In terms of the structural aspect of the hearings, I think having a theme for each one of them is very helpful to focus the audience on how widespread the criminal activity was during that time. Secondly, the fact that there are so many different visuals on that giant screen to stitch the narrative together along with the committee members speeches and questions to the witnesses. They made it a TV show without it looking like a TV show due to the serious nature of these hearings.
As for your second question Mary, I think this last hearing showing what Donald was and wasn't doing for that 3 hours and 7 minutes has to wake Garland up to the immediate need to indict him and others who have not been charged with federal crimes yet. The committee still needs to indict the entire GOP for their white nationalist Christofascist ideology. I hope Liz and Adam don't prevent that from being stated explicitly during one of the hearings in September so it gets the MSM coverage it needs.
Also, thank you for doing the livestreams of the hearings. I really appreciate you and all of your guest's commentary and insight.
I think the committee is doing a MASTERFUL job of revealing all the people, places and things that had to come together (or apart) in order for us to have reached an attempted coup. I certainly think the DOJ has enough to bring charges against the leader of that coup - and perhaps the worst American alive - Donald Trump. What I honestly worry about though; is that all the people who were horrified at the coup when it happened are the same people who are even MORE horrified as we see all the pieces that we were not privy to, initially. And similarly, all the people who watched, rooted and stormed are STILL the RIDICULOUSLY HIGH percentage of Republicans whom still TO THIS DAY believe the 2020 election was stolen. Who refuse to be vaccinated against a deadly virus that is only getting worse with each week that goes by. Who will not wear masks when they KNOW those masks can mitigate harm to themselves and others. And who cheered the overturn of Roe v Wade. This group here Mary, is not the group that needs convincing. And I fear that NOTHING …. NO TAPE … NO TESTIMONY … NO PROOF … will do a thing to move the huge group of Americans whom MUST be moved if we want to save our democracy, our human rights and the safety and health of our planet. That’s what makes me nauseous during every trial. During every day. That’s what keeps me up at night.
There is no reaching the people like that. We need to concentrate on registering voters, and getting turn out. We outnumber them, by a lot (not that they aren't scary...they are). I saw a chart from a credible source, and independents are the largest group. Independents (which I believe includes former republicans who cannot stomach what their party has turned into) are the largest group, followed by Democrats and then Republicans. And of course there is a large group of "did not vote" in every election. Focus our energies on turning these folks out to vote. Every person who values democracy needs to turn out every election at every level, and for the time being, vote Democratic candidates. It's the only major party we have currently, supportive of representative government. Don't despair, organize. We outnumber them.....we simply need to turn out and vote.
I find it so hard to believe there have not been more charges and indictments against some of these people, especially with so much evidence of wrongdoing. I understand that money and power play a role in people getting off, but with such serious issues that will affect our country, it is time to look past who some of these people are and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Our democracy depends on it!
The biggest problem is media softening the blow rather than emphasising the impact of revelations, with regard to the consciousness of those who most need to realise it.
Dear eeny68, I urge you to watch MSNBC to get the most accurate and, by far, the most educated, actual journalistic, reports and reviews, as quickly as it can be verified. (And, no, I don’t work for that network, but I would! 😃)
(Oh, I did also just utter that purposeful slight of tongue re: Fux Not-News … but a disgraceful “entertainment channel”, didn’t I? Yes, and …no apologies due!)
Please also note that the F- channel really was NOT licensed as a genuine news source anyway. That dog and pony show of a network is among the most damaging realities we must remember as it is … skewed hogwash. If you perform a quick search of the educational records if their “talking heads”, you will find most never finished college, and if they did it wasn’t with a journalism degree, and I think none, today, have ever and will likely never be hired by any reputable news source; thus, they are well paid and eager to keep their hot air time going, whatever the loss to any future beyond the “dark side”.
Please note, also, that CNN has recently changed hands (ownership — and, please check this interesting tidbit for yourself); but, their skewed attempts to straddle the fence, representing BOTH the educated and revered news, while ALSO lending confusing and further diminishing credence to the obscure and/or uninformed, and/or the irate, and untrustworthy rants of the likes of Fux Entertainment, has disgraced them under their new “flag”.
CNN is history as far as my ever watching it for any verifiable news.
… On a much more delightfully pleasant note …
Mary Trump, I am so grateful for this source you are providing, replete with your generous insights and supporting expressions, and intellectually intelligent comments by many of your very meaningfully impassioned guests!
