Putins Pee Pee Pal should be arrested by a military tribunal and face multiple charges....first of all....traitor to the nation ...... giving credit to the enemy for the prisoner exchange.
For starters....aiding and abetting the enemy......treason.......spying.....accepting bribes....stealing classified documents putiing the people into harms way......instigating an insruection......
Traiors face harsh sentencing....starting with life in prison/solitary confinment .. i
Susan, Trump would not last more than a very brief time in solitary anything because he'd have no one to insult and nothing to think about except how much he hates all those people he just can't remember exactly who.
Not to mention that he would have no entertainment, no social media. I have previously thought that he needs a room with rubber walls if he is in solitary. Then again, remembering how much he hates some people might be enough entertainment?
Trump has parked money in many parts of the world. he can always tip-toe out of the country and access the bank in an area where extradition is not on the table.
As a felon, Donald Trump can no longer travel to 38 countries
May 31, 2024 — ... allow convicted felons to enter. And there are some countries that don't actively check criminal records at the border, but can deny entry ...
Can felony convictions hinder Trump’s international travel? Here’s what we know
Jun 6, 2024 — Under Canadian law, a visitor with a criminal conviction can be barred from entering the country, a U.S. State Department webpage said. Mario ...
I was reminded earlier today about what I remembered about the stolen documents; the ones that had to do with building a nuclear power.
When Donald was firing people who went against him he called on the people who create Secret Clearance for someone. Donald wanted a Top Secret Clearance for Ivanka's husband, Jared Kushner. He (Jared) was declared unqualified for the Clearance.
Domald demanded it be given anyway. It happened.
Donald handed over the stolen documents regarding how to build things nuclear related, put him on a plane to Saudi Arabia with briefcase clutched in his hand.
Kushner met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Apparently he came back with an empty briefcase. The Top Secret Clearance did make the news but the whole story was quickly laid to rest.
Kushner was, at the time under investigation for holding onto certain assets that he should have signed off on, assets given to him by his father who had been arrested and imprisoned on numerous criminal charges. He didn't properly divest of the accounts, turning them over to his brother and something to do with his mother.
I'm attaching the site that tells all but what he had in his briefcase (not even mentioned) but did mention that he was working with the Saudis on working with other nations to strengthen Mideastern relationships.
When the Orange MAGA Mob is done with the "sow"...(lol..so pefect)......there will be a freshly dried block of cement dumped somwhere off the Florida Keys.
If you're able to open the link I left at the end, read it. The Kushner family is corrupt. Jared's income was stabilized at $671 Million a year. Or was it a month?
I didn't read the entire Wiki piece. Just wanted to get what I needed for my comment
There is not much chance of that kid escaping being 'one of them', he will only get his worldview from them, he will be taught 'how to' do dodgy money deals & generally how to get around the Law, so I do not expect him to actually be any better than his family. If he did turn out to be a nice law-abiding human in the end, it will be a miracle IMO !
Nice job of reminding us all about stolen documents. There is a worldwide web of countries trying to subvert democracy. Trump and his Maggot family/cult should be the ones deported under 2025.
Sometimes I wonder if the CIA is investigating certain individuals, like Kushner and that is why it looks like no one is doing anything. We can only hope that is the case.
Dear Lord - just how far up does Trump protection go for his crimes against the mass population, Constitution, select groups; his treason, colluding with the enemy, attempted election rigging, coercion, fraud, robbing taxpayers blind, causing overt harm to the masses by his direct actions or refusal to act?
My sentiments exactly. We need to take out the trash. Throwing all those bastards out and throwing them into that bin named Rikers would finally teach those candyasses just how weak they are. All mouth and nothing to back them up. They haven't seen bullies until they have to face the ones at Rikers.
Unfortunately the Florida judge in his pocket found a way to dismiss the documents case !! I'm hopeful the 11th circuit will overturn her which they have had to do several times! She is clearly bias toward Trump as is just about anything in florida with Trump or the crooked governor deathsantis!
deathsantis?!?!......soo perfect...goes on my list.........why did he do this????
It was shocking that the grand jury transcripts from the Epstein trial were released. I read the one by the 13 year old girl......(details sick) attacked and demeaned by Trump. Did they scrub that from the internet already?
Vince, that does not make a drop in the bucket. If voters do not get out & make their votes known/ count at the voting booth on election day. Have a nice day. Have a nice day.
He can afford good custom made suits but is too cheap. I read a few years ago that he actually buys them off the rack. The baggy pants are a telltale sign of poor or no tailoring.
