Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I hope both Linden and Cap recover soon! It’s awful when pets or kids aren’t feeling well. My vote this week is for the Team (families and lawyers) that secured the settlement against Remington for the Sandy Hook shooting. It was significant and trailblazing. Those families endured the unimaginable, then channeled their experiences into accountability for the gun manufacturer. Much respect and admiration for them.

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Great choice. In addition to the settlement, the legal team insisted on receiving complete documentation from Remmington, which might open surprising doors for future litigation of other gun manufacturers.

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Thank you! I agree and hope it does lead to future litigation. Their legal theory may really get some traction, which I’m sure motivated Remington to settle, at least in part.

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I also vote for the Sandy Hook legal team.

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Letitia James. The power to depose!!

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Mary: The squall was indeed wild here in CT. As for Cap, an FYI: sometimes the grow out of the heart murmur and indeed, sometimes nothing needs to be done. We have a 15 y/o male cat who has had one his whole life with no issues. For the other issues, they can do miraculous things. My nominee is WH Press Sec Jen Psaki. She handles an often ‘tough crowd’ with aplomb.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

So glad Cap and Linden are well Mary. It is such a worry when pets can not express in words what is going on. My good person of the week is Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. He does not deviate from his advocacy for dealing with climate change. He is persistent in educating the public about what the Koch's and Federalist Society's Supreme Court lackeys are doing to undermine our democracy. He is my favorite Senator.

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My vote for good human of the week is President Volodmyr Zelensky of Ukraine. Today as he spoke at the Munich Security Conference he stood tall and spoke directly and firmly to the Western Powers saying that they should "drop their policy of appeasement towards Moscow". He said "Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world's third largest nuclear arsenal. We have no weapons. And no security." He demanded a clear time-frame for when Ukraine can join the NATO alliance. In 1991 Ukraine committed to full disarmament, including strategic weapons, in exchange for economic support and security assurances from the United States and Russia. We need to step up and honor our word.

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I second that. He is really brave.

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I vote for Letitia James as well. She’s restored a measure of hope that TFG will FINALLY be held accountable. 🙏🏻

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

You are a wonderful cat Mom! I just adopted a sweet 2 month old girl from the shelter. She is very timid and coming along🙏🏻 As far as my person of the week Jen Psaki gets my vote! She is a tribute to her job and women! A fantastic example of what it means to do your homework and always answer the questions with remarkable intelligence and dignity!

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Living outside of the City and yes, wasn't that the wildest afternoon? We received at least an inch of snow in about 15 minutes. It was interesting to watch the birds trying to fly into the wind. Still howling out there and so cold. My award goes to Letitia James. We might be dancing in the streets after all. Mary, I think of you saying that your uncle would never leave, every single day. Oh how you warned us. ❤️

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Mary, I hope Linden gets better soon. I am glad Cap is feeling better.

Alex Wagner is my Good Human of the Week since she was thankfully replacing Rachel Maddow while she is on hiatus. All last week, I did not have to try to watch 3 hours of men (which I can't) on MSNBC. I realize that hosting a show is not that monumental, however, it makes Rachel's 2 month hiatus easier.

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Alex is doing a bang-up job. She is not Rachel. Rachel is not Alex. A little diversification goes a long way.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Well, first, I’m glad you enjoyed the luftwaffle. I sympathize with kitty issue. Coco has very high hyperthyroidism, and all she needs is a small bit of gel rubbed on the inside of her ears twice daily. She acts as if you’re murdering her. Her numbers have dropped from 15.8 to 8. She should be a three or four. We’re moving forward with another month of treatment before we try nuclear medicine. My person of the week is Letitia James. I’d love Donald Trump try to keep his mouth shut and take the Fifth. Have you ever know him to be speechless?

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

So glad Cap is doing well! Don’t you hate it when you get to Emergency and they seem fine? I nominate Tish James for bringing your uncle and your cousins to their knees.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Glad Cap seems on the mend & hope Linden is recovering.

I don't know Elana Meyers Taylor since & don't have TV nor follow the Olympics, but unless she's won the Good Human before, I'd go with Letitia James, who seems to have been one of, if not THE first person to start action against Donald, not counting his two impeachments; and since then, everything just seems to keep piling up, which is GREAT news!

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

My kitty (whose name shall not be mentioned online) seemed quite ill a couple of years ago. Not only was I worried but the symptom was throwing up a lot and not seeming to be interested in her food. I spent $900 on high tech diagnostics and tried all kinds of foods. It turned out she was very upset that I had let someone who needed space from her relatitionship stay in my guest room where my kitty liked to hang out! (That's MY room!). Once the human guest left, she was fine. 🙄. Agree abt Letitia but have been thinking all week how good a president Zelensky is in the face of a brutal invasion. Not bad for a comedian! can I split vote? Hope everyone is safe from storm.