Thank you for holding your own, as they say, and I very much understand the sad reality of family relationships with folks who have drifted to the dark side much like the followers of Jim Jones imbibing his kool-aid at all abandon and, unfortunately, finding themselves led to their horrific end.
It’s really hard when one is surrounded by the unknowing brainwashed, and harder, still, when it’s the bulk of all the family one has.
Suffice to say that I am so encouraged to find like minds among this group of your grateful supporters, and look forward to some kindred friendships from your encouraging land of light!
I keep thinking about the old "Twilight Zone" episodes where the devil tempts the star to sell his soul -- I just never thought I'd see so many actual people do it as flagrantly as the republicans have, assuming they ever had souls.
The most striking thing to me about the hearings is the brilliant writing of statements for Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. It takes my breath away and makes me think that these are the speeches history will remember. I also think the smooth orchestration of the hearings makes the impact far greater than any Congressional proceeding I've seen.
I do think this last hearing, particularly the Jan. 7 outtakes, was the drop the mic moment (or 3 hours). If DOJ doesn't decide to indict Donald and others, I don't know what will. If DOJ doesn't take on Donald -- I vote for treason -- I'm afraid our democracy may be irreparably harmed. Donald's MO is to push the boundaries, and each time he gets away with it, he pushes even more. Jan. 6 and leading up to it was the ultimate boundary push. If he's stopped now, there are no limits left.
The must stunning revelation for me was learning that Pence's SS team feared for their lives, even making farewell calls to loved ones. I am assuming these folks are tough and well-trained and to think they were that fearful indicates how violent the mob really was.
I've lived in various states and ended up in Connecticut for more than 25 years. Then I moved to Missouri (grew up in St Louis so came home to retire). I knew what I was getting into as far as St Louis being a blue island (along with Kansas City) in a red state. But Hawley is beyond the pale. I LOVE the running gif, especially some of the music used. I agree with a lot of comments below on the structural aspect of the hearings. I like things to be well organized and filled with information. I can't stand the political grand standing that usually occurs (i.e., Jim Jordan et al) so these hearings have been a pleasant surprise. Keep up your good work.
I think the most effective structural aspect of the hearings are the live testimony combined with taped hearing to tell the story of what really happened that day and how active Trump was in leading his army to the capitol to overthrow the government.
I’ve been realizing to my shock that we can’t assume anything. Always being on guard is emotionally wearing but very necessary in these times. Thank you for shining the light on the dark shadows so it’s clear what’s been going on.
The dignity and respect among the committee members and the logical presentation of mind boggling revelations to me has been the most effective structural aspect of the hearings.
If people aren’t convinced by now, then the revelations that will be revealed in September may have the greatest potential to make a difference in terms of whether or not these hearings have the desired effect. If the DOJ doesn’t indict Donald and everybody else implicated in the insurrection, then America is truly dead. If the hearings don’t convince American voters that our democracy is not safe in the hands of the Republican Party, the country will collapse and voters will have to find out the hard way that that they made a fatal mistake.
Mary, there are many, many revelations that knocked me off my feet, but one of the most delightful revelations has been your LIVE podcast coverage of the Hearings on YouTube.
P.S. I may never recover from the one with Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell. My Gawd!
OH MY GOSH me too! I almost had a heart attack when they popped onto the screen. You never know what awesome person will pop up on the Mary Trump Show!
Without a doubt, Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony was a huge revelation regarding Trump’s deliberate intent to disrupt a lawful and peaceful transfer of power.
Totally agree. Living in Florida, I fear the evil and damage Ron DeSantis could cause at least as much as I do Donald Trump. I keep thinking, "be careful what you wish for," because this could end Donald's reign but position DeSantis to step in, and he's a lot smarter and more devious than Donald.
No denying TFG's deviousness, but combine that with intelligence and you have DeSantis. Trump could've done a lot more damage than he managed if he was also competent. It's lucky for us he was so poor at his job. DeSantis isn't like that. He'll actually get things done, which, considering what he want's to do, is really terrifying.
I totally agree! Trump is being dropped from the R rage machine to make way for horrible DeSantes. He is more scary because the evil is in his head, not spoon fed.
Trumps evil is just inbred opportunism baked in from a dysfunctional upbringing. If Democrats were as easy to dupe as Republicans he’d just as likely have been a Democrat.