Those images are spot on ! He always looks so weird, yet you couldn't quite put a finger on what is going on. No doubt all the experts can see it quite clearly as they have been shouting about it for months, and none of the trumpies want to listen,
nancy, Donnie looks to me like he is ( what I call) very stooped-shouldered in many of his rallies & videos. Have a nice day. Also, I have often wondered does Donnie wear suspenders to keep his pants up? Otherwise he must use a very, very ,very large belt to do the same job. Have a nice day.
David, that smug look is just a natural thing with Donnie, along with that finger& thumb pushed together thing. Just what is that supposed to mean anyway when he places his thumb & finger together to make an "O" when speaking? Does anyone think that Donnie will start using the straight-arm salute thing before election day?
As my father used to say - everybody serves a purpose in this life - even if it is just as an example of what not to be ! We have been getting the best example of 'ghastly' we have ever seen in this era !
I have seen all the traits of the anti-Christ in DJT! Every biblical passage concerning the anti-Christ he fits exactly! I'm not claiming he IS the anti-Christ bc I believe he would be much less if a mess up if he were! But, it shows one that he is just an awful person! Can hardly wait until he's defeated in Nov. Hope he never tried to darken our politics again!! 🔥👍😎!
And very badly damaged by parental illness and abandonment in early childhood which I understand is the primary reason for his emotional/social pathology.
He was apparently a really nasty small child so I am convinced his pathological mind is just that - built that way.. I refuse to make nice excuses for what he is - he is a full grown man, who has had every chance in life to learn decency, kindness & a better way to be, and has chosen to ignore any such concepts for his own benefit. Hopefully the piper is now expecting to be paid !!!
I agree and am not making excuses for him, rather just citing Mary’s account in her book of the facts of his childhood traumas. Trauma affects us differently according to inherited personality traits. DT obviously didn’t fare well on either.
And yes there is this verse in Romans 12:21. - Be not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. We are to make concerted efforts to overcome the wrongs that land on us uninvited. DT could be a lot happier now if he’d been led to live by that verse. Imagine all that energy turned positive. Too late, sadly.
Francyne, you may very well be right on all of your posts. But to some it is like that old saying goes "The best part of Donnie ran down his mother's leg" & what we are seeing now, is what was left. Have a nice day.
No, he was always evil. Remember about when he was 5 years old and he was caught throwing rocks at a neighbor's little baby who had been put outside in the back yard for fresh air? He is just disgusting. There are also tons of stories about what a nasty bully he was to others all during his childhood.
Correct he was/is a bully but really a gutless fuck. I'm guessing here's how he bullied other kids; 1- found somebody weak and shy to pick on 2- Acquanted himself with some real tough guys and paid them 20
bucks to beat the crap out of somebody he didn't like and then saying, this is a present from Donny Trump. Everybody fell in line after a few of those incidents. Total jerk. Pelosi wanted to knock the crap out of him. I think she is capable of doing so, whining little bitch that he is.
catherine, ALL of the BS,$$$$$$$, saying he is GOD's #1 son, & all of the other stuff he has said or done, is not going to get him past those heavenly gates. Have a nice day.
I have been waiting since 2016. I look forward to being alive for the day that someone forces him to honor his word, if only once. Remember when he said that if he did not win the 2020 election that no one would ever hear from him again? Yeah, I cannot wait for THAT!!
Robert, don't tell me you really believe anything that Donnie says or does. Donnie is still trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge @ a discount price, Donnie needs the $$$$$$$$ to support his campaign. The bridge is just down the road from his so-called home in Florida. Donnie also still has that "once-in-a-lifetime- island" that is located in ARZ. near the Mexico border, Both places are said to have a wonderful view, (so I have been told) they just forgot to mention what the view was. Have a nice day.
I never knew about the "once-in-a-lifetime island." I missed that one. Also, funny how a so-called billionaire needs all this money, right? Oh, and as a New Jerseyan who lives ten minutes away from Midtown Manhattan, even I have used the "if you believe that, I gotta bridge to sell ya" on certain people, over the years.
One of my favorite TV series in recently history is "House," and once again, I was reminded of the brilliance (and the sexiness) of OBE/CBE Hugh Laurie, Dr. House's constant refrain is "Everybody lies."
pamela, sorry to tell you, that is not going to happen for at least another 100+ years. Even after Donnie is 6 feet under (for 30-50+yrs) there are always going to be talk shows, talking heads, the GOP, MSM, Donnie's backers & supporters to mention his name up every so often. So, in reality, it is going to take many, many decades for 90%+ to ever forget about Donnie. These are just my opinions. Besides, do you really think that Donnie's backers & followers are ever going to let his name be forgot? Have a nice day.