P.S I'd like to mention the best phraseology of the week: "copius evidence of possible financial fraud."

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Blessings on your two cats, Mary, I hope they’ll be as lively as ever very soon. Everyone affected by bad weather, stay safe and dry. I second Vivien’s nomination of Letitia James.

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President Biden for dealing with Putin in a determined but calm manner. Seems like he is one step ahead of Putin.

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My impression too. Cool and calm does it.

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I vote for Letitia James as well for refusing to back down despite Donald and his adult children's attempts to shut down her investigations with baseless court appeals and motions to dismiss. Let's hope that her heroic actions lead to their downfall which would be a victory for true justice in this country.

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P.S. Glad Cap is doing better and hope Linden's virus goes away really soon.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Glad the kitties are well! I vote for Letitia James. My intuition tells me she’s the one to bring down the awful Trumps-at last. I shall dance in the streets and hope to see them in charming orange jumpsuits.

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Letitia James definitely but I also want to mention Glenn Kirschner ("Justice Matters"). He's doing his best to encourage people not to give up hope on Garland & the DOJ.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Greetings from Seattle. I agree, - Letitia James - getting the job done! Congrats on your fur kids. Cap was just testing to see IF you really LOVED her and would take her to the doctor. LOL Gotta be a story behind THAT name.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Keeping fingers crossed for Linden.

I vote for Kamala Harris who is representing our country well in Munich. The Ukrainian people need a strong NATO alliance to push back cray Putin. So many lives at stake.

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I vote for Ukrainian President Zelensky. His speech in Munich gave me hope for global freedom. He is a strong leader.

Thinking of your kitties. 🙏🏻

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Another vote for Letitia James, the current face of justice. Like you, I was (and still am) shocked and depressed that over 70 million people voted for four more years of thedonald. It takes a lot of bravery to stand up to that kind of mob. Compare that to Mueller.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Love your updates about the cats. I watched your interview/podcast with Fiona Hill this week - such a wonderful experience! As for who I would name - people here have such good suggestions. I favor Zelenskyy as well as Tish James.

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I will have to listen to this podcast: https://audioboom.com/posts/8019314-around-the-world-with-fiona-hill

And agree completely about Fyodor Zelensky and Leticia James -- heroic & defiant defenders of democracy. 🔥

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Elana Meyers Taylor kept smiling throughout the Olympics, and seems to be such an inspiring athlete, wife and mother of a special needs baby — just an all-around strong woman.

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Totally 💯 relate to your pod pet worries. Always have enjoyed strong bonds with critters particularly kitties. My current 2 resident felines have been hanging with me inside nearly every minute for nearly 2 years now. Love the connection but find my observation and anxiety about every change of state more intense perhaps due to all of the time we have spent hunkered down here. Because one kitty is neuro diverse meaning semi feral taking to her to a vet is a serious risk-benefit calculation. The pandemic is another obstacle. I’ve had to talk myself down more than once when either seemed punky. They’ve managed to recover without intervention thus far. Cats are hard to read - subtle signals. I’m taken back to my previous NICU nurse career where observation of subtle signs was a skill I frequently called upon. But I had to deep breathe my way through some anxious worries during my career too. Glad to hear your “babies” are well and well cared for… “family”. 😘. I vote 🗳 for Teri Kanefield another attorney calmly sharing legal analysis on Twitter a calm analysis with undying support for helping us understand how we can contribute to make our democracy work. Her patient steady persistence and somewhat subtle sardonic understated sense of humor, SO appreciated in these times. My nervous system appreciates all opportunities for regulation!

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Stay safe, Mary. I've been getting messages from family and friends back home in New England about dangerous weather. I know you are in a lot of stress, but know you have your friends with you.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Glad Cap is doing better. Hope Linden improves as well.

My vote is for Fred Guttenberg, who marked the 4th anniversary of his daughter's murder with a 20-tweet thread about the deep and lasting impact of gun violence and the failure and responsibility of Americans to make changes so no one else has to suffer.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Letitia James more power to her. And I'm glad your furry family is doing ok. My Alice Roosevelt has given me scary moments at the Vets. She just turned 14 on Feb.13th. I got her from our local SPCA shortly after my mother died. Alice is my comfort kitty and like Pres. Teddy's daughter Alice my Alice is a handful but has voted Democratic.

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I nominate President Biden, Secretary of State Blinkin and President Zelensky of Ukraine, plus all the governments working hard to keep Russia at bay, for their huge effort to diffuse such a dangerous situation in Europe.

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I nominate Fred Guttenberg for his outstanding work on the prevention of gun violence. Below, in Fred’s own words, is part of his story:

“February 14th, 2018: My daughter Jaime, a high school freshman, went to school but never returned. Her life cut short at 14 years old because another student shot her with a gun he NEVER should have been able to get. Florida’s and America’s gun policies failed her.”