DeSantis is a whole different animal. He is bonafide evil through and through, a menace to the free world, and everything he does advertises just how much America will be destroyed if he manages to somehow ascent to the White House. He scares me way more than Trump ever did.
I agree with your assessment of DeSantis, but is he as willing to break the law, to undermine the Constitution? Somehow, I can’t see that he is. As far right as he is and a willing as he is to pander to his Evangelical base, surely he has some moral fiber which will prevent him from further undoing our Democracy?
DeSantis doesn't care about the Constitution and will undermine it in a more thoughtful, devious way. We're still holding our collective breaths to see what his newly created "election police" will do as well as his newly created Florida Digital Service that's supposed to oversee technology issues yet its director is an up-and-coming first term republican legislator with absolutely zero technology experience. I don't believe that it's just coincidence that both were created a year before he faced re-election so he can keep his stepping stone to the White House. Not to mention, DeSantis implemented an "intellectual freedom" survey of all public college and university professors to chill speech of liberals. And getting passed an "anti-riot" bill that is also meant at chilling protests and free speech. Plenty more stuff as well. But the fact is that he comes across, as you say, as just "far right" but he is way more evil than that.
I agree with you Cheryl. By any objective metric DeSantis is a far more effective practitioner of racist kleptocracy than even Trump. God forbid he is given the megaphone and bully pulpit the former guy had.
DeSantis will destroy what remains of America as he could care less about the law, and, if he wins, he’ll most likely be gifted a congress more than willing to help ram through an odious Handmaiden agenda first chance they get, after killing the filibuster while laughing at and thumbing their noses at the foolish Democrats for not doing it when they had the chance (thanks Manchin).
If DeSantis gets in don’t be surprised if before the end of his first term the sight of gays, trans and liberals hanging from street lamps doesn’t become common in America, and I’m not kidding.
I agree. On one hand Trump HAS to be indicted otherwise whats the point of having any kind of laws on the book? On the other hand, DeSantis is much worse than Trump and he’s champing at the bit to be a real dictator.
The good news is, barring Republican malfeasance, which is a real possibility, if the contest is between Biden and DeSantis, Biden will win. The incumbent always wins a 2nd term unless their administration was marred by some kind of scandal. Carter is was the Iranian hostages, Bush I “Read My Lips,” and Trump it wasn’t how awful a person he is, it was his mishandling of Covid.
I hope you're right -- if Biden runs again and isn't opposed by others. If Dems want to go with someone else, I'm afraid all bets are off. Unfortunately, the most logical candidate, Kamala Harris, is, in my opinion, the weakest.
1. The live witness testimony (both the emotional testimony of the Capitol Police officers and poll workers, and the Republican after Republican after Republican aides/staff/officials) interspersed with the graphic visuals of video and text messages.
2. I don't think the hearings will force the DOJ to do anything - I think the DOJ is already very deep into the work, is keeping abreast of the hearings, and I do think ultimately will indict some of the critical players, including Donald. I know, I know - many disagree because the DOJ is, admittedly, moving at a (seemingly) agonizingly slow pace! But with the charges brought so far and the activity that we have seen (I think there's a lot that we don't see), coupled with the snippets Garland has said gives me faith that there will be meaningful accountability, absent some unforeseen curveball (I do sometimes wonder what/if national security implications might come into play). Not to mention Garland's background and the part of his confirmation hearing where he got choked up talking about what coming to this country meant to his family and the importance of the rule of law - I don't believe what's at stake is lost on him or the D.C. US Attorney, for that matter. The revelation that I hope motivates everyone to vote Democratic up and down the ballot is that the attempt to overturn the election by various means was clearly and unequivocally planned, is still in motion, and will be (already is being?!?!) attempted again. I'm glad to see the Committee pointing that out and I hope they start to hammer the point that this is beyond Donald a bit more.
P.S. The Nerd Avenger J6 panels have been wonderful - a big thank you to you and your guests! Keep up the great work and rest up for September!
In terms of the structural aspect of the hearings, I think having a theme for each one of them is very helpful to focus the audience on how widespread the criminal activity was during that time. Secondly, the fact that there are so many different visuals on that giant screen to stitch the narrative together along with the committee members speeches and questions to the witnesses. They made it a TV show without it looking like a TV show due to the serious nature of these hearings.