I hate to agree , but it’s true ! He has done so much damage in his 4 years & even more since . He convinced his minions that the election was stolen & put people in danger with all his lie’s ! He is DESPICABLE !
If he gets humiliated by Kamala in Nov, he & his MAGAt Cult might just try to fade away! Oh, and don't forget, he will have to still stand for a couple of more trials, too! He may just be locked up for awhile! Wouldn't that be the best thing for our country? LOCK HIM UP!! 😂🤣😏😎!
Agree and how about if Judge Merchan does the right thing and jails him for 4 years in September? That would be the ultimate and from what I understand, SCOTUS has no authority over a state case. Lock him up. LOCK HIM UP! In the name of JESUS, LOCK HIM UP!
'fade away' is just not in trump's playbook - his 'people' might decide they have had enough, but the less attention he gets the more noise he will make - to try to stay in the spotlight ! If/when he pops off, there will be a huge Elvis-like movement to make money off the whole thing, and to create somewhere for the idiots to go & worship at his shrine. Hopefully they will forget about trying to take over the world, but trump-mania will still be around !
He is really showing the strain, and it is only August. He is 78 after all. Kamala and whomever she chooses will be a nightmare for him. Can you imagine him calling her "low IQ"? That's the best they can come up with? As always, his projections tell you exactly what he is thinking and fearing.
Yeah, and the doctors that his dad, Fred, paid to keep him from serving in our military? He was afraid to serve in 'Nam! Most of us did serve & he has the audacity to lie and bribe his way out of doing his duty during wartime?! And, he called our fallen "suckers & losers!" This putrid maniac doesn't deserve to command any military troops, let alone our total military! HE'S A COWARD!! Throw the bum out of our country! And, do it now!👍😎🐦🔥🔥
I have a volunteer, 2 tour combat vet at home with PTSD who has had multiple bouts of Agent Orange cancer. It is an insult to veterans for Cadet Bone Spur to be commander in chief. A 5X draft dodger.
I cannot wait until I never have to see or hear him again.
I think they underestimate how much we hate him.
Putins Pee Pee Pal should be arrested by a military tribunal and face multiple charges....first of all....traitor to the nation ...... giving credit to the enemy for the prisoner exchange.
For starters....aiding and abetting the enemy......treason.......spying.....accepting bribes....stealing classified documents putiing the people into harms way......instigating an insruection......
Traiors face harsh sentencing....starting with life in prison/solitary confinment .. i
I want to see prison with solitary confinement, very badly.
Susan, Trump would not last more than a very brief time in solitary anything because he'd have no one to insult and nothing to think about except how much he hates all those people he just can't remember exactly who.
Not to mention that he would have no entertainment, no social media. I have previously thought that he needs a room with rubber walls if he is in solitary. Then again, remembering how much he hates some people might be enough entertainment?
Guys...Orange would have extra time to make up derogatory names for the cockroaches, mice and rats checiing in and out of his new home.
But having no one giving him the Attention he so desperately craves, he would whither quickly!
Susan, you can hope & pray each day, but please do not try holding your breath while you are waiting. Have a nice day.
Trump has parked money in many parts of the world. he can always tip-toe out of the country and access the bank in an area where extradition is not on the table.
FOX 10 Phoenix
https://www.fox10phoenix.com › ...
As a felon, Donald Trump can no longer travel to 38 countries
May 31, 2024 — ... allow convicted felons to enter. And there are some countries that don't actively check criminal records at the border, but can deny entry ...
Can felony convictions hinder Trump’s international travel? Here’s what we know
Jun 6, 2024 — Under Canadian law, a visitor with a criminal conviction can be barred from entering the country, a U.S. State Department webpage said. Mario ...
In this case he has nowhere to hide even if he were able to go outside the US border which he has tried so hideously to make more rigid!
Don't worry, I won't hold my breath. I'm aware of reality.
And only feed him mashed potatoes
I was reminded earlier today about what I remembered about the stolen documents; the ones that had to do with building a nuclear power.
When Donald was firing people who went against him he called on the people who create Secret Clearance for someone. Donald wanted a Top Secret Clearance for Ivanka's husband, Jared Kushner. He (Jared) was declared unqualified for the Clearance.
