready to have a really rude awakening.
They don't want to read or listen to other sources. Everyone is a liar except for their brain washed right wings media sources.
In most disasters, there's rarely just one cause; it's never just one engine dying that takes down a plane.
There are SO many things that could have been done to prevent the Great Prevaricator from running for office. Racism is still unfortunately running rampant in this country, although President Obama was elected twice. First and foremost, the Constitution needs to be rewritten so that anyone convicted of ANY type of criminal act is not permitted to run for the Presidency. And having hard right conservatives dominate the Supreme Court is an Achilles heel.
He was a huge part of it but you cannot lay the whole of this mess at his feet. There are far too many other moving pieces in this mess. But I do agree that his dragging his feet so that he would not look like his motives were "political" have subjected us all to an incoming administration that will be dangerous for so very many, many people.
If Mitch McConnell had found the courage to pull together the three votes needed to secure impeachment, we never would have needed to pin our hopes on Merrick Garland's involvement in the first place.
Exactly. We would not be here if Mitch McConnell had a fucking spine.
Screw Glitch McConnell. That dead-eyed chin pouch with a cruelty fetish initially CONDEMNED the orange fucker. Then he worshiped him. Then he condemned him again. Then on and, back and forth, and last I heard, he despises mango mussolini but voted for it ANYWAY.
They're being paid off, ordered to comply... All I can assume otherwise is that this country has been infested with a movement led by low-IQ, high greed and corruption for decades, intending to bring us to this point all along.
Nixon started it. gingrich and limbaugh exacerbated it. the vile slime will destroy everyone with it.
On the Take. I have said if ove and over and over again. This overthrowing of our free and fair Democracy took a lot of time, money and looking the other way. Nixon was the incubator, then came The Tea Party, etc. Many people looked the other way. I was living in DC during the last Obama Administration and was actually at the CPAC Convention. I was working as a contractor for the hotel events. I went into the bar as they got drunker and more boistrous and openly talked about where all this was headed it was clear to me than America was in trouble.
They are a bunch of Rothchild, Bildeberger, One World Order Assholes! Their stinking puppets. They are the punks that wanted that pussy-grabbing Trump whore!
Mitch McConnell cannot be mentioned in the same sentence as courage. That weak, chinless parasite is nothing more than an empty suit polluting our airspace.
And the idiots in Kentucky kept re electing him. They are virtually DEAD LAST in everything. Mitch McConnell got rich off the backs of his constituents.
How many R Senators grabbed for power instead of upholding their oath of office? We have seen that it was impossible to hold anyone accountable for that, even with our votes. We all saw what happened, and we all got the masters class on how money and power corrupt. Isn’t part of the blame on an electorate who chose not to do its homework? I know many were sucked into the rhetoric/propaganda. But who is responsible for the loss of the ability to consider both sides, and the willingness to demonize friends and family? It seems to me that everyone bears some responsibility. The question is, is it possible to fix this?
Its possible only if the electorates got together and went back and voted against Donald Trump in spite of their constitutes and districts where they were appointed to vote. Those are the people responsible for this idiot getting into the White House in the first place.
I call Mitch McConnell that Frog Face SOB!
Republicans never destroy their own. Democrats do. Major difference.
There are many moving pieces for sure, but the AG’s inaction made it all possible. He fucked us all.
And before that there was James Comey, and all the lies of Mitch McConnell. It's all recorded for history to see.
Especially good OLD Mitch !
That fucking Comey 🤬. Self righteous mofo.
*🤬string of obscenities 🤬*
James Comey followed the law. Go read Comey's and McCabe's books. James Comey could not prosecute Hillary Clinton because according to the law you have to prove that not only did she commit the crime but you have to be able to prove "Intent" She knowingly knew that what she did was a crime. I studied law. To many Americans don't get it. James Comey is a lawyer.
Hey Bonnie Rudolph, looks like you drank the Kool aid......oh, you studied the law?? 🤣
Well, I did too, in fact I AM an attorney. I'm also a former Fed. I KNOW how the system works. How would YOU know if Comey (or ANYONE) told the truth?? You wouldn't! You have NO idea about the Federalist society, and clearly, not much else.
James Comey told the truth and did his job. And so did Andrew McCabe. Trump hated both men because they turned evidence on him that was authentic. Is Mueller also a member of the Federalist Society? If so this Federalist Society is filled with a bunch of corrupt boots licking One World Order Puppets!
So so true. But Biden knew and he didn’t let him go.
Yes, Merrick Garland was delinquent; a gentleman but delinquent. And a Jew! All blame there. And of course, he was the only lawyer in the nation; so all blame on him.
(I didn't know about his Jewish roots. Apparently the family name was Garfinkel several generations back.)
Kind of like Donald John Drumph's grandfather's changing his name from Frederic Drumph to Fred Trump because it sounded less German. Unfortunately, Drumph's Nazi blood came right through the generations, poisoning all the male line to Donald John and now to his older sons, Junior and Eric. Both look like vampires, and then we have the pale, skinny Barron.👹
Actually, I believe the name was Drumpf. The orange sadist's father, and then the o.s. himself, always claimed that their name was Scandinavian, until the truth finally leaked out. Yes, their "Nazi blood" was surely passed down, and has been/is/will be poisoning the blood of our people.
There is one resort but it would take all of the American people to do it. Write letters to the UN and claim that our government no longer works for the people or for the rule of Democracy. The UN has a duty to send in their troops and remove everyone from office and reset the button for our people. They damn near did it in Holland!
Rock band known as Mueller & Garland…. Singing “Highway to Hell.”
💯 % again! You are on roll. 😊. I couldn’t remember the Russian collusion guy’s name. But maybe we should add Comey to the list. Those are the 3 coward men that caused this mess.
Sure will and that judge cannon will be a tyrant in Florida
That sad toy will probably end up on the Supreme Court. Trump loves woman on their knees.
Yep I wouldn’t be at all surprised
Cannon is vying for AG or the unSuprene Court.
Dragging his feet seems as though he was too "woke".
He should have appointed special council immediately after the attempted coup. Anyone else would've gone to prison.
Yeah but they’ll all be out soon! And his is postponed again. NOT right. Our judicial system stinks if that was anyone else it wouldn’t be
Attempted my ass! Who’s gonna be president in January?
I wholeheartedly agree.
Thank you, Mary 💙.
Thank you Caroline ❤️
He will go down in history as one of the worst attorney generals of all time, right after whatever insane nutjob Trump replaces him with .
What about Bill Barr? He’s right up there at the top of the list, isn’t he?
Bill Barr was quite effective, at doing evil things. More competent, seemingly.
The correct plural form is "attorneys general". "General" is an adjective modifying the noun "attorney". English major here.
Thank you. Language is important.
I think we can lay much more blame on Mitch McConnell. After all, he had multiple chances to stop Trump and didn't. He also packed the Supreme court with far right "Justices". I think he is the most evil person this country has ever seen. He knew exactly what he was doing, and did it anyway. This is why I keep as far away from the Senate office buildings as I can. If I were to see him in person, it would end badly for both of us.
The Old Fuck is finally stepping down after collecting his cash for crashing democracy. I wish we had firing squads, what a line up it would be.
How? Merrick Garland would've been on SCt but for a vengeful Mitch McConnell, and he'd have been perfect there. But he's inadequate as AG.
All three branches of government can claim that prize represented by Merrick Garland, Mitch McConnell and John Roberts. Well done, gentlemen