As for your second question Mary, I think this last hearing showing what Donald was and wasn't doing for that 3 hours and 7 minutes has to wake Garland up to the immediate need to indict him and others who have not been charged with federal crimes yet. The committee still needs to indict the entire GOP for their white nationalist Christofascist ideology. I hope Liz and Adam don't prevent that from being stated explicitly during one of the hearings in September so it gets the MSM coverage it needs.
Also, thank you for doing the livestreams of the hearings. I really appreciate you and all of your guest's commentary and insight.
I think the committee is doing a MASTERFUL job of revealing all the people, places and things that had to come together (or apart) in order for us to have reached an attempted coup. I certainly think the DOJ has enough to bring charges against the leader of that coup - and perhaps the worst American alive - Donald Trump. What I honestly worry about though; is that all the people who were horrified at the coup when it happened are the same people who are even MORE horrified as we see all the pieces that we were not privy to, initially. And similarly, all the people who watched, rooted and stormed are STILL the RIDICULOUSLY HIGH percentage of Republicans whom still TO THIS DAY believe the 2020 election was stolen. Who refuse to be vaccinated against a deadly virus that is only getting worse with each week that goes by. Who will not wear masks when they KNOW those masks can mitigate harm to themselves and others. And who cheered the overturn of Roe v Wade. This group here Mary, is not the group that needs convincing. And I fear that NOTHING …. NO TAPE … NO TESTIMONY … NO PROOF … will do a thing to move the huge group of Americans whom MUST be moved if we want to save our democracy, our human rights and the safety and health of our planet. That’s what makes me nauseous during every trial. During every day. That’s what keeps me up at night.
There is no reaching the people like that. We need to concentrate on registering voters, and getting turn out. We outnumber them, by a lot (not that they aren't scary...they are). I saw a chart from a credible source, and independents are the largest group. Independents (which I believe includes former republicans who cannot stomach what their party has turned into) are the largest group, followed by Democrats and then Republicans. And of course there is a large group of "did not vote" in every election. Focus our energies on turning these folks out to vote. Every person who values democracy needs to turn out every election at every level, and for the time being, vote Democratic candidates. It's the only major party we have currently, supportive of representative government. Don't despair, organize. We outnumber them.....we simply need to turn out and vote.
I find it so hard to believe there have not been more charges and indictments against some of these people, especially with so much evidence of wrongdoing. I understand that money and power play a role in people getting off, but with such serious issues that will affect our country, it is time to look past who some of these people are and prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Our democracy depends on it!
The biggest problem is media softening the blow rather than emphasising the impact of revelations, with regard to the consciousness of those who most need to realise it.
Dear eeny68, I urge you to watch MSNBC to get the most accurate and, by far, the most educated, actual journalistic, reports and reviews, as quickly as it can be verified. (And, no, I don’t work for that network, but I would! 😃)
(Oh, I did also just utter that purposeful slight of tongue re: Fux Not-News … but a disgraceful “entertainment channel”, didn’t I? Yes, and …no apologies due!)
Please also note that the F- channel really was NOT licensed as a genuine news source anyway. That dog and pony show of a network is among the most damaging realities we must remember as it is … skewed hogwash. If you perform a quick search of the educational records if their “talking heads”, you will find most never finished college, and if they did it wasn’t with a journalism degree, and I think none, today, have ever and will likely never be hired by any reputable news source; thus, they are well paid and eager to keep their hot air time going, whatever the loss to any future beyond the “dark side”.
Please note, also, that CNN has recently changed hands (ownership — and, please check this interesting tidbit for yourself); but, their skewed attempts to straddle the fence, representing BOTH the educated and revered news, while ALSO lending confusing and further diminishing credence to the obscure and/or uninformed, and/or the irate, and untrustworthy rants of the likes of Fux Entertainment, has disgraced them under their new “flag”.
CNN is history as far as my ever watching it for any verifiable news.
… On a much more delightfully pleasant note …
Mary Trump, I am so grateful for this source you are providing, replete with your generous insights and supporting expressions, and intellectually intelligent comments by many of your very meaningfully impassioned guests!
Thank you for holding your own, as they say, and I very much understand the sad reality of family relationships with folks who have drifted to the dark side much like the followers of Jim Jones imbibing his kool-aid at all abandon and, unfortunately, finding themselves led to their horrific end.
It’s really hard when one is surrounded by the unknowing brainwashed, and harder, still, when it’s the bulk of all the family one has.
Suffice to say that I am so encouraged to find like minds among this group of your grateful supporters, and look forward to some kindred friendships from your encouraging land of light!