Domald demanded it be given anyway. It happened.
Donald handed over the stolen documents regarding how to build things nuclear related, put him on a plane to Saudi Arabia with briefcase clutched in his hand.
Kushner met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Apparently he came back with an empty briefcase. The Top Secret Clearance did make the news but the whole story was quickly laid to rest.
Kushner was, at the time under investigation for holding onto certain assets that he should have signed off on, assets given to him by his father who had been arrested and imprisoned on numerous criminal charges. He didn't properly divest of the accounts, turning them over to his brother and something to do with his mother.
I'm attaching the site that tells all but what he had in his briefcase (not even mentioned) but did mention that he was working with the Saudis on working with other nations to strengthen Mideastern relationships.
Richard La France
He'll many of the courts are covering for Trump. That sow in Florida is pimping herself so she can get a supreme court appointment from Trump
I wouldn't let her handle parking ti let's. She is an imbecile.
There has been chatter the incompetent moron will be removed from his case. Let’s hope.
Me neither. I hope she pays big time for what she pulled. She's probably got her bags packed to move into Mar a Lago so she can boot Melania out.
Which sow in FL?
Yes, in Florida. US District Judge Aileen Cannon .
When the Orange MAGA Mob is done with the "sow"...(lol..so pefect)......there will be a freshly dried block of cement dumped somwhere off the Florida Keys.
WOW ,the whole family , with the exception of Tiffany is corrupt !
That video of Tiffany greeting her father at the R convention and being brushed off as if he didn’t recognize her, is tragic.
The pictures of Ivana's weed covered...no stone gravesite stuck out on the fariway of his golf course...........beyond sickening.
Who in their right moral intelligence would wish to be recognized by a convicted felon even if related to them?
If you're able to open the link I left at the end, read it. The Kushner family is corrupt. Jared's income was stabilized at $671 Million a year. Or was it a month?
I didn't read the entire Wiki piece. Just wanted to get what I needed for my comment
How does such sc*m get away with such horrific behaviors?
Barron hasn't done anything wrong, and seems to (wisely) be keeping a very low profile.
There is not much chance of that kid escaping being 'one of them', he will only get his worldview from them, he will be taught 'how to' do dodgy money deals & generally how to get around the Law, so I do not expect him to actually be any better than his family. If he did turn out to be a nice law-abiding human in the end, it will be a miracle IMO !
Nice job of reminding us all about stolen documents. There is a worldwide web of countries trying to subvert democracy. Trump and his Maggot family/cult should be the ones deported under 2025.
Sometimes I wonder if the CIA is investigating certain individuals, like Kushner and that is why it looks like no one is doing anything. We can only hope that is the case.
Thanks for writing this Richard. All of that money that he received. I wonder if it is being funnelled to Trump?
They should all be tried for treason.
Dear Lord - just how far up does Trump protection go for his crimes against the mass population, Constitution, select groups; his treason, colluding with the enemy, attempted election rigging, coercion, fraud, robbing taxpayers blind, causing overt harm to the masses by his direct actions or refusal to act?
Oh, but remember SCOTUS granted him immunity. What a fucked up ruling!
I vote for the death penalty. No one deserves it more than tRump and Putinski.
Not here. The courts are so corrupt he can get away with everything.
My sentiments exactly. We need to take out the trash. Throwing all those bastards out and throwing them into that bin named Rikers would finally teach those candyasses just how weak they are. All mouth and nothing to back them up. They haven't seen bullies until they have to face the ones at Rikers.
Unfortunately the Florida judge in his pocket found a way to dismiss the documents case !! I'm hopeful the 11th circuit will overturn her which they have had to do several times! She is clearly bias toward Trump as is just about anything in florida with Trump or the crooked governor deathsantis!
deathsantis?!?!......soo perfect...goes on my list.........why did he do this????
It was shocking that the grand jury transcripts from the Epstein trial were released. I read the one by the 13 year old girl......(details sick) attacked and demeaned by Trump. Did they scrub that from the internet already?
Vince, that does not make a drop in the bucket. If voters do not get out & make their votes known/ count at the voting booth on election day. Have a nice day. Have a nice day.
You are right ,we can’t be complacent !
He will find out in November ! 💙
You go, Vince!
Ad infinitum!!
Yes, indeed.
I think many of us feel the same! My wish is exactly that & also never to hear his Whining Voice again!
nor see that face with the mouth open!!!!1
Or his strange stance looking like he's going to fall forward, tiny hands hanging down his side from his weirdly-bent arrms.