In the name of his daughter Jamie, Fred works tirelessly so that no other parent will ever know this unbearable pain.

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Hope that the fur babies feel better soon!

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

When Ben is sick I am freaked out. It's the part where they can't tell us what's wrong. So hard. 🙏

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I vote for Judge Amit Mehta who ruled that Congressman Swalwell’s lawsuit blaming trump for the violent insurrection can proceed. The judged ruled that trump has no presidential protections in this case. This ruling also paved the way for lawsuits filed by Black congress members and the capitol police. We need more in the judicial branch to stand up for what’s right

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

We, in Virginia, had a mild taste of your "Clipper" yesterday; it was really crazy. We can expect increased wind events due to global warming...

I nominate Zelenskyy, he's in the crosshairs and in an existential position (unlike your uncle). And, I'm happy your kitties are being treated; Linden's virus, as well as Cap's multiple issues. You are a wonderful Mom, Mary ❤️

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

You had me worried for a second about Cap. I'm glad she's ok. Weather here in Ok is crazy. Freezing then 70° the next day. At least no snow for now.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Cap adapted after one visit to vet, how cool, sometimes it's one experience that breaks the walls down, Ari we got at 8 mos, And First Two years she walked around the apt with her nose in the air, barely noticing us, but 5 yrs later she's so comfortable, when I cross My Legs she's lounges on my knees and thighs as I watch TV, very loving, Cap Being A Stray Had A Breakthrough, So Happy For You!

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

I’m so sorry to hear that Linden isn’t feeling well and hope recovery is quick. Cap is young and parasites are easy to treat. I’m praying the heart murmur is just the stress of going to the vet! I know when my furbabies are ill that I experience so much added stress because all you can do is see to their comfort and continue working with the vet on medications.

For person who did the most good, I nominate Ukraine’s President Zelensky for his speech in Munich, displaying courage in the face of the terrorist activities of Putin. The UN should be united with NATO partners sanctions against Russia.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Anyone who can or will bring 45 and kids to justice gets my vote. You go, Ms James. Hoping Linden and Cap are recovering well.

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Glad to hear that Cap is all better and acting out again as usual.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Cap is laughing and saying "hahaha.... made you spend it!" My cats have done this to me numerous times.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Mary L Trump

Sending well wishes to Linden and Cap. I had a kitten who had a heart murmur and she grew out of it by nine months. Hopefully Cap will also. The good thing about spaying is that it can be put off a bit longer than neutering. At least as far as I know. I’ve never had a female cat begin spraying before spaying but I have had male kittens begin spraying right around seven months old and neutering them at six months almost always thwarts that behavior.

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Letitia James - for getting those three deposed ASAP!

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Here in Upstate, the wind and snow blasted through around 10 am and it has been blizzarding every since. Even my big lab, Annie, didn't like going out in it, even though she loves snow typically. Let's nominate Letitia James...hopefully a real step toward ending Donald's reign of terror.

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Elana Meyers Taylor.....for being a Mom, surviving Covid and winning medals for the USA while facing racism

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I too vote for Letitia James. She is no nonsense and not gonna play his stupid games but move confidently toward a conviction. And it must be really burn him to the core that not only is she a woman but a black woman! This makes me smile all over. 🥰

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Yep, NY AG Letitia James

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

I’d like to nominate Emmanuel Macron as this week’s Good Human of the Week.

As someone making a concerted, visible effort to prevent the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine.

I’m writing this as someone who witnessed the flashpoints and heights and depths of the Cold War, and also as one who listened to my Father and Grandfather’s accounts of the Second World War, all the way to the U.S. Civil War.

The Civil War was especially revealing.

My Grandfather, born just after the turn of the 20th century, recalled for me the sight of seeing Civil War veterans sitting on their rocking chairs on their front porches, as he and his classmates walked home from school.

His description was that they may have been there physically, but in all other ways they had ceased to exist long ago.

If a war in Europe at this time can be averted, the human race will count this is a unique and singular achievement long dreamed of: a world, resting on the basis of shared responsibility and rule of law, rather than a world based on appearances, and the threat of violence.

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Fred Guttenberg, Leticia James, and VP Kamala Harris are all great choices. But this week, I’m also thinking about Hillary Clinton. She could be living a quiet life free of politics and out of the right wing line of fire that has plagued her entire life in public service. However, she keeps fighting for things most Americans believe in and against what threatens our democracy. She also masterfully (and possibly legally) put Fox News in their place for their constant promotion of disinformation and lies about her. She’s an important an powerful voice for many and I’m still with her because she keeps fighting for us.

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Letitia James! A Lehman College alum no less.

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Letitia james

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Letitia James

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