Justice Delayed; is Justice Denied"- MLK
As we are seeing, Justice delayed is permission to escalate beyond justice ever.
I keep thinking about the old "Twilight Zone" episodes where the devil tempts the star to sell his soul -- I just never thought I'd see so many actual people do it as flagrantly as the republicans have, assuming they ever had souls.
The most striking thing to me about the hearings is the brilliant writing of statements for Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. It takes my breath away and makes me think that these are the speeches history will remember. I also think the smooth orchestration of the hearings makes the impact far greater than any Congressional proceeding I've seen.
I do think this last hearing, particularly the Jan. 7 outtakes, was the drop the mic moment (or 3 hours). If DOJ doesn't decide to indict Donald and others, I don't know what will. If DOJ doesn't take on Donald -- I vote for treason -- I'm afraid our democracy may be irreparably harmed. Donald's MO is to push the boundaries, and each time he gets away with it, he pushes even more. Jan. 6 and leading up to it was the ultimate boundary push. If he's stopped now, there are no limits left.
The must stunning revelation for me was learning that Pence's SS team feared for their lives, even making farewell calls to loved ones. I am assuming these folks are tough and well-trained and to think they were that fearful indicates how violent the mob really was.
I've lived in various states and ended up in Connecticut for more than 25 years. Then I moved to Missouri (grew up in St Louis so came home to retire). I knew what I was getting into as far as St Louis being a blue island (along with Kansas City) in a red state. But Hawley is beyond the pale. I LOVE the running gif, especially some of the music used. I agree with a lot of comments below on the structural aspect of the hearings. I like things to be well organized and filled with information. I can't stand the political grand standing that usually occurs (i.e., Jim Jordan et al) so these hearings have been a pleasant surprise. Keep up your good work.
I think the most effective structural aspect of the hearings are the live testimony combined with taped hearing to tell the story of what really happened that day and how active Trump was in leading his army to the capitol to overthrow the government.
I’ve been realizing to my shock that we can’t assume anything. Always being on guard is emotionally wearing but very necessary in these times. Thank you for shining the light on the dark shadows so it’s clear what’s been going on.
The dignity and respect among the committee members and the logical presentation of mind boggling revelations to me has been the most effective structural aspect of the hearings.
If people aren’t convinced by now, then the revelations that will be revealed in September may have the greatest potential to make a difference in terms of whether or not these hearings have the desired effect. If the DOJ doesn’t indict Donald and everybody else implicated in the insurrection, then America is truly dead. If the hearings don’t convince American voters that our democracy is not safe in the hands of the Republican Party, the country will collapse and voters will have to find out the hard way that that they made a fatal mistake.
Mary, there are many, many revelations that knocked me off my feet, but one of the most delightful revelations has been your LIVE podcast coverage of the Hearings on YouTube.
P.S. I may never recover from the one with Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell. My Gawd!
OMG! Me too! My first thought was Rosie should lead a "Done Dancin' for the Dick" March!
OH MY GOSH me too! I almost had a heart attack when they popped onto the screen. You never know what awesome person will pop up on the Mary Trump Show!
So true! Mary is such a blessing with her work and the panels she assembles, so grateful for the time and insight they share.
Thank you Mary for all you do!
Without a doubt, Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony was a huge revelation regarding Trump’s deliberate intent to disrupt a lawful and peaceful transfer of power.
I believe that focusing the blame on Donald would leave the new Republican gang in power which would be the end of the United States.
Totally agree. Living in Florida, I fear the evil and damage Ron DeSantis could cause at least as much as I do Donald Trump. I keep thinking, "be careful what you wish for," because this could end Donald's reign but position DeSantis to step in, and he's a lot smarter and more devious than Donald.
I don't think anyone alive is more devious than Donald. I do believe there are many who are smarter.
No denying TFG's deviousness, but combine that with intelligence and you have DeSantis. Trump could've done a lot more damage than he managed if he was also competent. It's lucky for us he was so poor at his job. DeSantis isn't like that. He'll actually get things done, which, considering what he want's to do, is really terrifying.
Good point. There are so many varieties of sinister, amoral ways for evil to manifest itself.
I totally agree! Trump is being dropped from the R rage machine to make way for horrible DeSantes. He is more scary because the evil is in his head, not spoon fed.