Rumpled suits, always with the jacket open. Always in navy blue, usually with the red tie hanging down to his crotch. And that weird hair.
He CAN’T close his jacket , he’s too FAT ! 💙
He can afford good custom made suits but is too cheap. I read a few years ago that he actually buys them off the rack. The baggy pants are a telltale sign of poor or no tailoring.
I totally agree with all you said. Trump is a disgusting creature.
It's called Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) posture!
Those images are spot on ! He always looks so weird, yet you couldn't quite put a finger on what is going on. No doubt all the experts can see it quite clearly as they have been shouting about it for months, and none of the trumpies want to listen,
I question his follower’s intelligence .
nancy, Donnie looks to me like he is ( what I call) very stooped-shouldered in many of his rallies & videos. Have a nice day. Also, I have often wondered does Donnie wear suspenders to keep his pants up? Otherwise he must use a very, very ,very large belt to do the same job. Have a nice day.
Don’t forget his accordion hands!
That nasty smug look
David, that smug look is just a natural thing with Donnie, along with that finger& thumb pushed together thing. Just what is that supposed to mean anyway when he places his thumb & finger together to make an "O" when speaking? Does anyone think that Donnie will start using the straight-arm salute thing before election day?
The straight arm salute would suit him.
No more from ol' Sphincter Mouth ○
That's what I've been saying! His mouth looks like an asshole with teeth in it! Disgusting filthy animal that he is!
.....or closed! Only if it is purple!
How sweet that day will be for so many of us worldwide!
YES , ALL over the world , people will be joyful & relieved !!!! 💙
Like when they rang the bells at Notre Dame when POTUS Joe was elected.
I feel the same way ! He’s a big piece of 💩!
Human garbage.
Please do not insult mine!! Hehehe!!
I’ve never hated anyone in my life, until DT ran for office.
Me either !
Yeah? I cant wait to see what happens when he has to face his Maker.
Even if he was made by the devil.
Trump was created by GOD, but was corrupted by greed, lies,and men just like him, who are power hungry and controlling.
No. He was created by Lucifer.
Matthew 7:19
"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire"
WJB, so what happened in Donnie's case?
As my father used to say - everybody serves a purpose in this life - even if it is just as an example of what not to be ! We have been getting the best example of 'ghastly' we have ever seen in this era !
I have seen all the traits of the anti-Christ in DJT! Every biblical passage concerning the anti-Christ he fits exactly! I'm not claiming he IS the anti-Christ bc I believe he would be much less if a mess up if he were! But, it shows one that he is just an awful person! Can hardly wait until he's defeated in Nov. Hope he never tried to darken our politics again!! 🔥👍😎!
And very badly damaged by parental illness and abandonment in early childhood which I understand is the primary reason for his emotional/social pathology.
He needs to be abandoned now.
Haha! As fast as possible’
He was apparently a really nasty small child so I am convinced his pathological mind is just that - built that way.. I refuse to make nice excuses for what he is - he is a full grown man, who has had every chance in life to learn decency, kindness & a better way to be, and has chosen to ignore any such concepts for his own benefit. Hopefully the piper is now expecting to be paid !!!
I agree and am not making excuses for him, rather just citing Mary’s account in her book of the facts of his childhood traumas. Trauma affects us differently according to inherited personality traits. DT obviously didn’t fare well on either.
And yes there is this verse in Romans 12:21. - Be not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. We are to make concerted efforts to overcome the wrongs that land on us uninvited. DT could be a lot happier now if he’d been led to live by that verse. Imagine all that energy turned positive. Too late, sadly.
Francyne, you may very well be right on all of your posts. But to some it is like that old saying goes "The best part of Donnie ran down his mother's leg" & what we are seeing now, is what was left. Have a nice day.
No, he was always evil. Remember about when he was 5 years old and he was caught throwing rocks at a neighbor's little baby who had been put outside in the back yard for fresh air? He is just disgusting. There are also tons of stories about what a nasty bully he was to others all during his childhood.
Correct he was/is a bully but really a gutless fuck. I'm guessing here's how he bullied other kids; 1- found somebody weak and shy to pick on 2- Acquanted himself with some real tough guys and paid them 20
bucks to beat the crap out of somebody he didn't like and then saying, this is a present from Donny Trump. Everybody fell in line after a few of those incidents. Total jerk. Pelosi wanted to knock the crap out of him. I think she is capable of doing so, whining little bitch that he is.
catherine, ALL of the BS,$$$$$$$, saying he is GOD's #1 son, & all of the other stuff he has said or done, is not going to get him past those heavenly gates. Have a nice day.