Trumps evil is just inbred opportunism baked in from a dysfunctional upbringing. If Democrats were as easy to dupe as Republicans he’d just as likely have been a Democrat.
DeSantis is a whole different animal. He is bonafide evil through and through, a menace to the free world, and everything he does advertises just how much America will be destroyed if he manages to somehow ascent to the White House. He scares me way more than Trump ever did.
Absolutely. Dems have got to get ahead of this. Good points you make.
I agree with your assessment of DeSantis, but is he as willing to break the law, to undermine the Constitution? Somehow, I can’t see that he is. As far right as he is and a willing as he is to pander to his Evangelical base, surely he has some moral fiber which will prevent him from further undoing our Democracy?
DeSantis doesn't care about the Constitution and will undermine it in a more thoughtful, devious way. We're still holding our collective breaths to see what his newly created "election police" will do as well as his newly created Florida Digital Service that's supposed to oversee technology issues yet its director is an up-and-coming first term republican legislator with absolutely zero technology experience. I don't believe that it's just coincidence that both were created a year before he faced re-election so he can keep his stepping stone to the White House. Not to mention, DeSantis implemented an "intellectual freedom" survey of all public college and university professors to chill speech of liberals. And getting passed an "anti-riot" bill that is also meant at chilling protests and free speech. Plenty more stuff as well. But the fact is that he comes across, as you say, as just "far right" but he is way more evil than that.
I agree with you Cheryl. By any objective metric DeSantis is a far more effective practitioner of racist kleptocracy than even Trump. God forbid he is given the megaphone and bully pulpit the former guy had.
DeSantis will destroy what remains of America as he could care less about the law, and, if he wins, he’ll most likely be gifted a congress more than willing to help ram through an odious Handmaiden agenda first chance they get, after killing the filibuster while laughing at and thumbing their noses at the foolish Democrats for not doing it when they had the chance (thanks Manchin).
If DeSantis gets in don’t be surprised if before the end of his first term the sight of gays, trans and liberals hanging from street lamps doesn’t become common in America, and I’m not kidding.
I know you're not kidding, Philip. You express the danger of him well.
I agree. On one hand Trump HAS to be indicted otherwise whats the point of having any kind of laws on the book? On the other hand, DeSantis is much worse than Trump and he’s champing at the bit to be a real dictator.
The good news is, barring Republican malfeasance, which is a real possibility, if the contest is between Biden and DeSantis, Biden will win. The incumbent always wins a 2nd term unless their administration was marred by some kind of scandal. Carter is was the Iranian hostages, Bush I “Read My Lips,” and Trump it wasn’t how awful a person he is, it was his mishandling of Covid.
I hope you're right -- if Biden runs again and isn't opposed by others. If Dems want to go with someone else, I'm afraid all bets are off. Unfortunately, the most logical candidate, Kamala Harris, is, in my opinion, the weakest.
Agree. Too bad that it appears tha she has not been given any high profile areas to show her leadership chops.
Thank you, Mary Trump. We need to band together to save democracy.
1. The live witness testimony (both the emotional testimony of the Capitol Police officers and poll workers, and the Republican after Republican after Republican aides/staff/officials) interspersed with the graphic visuals of video and text messages.
2. I don't think the hearings will force the DOJ to do anything - I think the DOJ is already very deep into the work, is keeping abreast of the hearings, and I do think ultimately will indict some of the critical players, including Donald. I know, I know - many disagree because the DOJ is, admittedly, moving at a (seemingly) agonizingly slow pace! But with the charges brought so far and the activity that we have seen (I think there's a lot that we don't see), coupled with the snippets Garland has said gives me faith that there will be meaningful accountability, absent some unforeseen curveball (I do sometimes wonder what/if national security implications might come into play). Not to mention Garland's background and the part of his confirmation hearing where he got choked up talking about what coming to this country meant to his family and the importance of the rule of law - I don't believe what's at stake is lost on him or the D.C. US Attorney, for that matter. The revelation that I hope motivates everyone to vote Democratic up and down the ballot is that the attempt to overturn the election by various means was clearly and unequivocally planned, is still in motion, and will be (already is being?!?!) attempted again. I'm glad to see the Committee pointing that out and I hope they start to hammer the point that this is beyond Donald a bit more.
P.S. The Nerd Avenger J6 panels have been wonderful - a big thank you to you and your guests! Keep up the great work and rest up for September!
You nailed it Mary! He orchestrated it all and then gleefully watched as it was happening!