I have been waiting since 2016. I look forward to being alive for the day that someone forces him to honor his word, if only once. Remember when he said that if he did not win the 2020 election that no one would ever hear from him again? Yeah, I cannot wait for THAT!!
Robert, don't tell me you really believe anything that Donnie says or does. Donnie is still trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge @ a discount price, Donnie needs the $$$$$$$$ to support his campaign. The bridge is just down the road from his so-called home in Florida. Donnie also still has that "once-in-a-lifetime- island" that is located in ARZ. near the Mexico border, Both places are said to have a wonderful view, (so I have been told) they just forgot to mention what the view was. Have a nice day.
I never knew about the "once-in-a-lifetime island." I missed that one. Also, funny how a so-called billionaire needs all this money, right? Oh, and as a New Jerseyan who lives ten minutes away from Midtown Manhattan, even I have used the "if you believe that, I gotta bridge to sell ya" on certain people, over the years.
One of my favorite TV series in recently history is "House," and once again, I was reminded of the brilliance (and the sexiness) of OBE/CBE Hugh Laurie, Dr. House's constant refrain is "Everybody lies."
Omg, me too.
Couldn't have said it better!!!!! Tyvm
pamela, sorry to tell you, that is not going to happen for at least another 100+ years. Even after Donnie is 6 feet under (for 30-50+yrs) there are always going to be talk shows, talking heads, the GOP, MSM, Donnie's backers & supporters to mention his name up every so often. So, in reality, it is going to take many, many decades for 90%+ to ever forget about Donnie. These are just my opinions. Besides, do you really think that Donnie's backers & followers are ever going to let his name be forgot? Have a nice day.
I hate to agree , but it’s true ! He has done so much damage in his 4 years & even more since . He convinced his minions that the election was stolen & put people in danger with all his lie’s ! He is DESPICABLE !
I sincerely hope you have a nice day too-when trumpy is no more.
If he gets humiliated by Kamala in Nov, he & his MAGAt Cult might just try to fade away! Oh, and don't forget, he will have to still stand for a couple of more trials, too! He may just be locked up for awhile! Wouldn't that be the best thing for our country? LOCK HIM UP!! 😂🤣😏😎!
Agree and how about if Judge Merchan does the right thing and jails him for 4 years in September? That would be the ultimate and from what I understand, SCOTUS has no authority over a state case. Lock him up. LOCK HIM UP! In the name of JESUS, LOCK HIM UP!
'fade away' is just not in trump's playbook - his 'people' might decide they have had enough, but the less attention he gets the more noise he will make - to try to stay in the spotlight ! If/when he pops off, there will be a huge Elvis-like movement to make money off the whole thing, and to create somewhere for the idiots to go & worship at his shrine. Hopefully they will forget about trying to take over the world, but trump-mania will still be around !
Say it isn’t so!
Yes, please! He promised to leave the USA if he lost! Yes please. Go to Russia and kiss Putinski's arse! (No typo here!)
And he is in prison where he belongs, without his secret service or his cell phone.
.... including his children!
As they say: the aplle does not fall far from the tree and the respective DEI as an example ncould read
Donald Jr: Drug addict
Eric: Errand boy
Ivanka: Incompetent
I think we all share that sentiment.
He is really showing the strain, and it is only August. He is 78 after all. Kamala and whomever she chooses will be a nightmare for him. Can you imagine him calling her "low IQ"? That's the best they can come up with? As always, his projections tell you exactly what he is thinking and fearing.
He who refused to allow his grades to be released and he reportedly paid others to do much of his schoolwork. 😳
His father paid others to do his schoolwork, remember the professor that said trump was the dumbest person he ever had.
Yeah, and the doctors that his dad, Fred, paid to keep him from serving in our military? He was afraid to serve in 'Nam! Most of us did serve & he has the audacity to lie and bribe his way out of doing his duty during wartime?! And, he called our fallen "suckers & losers!" This putrid maniac doesn't deserve to command any military troops, let alone our total military! HE'S A COWARD!! Throw the bum out of our country! And, do it now!👍😎🐦🔥🔥
I have a volunteer, 2 tour combat vet at home with PTSD who has had multiple bouts of Agent Orange cancer. It is an insult to veterans for Cadet Bone Spur to be commander in chief. A 5X draft dodger.
Trump is an insult to mankind.
That comes as NO SURPRISE!!